As the month begins, we are overrun with the clamoring brouhaha of election season. Ostensibly once again, it is the THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR TIME. Where have we heard this before - and before that?

Granted, voting in local elections can generate positive results but the belief that big elections matter - or that the candidates are decidedly different -- is naive. Pluto in Capricorn has been waking us up to the dysfunction of the elites and the ruling class and there should be no doubt that candidates are selected by the powers that be, not by the people.

As we are in the throes of the U. S. Pluto return, exact next month, we are indeed in a transition point regarding the future of our nation. But it is not simply the result of the last four or six years, but decades in the making. And in more recent times, Citizen's United (2010) and earlier pharmaceutical immunity, (1986) signed into law by entrenched Republicans and Democrats alike (think about all the 30 year plus veterans of congress) allowing corporations to have a voice, rang the death knell of a democratically elected congress.

Fascism exists on both sides, one more of a dangerous caricature, the other the smooth talking salesman. Do you prefer to get stabbed in the face or in the back? Either way is deadly.

What to do now? First off, realize the charade and withdraw one's fascination with the political playoffs and get busy in crafting your own destiny and supporting leaders with courage and integrity. While the specter of a globalist one world government is very near (and began with the League of Nations and amplified during the American decline in the 1970's), it does not have to become a foregone conclusion.

But understand that the possibility of a lost America is there as Pluto will destroy one paradigm to build another - and it doesn't have to be a better one. We can lose the last vestige of what we think is representative democracy and simply become one ailing entity as part of a bureaucratic AI controlled world.

Going back to election day, Venus will be in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. Scorpio reveals the cost or dependency in any relationship - or the deal that one makes to preserve emotional or financial security. Uranus in Taurus is saying let go of all those old ideas and set out in a new direction. This might include the notion that any one leader or party will save us.

Venus also gets caught in the ongoing square of Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius - change in money and values vs. the egregious nature of a technocracy. Does social media determine our values? You betcha and perhaps a divorce from the constant flow of limited targeted information would do your mental health and soul some good.

Mid-month we experience a Taurus/Scorpio lunar eclipse which shakes out a lot of the misaligned unions/relationships that we have been tolerating. Much of these situations had already been shattered in 2018 and 2019 with a serious of earlier eclipses in Leo/Aquarius (And to those people asking will Trump be thrown in jail, it is possible as these span his rising sign partnership house and his time in the White House).

If we realize that the arrangement no longer works, time to let it go as there will be new opportunities for merging next spring.

What helps us to see the bigger picture in all this emotional tumult? The personal planets moving into Sag help us to gain some perspective and ideally, wisdom from the proceedings. Sagittarius follows Scorpio in the zodiac and one we've gone through the depths of psychological pain and purging, Sag discovers the bigger purpose. Sag is also party time and we can get an early start this season as so many looming global events threaten to break the holiday spirit.

Another part of our healing involves Chiron in a challenging aspect to the North node all month long and into December. There is a need to finally be free to be oneself and use the headaches and the rage to further a new goal and sense of self.

Jupiter also provides a healing balm when he turns direct on November 23rd in the tail end of Pisces. We can revisit our dreams, perhaps tempered now by reality and set them in motion in the New Year.

Venus in Scorpio in aspect to Saturn and Uranus
dancing with the devil and our desires

As we venture trepidatiously into Scorpio season, many of the difficult emotions and conflicts we encountered in October are still being processed. Pluto is the natural ruler of Scorpio and when confronting this energy, we are dealing with a form of emotional nuclear power.

The magnetism as well as the repulsion of the archetype are also on full display in our attraction to dark personalities and real life horror stories. This is our shadow side and this period between The Day of the Dead and Thanksgiving, we can work to understand why we drawn to the most bedeviled amongst us.

For much of the month, Venus, the planet connected to love and values will be in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus (dramatic upheaval of stability). Scorpio reveals the cost or dependency in any relationship - or the unwritten pact that one makes to preserve emotional or financial security. Uranus in Taurus is saying let go of all those entrenched ideas and set out in a new direction.

Venus also triggers the ongoing square of Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius - how will our values change in light of a technocratic future?

How does social media impact our thoughts and beliefs? Perhaps a divorce from the constant flow of limited targeted information would do your mental health and soul some good.

It may be that our societal restrictions are so strong that the need for a chthonic destruction allows us to clear the decks of our crowded and repressed psyches.

This month take note of where early childhood imprints are brushing up against new ideas and old restrictions. Which will take precedence?

Where do the deepest emotional changes want to take place? And what are the impediments to this renewal?

ARIES - you are seeking greater depth in your intimate relationships but may also feel that money or social approval still hold unnecessary sway

TAURUS - you may desire greater equality in your significant relationship but it's hard to see yourself as worthy, particularly as a result of your history with your father

GEMINI - There is a thrust toward finding your right work but you may question your abilities or hearken back to old fears

CANCER - While you would love to to access your creative potential, you are still codependently attached to what your friends or partner may think

LEO - you have your own vision for home and family but you worry about public approval or partner's support

VIRGO - you feel a strong need to connect to your local community but are uncertain as to what you can contribute or lack faith in your abilities

LIBRA - you'd like to receive greater appreciation (and money) for your talent but somehow feel those closest to you are motivated by scarcity and supportive only of the status quo

SCORPIO - it's a time to generate deeper self-love but you may still be looking through the distorted lens of a partner or your mother,

SAGITTARIUS - there is a desire to venture into the unknown but you are plagued with a sense of weakness or inability to verbalize your thoughts

CAPRICORN - you would love to create a more expansive view of the future but concerns about financial security and your children may get in the way
AQUARIUS - there is a strong impulse to step into your professional power but you are at times undermined by your family history or childhood difficulties

PISCES - you are craving the opportunity to express your spiritual vision but may be hampered by earlier failures or ancient fears

Notice the desires of your Venus and utilize this potent astrological square to cleanse and alchemize old pain into future promise. This is clearly where lead turns into emotional gold.

Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces mid-month
wishful thinking against all odds

To add to the confusion of personal or political narratives Mars retrograding in Gemini will square Neptune in Pisces (the source of deception, wishful thinking, naive untested faith). As we will all be reconnecting with old partners, nemeses, siblings in real life or via social media, we will realize that our stories about "what happened" don't match. We can also see how we deluded ourselves by wanting to see something - in relationships the biggest one being "potential"- that might not have really been there.

Yes, childhood notions come into play as well as our own ambivalence. But we can also be unnecessarily distracted and, in the best case scenario, choose the larger meta dream over the minor drama in front of us.

Meaning, if you have a vision for your perfect relationship, your vision is not wrong but perhaps you've attached the wrong person to this ideal. In this case, hold onto the ideal, ditch the person until you encounter someone more capable of fulfilling that desire.

In every day reconstructions, whose story is to be believed and what is fiction/imagination/lying?

What is the small obstacle in front of me that is preventing me from achieving my dream? These question may arise:

ARIES - should we pursue the small story or concern ourselves with the supraconscious

TAURUS - is it worth fighting over money rather than advancing a new vision for the world

GEMINI - do I get in my own way and create confusion in my work

CANCER - could niggling fears be dissipated with a more spiritual view of life

LEO - is it worth spending time online vs. developing a one on one relationship

VIRGO - does your partner understand your work or obscures your efforts

LIBRA - is your fatigue due to lack of faith in the universe

SCORPIO - what holds greater value for you in the current moment - sex or creativity?

SAGITTARIUS - conflict in partnerships may compel you to isolate

CAPRICORN - are you a workaholic to runaway from uncomfortable feelings?

AQUARIUS - arguments with loved ones may push you to focus on work instead

PISCES - step back from chaos and consider your next chapter

Taurus lunar eclipse Nov 16th at 16 Taurus
emotional versus financial security

Lunar eclipses always reveal what has come to pass based on our previous actions at the solar eclipse cycle. We have been marinating in the Taurus/Scorpio axis of security and desire - with financial and emotional security being of primary concern for the last year 1/2 and even farther back to 2017/2018 when the Leo/Aquarius eclipses squared these degrees. (To simplify, right now you may be dealing with the fallout/consequences/opportunities that arose from decisions and situations percolating four or five years ago).

And yet, with Uranus in Taurus, what used to make us feel comfortable or safe is no longer, either through outer forces or inner changes. Hence, we must seek a new value system and means to fulfillment and equanamity.

How can we reconcile the need for emotional security and financial stability?

ARIES - the greater my self worth or ability to take care of myself, the more likely my romantic relationships will thrive

TAURUS - once I see myself in a new light, I will no longer tolerate emotionally abusive relationships

GEMINI - getting clear on my connection to source helps ameliorate my worries about performance and success

CANCER - letting go of old friends allows me to open up to new forms of creative expression

LEO - achieving mastery in my field brings greater comfort at home

VIRGO - developing my own personal views lessens my dependency on expedient friendships

LIBRA - greater emotional intimacy helps me see my worth

SCORPIO - a new type of partner allows me a new sense of self

SAGITTARIUS - taking care of my heath allays my fears of the unknown

CAPRICORN - opening up to another allows me to see a more promising future

AQUARIUS - newfound happiness at home leads to greater success at work

PISCES - trusting my own voice allows me to question the so-called experts

Mercury, Venus and Sun into Sag Nov 18th, Nov 17th and Nov 23rd
seeing the bigger picture

After we process some of our emotional distress, we are gifted with a sense of perspective and appreciation for what we went through.

Sagittarius allows us to develop a more mature and multi-faceted philosophy that helps us deal with adversity and disagreements.

Yet, dark side Sagittarius can imply dogmatic thinking (and this does not have to mean religious beliefs, but fanatical devotion to politics, cultural tribalism or science as well).

What role does religion and/or cultural beliefs play in your decision making? Is it truly objective or dogmatic? coming from an adult or child place?

If we take a step back and learn to live with paradox (i.e. holding two apparently disparate views and finding a common denominator), we are better able to grapple with a complex world). Black and white thinking is childish and easily manipulated.

In the best use of Sag energy, where can we use spiritual intelligence to move our lives forward:

ARIES - in reestablishing/reworking our view of the world

TAURUS - in positively managing emotional and sexual entanglements

GEMINI -in dealing with prominent partners

CANCER - in finding purpose in our work

LEO - in accessing our inner creativity

VIRGO - in expanding our view of family

LIBRA - in connecting to our local community, to see brotherhood and sisterhood in everyone

SCORPIO - in presenting our talents

SAGITTARIUS - in expressing our vision

CAPRICORN - in overcoming hubris

AQUARIUS - in reaching a larger crowd

PISCES - an alighting on our life purpose

Chiron at 13 degrees in Aries inconjunct North Node 13 degrees all month + December
becoming a sovereign full spectrum being

Chiron is about halfway through its 4 year transit through Aries so we should be becoming familiar with its purpose and expression. Chiron in Aries is associated with the wound of not being seen for whom one truly was. Of course, this usually goes back to childhood where a parent would have disregarded your thoughts and feelings and told you "who you were".

Aries is about the WILL TO BE and wounding here can cripple a person in finding their independence and voice. Healing comes from allowing oneself the full spectrum of feelings and expressions and coming to one's own with a fierce passion.

My healing comes from understanding and resolving the following:

ARIES - my self esteem improves when I realize that from a very early age my natural essence was rejected by others

TAURUS - I am more comfortable in my skin now and realize I was plagued with others' unnecessary worries that are not mine

GEMINI - I have determined that many of my friends did not see me clearly and I can gain solace in solitude and with god

CANCER - I feel more able to express myself in large groups or online once I let go of needing my father's approval

LEO - I can take on a leadership role once I've discarded irrelevant and distorted world views

VIRGO - my world and possibilities open up when I release the need to please my partner

LIBRA - - I delve into deeper intimacy after the realization that I had an erroneous preconceived notion of relationship

SCORPIO - if I am willing to take better care of myself, my relationships improve, it is not anyone else's job to make be feel worthy

SAGITTARIUS - my health and enthusiasm for life returns with the understanding that creativity takes many forms

CAPRICORN - I am more able to love once I've tossed out my mother's fears and prejudices

AQUARIUS - I realize I can have the home life I desire that does not have to replicate family of origin patterns

PISCES - I am able to communicate more easily once I let go of the false self image forged in childhood

Jupiter direct in Pisces Nov 23rd
dream on

In mid April 2022, we were blessed with a Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces, a new cycle around dream building. And once Jupiter moved into Aries in May, we may have felt more energy and desire to set this vision into motion, only possibly to have lost steam once Jupiter retrograded in July. We had to tread through Pisces a few more months to capture and/or release unrealistic fantasies. The ideas may have undergone a cleansing and reconsideration and now we can move forward again with renewed hope on Nov 23rd. At end of year, Jupiter will step back into Aries and its all cylinders go in the new year.

What recalibration of your beliefs or vision occurred in the past few months?

ARIES - the sense that your dream must relieve suffering

TAURUS - your goals must serve a higher purpose

GEMINI - you are gifted with a mission that will help humanity

CANCER - you may assist in inspiring humanity to more loving interactions

LEO - the work of two or more is greater than one

VIRGO - finding the right partner is key to achieving your mission

LIBRA - the need to take care of oneself first takes precedence

SCORPIO - opening your heart is the only way

SAGITTARIUS - finding your rightful home provides the foundation for the next stage of your life

CAPRICORN - discovering like-minded souls is absolutely necessary to the implementation of your vision

AQUARIUS - it is essential that you trust yourself with your ideas, they have been gifted to you for a reason

PISCES - you must trust that you are a vessel for positive change

While forward thinking and a decided letting go of the past are encouraged, these last months of 2022 will force us to look back and review the earliest imprints. Unfortunately, when not addressed, the past bleeds into the present and creates a future that we potentially don't want. So during this Scorpionic month, we are urged to do emotional deep dives. It is not for punishment, but rather for reappraisal and the ability to write and lean into a new story.

And we may even discover how our beliefs about the future were naive or ill-informed (as to our ability to craft the future or our abdication of responsibility which allows the vacuum to be filled by others, often nefarious in intent).

This dark future potential will be staring us in the face come next spring and we will have to decide if we are willing to get on board with an agenda that is not ours. Clearing out old patterns of obedience and deference to authority are a place to start and this winter, going back to the source of our disempowerment via parents, teachers, peers, authority figures, religious leaders, will perhaps leave us gagging at our lack of self-respect. (But we must have compassion because for millennia we have been conditioned to defer to so-called experts and the powerful and sacrifice ourselves and our needs in the process). But we can say "NO MORE"!

Part of the journey of awakening is realizing our intrinsic power and divinity so clearing the lens of false illusions will bring greater light to ourselves and future generations. Democracy dies in darkness, but it also dies in lack of courage and ability to face the truth.