As the month begins, we are still in the timeline of April's Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of lucky manifestation opportunities. If something did not show up for you yet, please note that the energy will be in effect for months to come.  

This month we experience the second retrograde of the 20-year Pluto in Aquarius cycle.  It will slowly dawn on us that the structures of old - literal, institutional and moral - no longer hold power and that a new focus of influence will be that of the technocratic realm.  If we don't want to merge with machines, we will have to strengthen our resolve to heal ourselves and our society so that we offer a better alternative future for humanity.  

The personal planets of Mars in Aries and Venus in Taurus will bring more vitality and pleasure into our everyday lives and we may have the motivation to forge a new path.  This is a small bulwark against larger cycles of inevitable decline as we begin to see the seeds of promise in the debris of the old world.

Jupiter moves into Gemini and the speed and range of communications will increase.  This is a very social transit and will inspire us to speak our minds.

Neptune is beginning it's move out of Pisces and will remain at the last degrees now through next summer.  This means we are wrapping up the long Neptune in Pisces cycle that began in 2010.  What dreams have gone by the wayside?  What illusions have cleared up?  How has your spirituality deepened?

In 2025, Saturn will move into Aries and Uranus into Gemini.  They will be joined by the aforementioned Neptune moving into Aries for 14 years and the trajectory of humankind will be changed forever.

Mars in Aries WA May 1st
breakaway action

After a slow and slightly depressing winter, spring and a wave of Aries energy arrived in April, lighting up the sky and our inner sense of possibility and enthusiasm. A powerful solar eclipse would have swept away vestiges of the past and ignited a new chapter in the house it affected.  We've also just exited Mercury retro in Aries and hopefully have come to some courageous and initiatory conclusions.

Our resolve will be greatly strengthened by Mars moving into Aries straight away on May 1st.

This "warlike" energy coming on the heels of the Pluto retrograde station May 2nd, could lead to some incendiary events on the world stage.  Pick the country that you think will go up in flames.

In our personal lives, it is preferable that we are more focused on moving forward rather than exacting revenge.  Exorcise the demons from your past as this is a period of rapid advancement should you take the bull by the horns.

Where might you be filled with a sense of urgency and adventure?

ARIES - you have fully stepped into your personal power and are not shy in expressing yourself

TAURUS - you have acknowledged your hidden resentments and can fully apply yourself to greater spiritual development

GEMINI - you are clear with your words and ideals and may feel compelled to spread them on social media

CANCER - you or your boss are actively invested in a new project

LEO -  you've got the travel bug so make a literal or figurative getaway

VIRGO - you feel like taking a risk financially or emotionally, go for it

LIBRA - a partner is pushing the relationship to the next level or a new person has entered the arena

SCORPIO - there's no better time than now to start a new fitness routine

SAGITTARIUS - take a chance on the creative idea now or be open to a little new flirtation

CAPRICORN - you're wiling to put in some elbow grease into upgrading your home base

AQUARIUS - you may bring the old gang together for a grand new adventure or cause

PISCES - ask for the raise, increase your fees, you are definitely worth it!

Pluto retrograde May 2nd 2 degrees Aquarius
who is the tyrant?

We're very early into the 20-year Pluto in Aquarius transit so it will take a while for us to totally cognize what this energy will be about.  However, it is obvious that the merger of technology and humans will become either a point of contention or a consideration on ethical or moral reasons.

In this age of post modernism and science replacing faith (or rather, becoming just another faith), we are told that all meaning is relative and subjective (except for THE SCIENCE).  

In its best iteration, science assists humans to live better lives. At its worst, it seeks to negate natural human or biological life and replace it with manmade constructions.

The push for transhumanism will be front and center in the coming years with AI potentially having the greatest role in "replacing" humanity.

Where are we going to see technology intruding in on our lives in a possibly nefarious (transformative) way"

ARIES - in social media and virtual interactions

TAURUS - in our work space

GEMINI - as a substitute for a spiritual life

CANCER - in the bedroom

LEO - separating us from our partner and others

VIRGO - in our health practices

LIBRA - in our creative space

SCORPIO - in our home, (Alexa, robots, etc), replacing the family

SAGITTARIUS - in our daily interactions and studies
CAPRICORN - in how we make money

AQUARIUS - in either embracing or limiting the effects on our identity

PISCES - in our meditation and thoughts

Mercury direct on degree of Eclipse May 5th and 6th
news of adventure and a new life

We're living in dynamic times where one system is crashing and giving way to a new construct.  We may not know what that is yet, but we are clear that going backwards is not an option.  Mercury retrograde may have had us recoup or reconsider some old entrepreneurial ideas or ways to become more independent.  

What is the freedom that we now so clearly crave?

ARIES - the need to speak your mind

TAURUS - the desire to be fearless

GEMINI - the excitement of a new crowd or tribe

CANCER - your own business

LEO - the ability to form your own opinions, let go of programmed religion or politics

VIRGO - financial independence

LIBRA  - space in a relationship

SCORPIO - more flexible work hours

SAGITTARIUS - time to pursue creative interests

CAPRICORN - living on your own terms

AQUARIUS - new broad minded friendships

PISCES - to receive full compensation for your work

Venus in Taurus conjunction Uranus in Taurus May 18th + 19th
Venus in Taurus conjunction with Jupiter May 23rd
magic and glamour

Hopefully many of us were able to receive the benefits of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on April 20th.  If nothing has yet come your way, do not worry as the aspect will be in effect much of the remaining year.

For those who did notice what possibilities are presented to you, pleasant contacts of Venus to the lucky planets will bring more treasure your way.

And while in our materialist world, money is always useful or desired, we may also attract greater security, connection, beautiful surroundings as well.

Where can the bling of Taurean luck show up for you?

ARIES - a greater feeling of confidence, most likely helped along by a salary increase

TAURUS - the ability to receive appreciation and opportunities from others - all eyes are on you

GEMINI - a chance to feel more secure and connected to spirit, a potential benefactor behind the scenes

CANCER - with invitations to more social gatherings

LEO - a promotion or greater recognition at work

VIRGO - potential opportunities abroad or through a foreigner

LIBRA - financial gain through a partner

SCORPIO - your partner is turning out to be a gem (even if together for some time)

SAGITTARIUS - greater health, better office conditions

CAPRICORN - a creative or romantic project that will yield long term results
AQUARIUS - a sense of peace and calm at home, some new furniture

PISCES - new friendships that have heart and soul

Jupiter into Gemini May 24th
words come easily

While Jupiter in Taurus has been a very luscious transit, especially combined with Uranus this past month, the planet of expansion is always moving forward into a new sign each year. Next up will be the foray into Gemini, starting on May 24th.

Jupiter is comfortable here in the realm of words and communications.  We will all be more social in the coming months and feel the urge to speak our minds.  

For the writers in the room, this is an excellent transit for finally putting pen to paper, fingers to keyboard.

As Gemini is also about local travel, we may be more apt to take short-term trips, visit to local sites or frequent our neighborhood restaurants and galleries.

Now, Jupiter is generally lucky but depending on the sign, we can also note a potential downside.  With Jupiter in Gemini, there could be a greater explosion of lies and misinformation.  Jupiter in Gemini can indicate a person who is two-faced or a liar.  So while tall tales are fine in a party setting, we may want to vet the person who goes overboard trying to convince us of the truth.

Jupiter in Gemini is a mini precursor to the entrance of Uranus into Gemini in 2025 and this will herald entirely new forms of communications, technology etc.  The previous Uranus in to Gemini cycle in 1941 - 9149 saw the early developments of television, radiowaves, radar etc.  What is in store in the coming decade?

But in ordinary everyday life, let your curiosity have free reign because that a great use for the expansion of the mind (and gossip) that Jupiter in Gemini will inspire.

Where might you feel the need to communicate or document your thoughts in the coming year?

ARIES - in a local publication, book club, with friends and young people

TAURUS -  in delineating your skill set

GEMINI - in letting caution to the wind and being the flirt that you naturally are

CANCER - in accessing the inner dialogue of your childhood

LEO - in making more connections online

VIRGO - in speaking up more in company meetings or sharing ideas with your boss

LIBRA - in potential literary form or through higher education

SCORPIO - in being more playful with a lover

SAGITTARIUS - in handling relationships in a light and breezy way

CAPRICORN - you are open to ideas from your co-workers or subordinates

AQUARIUS - in expressing romantic feelings to another

PISCES - in finding and talking about your new home

So while in the ensuing year, the world may light up like the Tower of Babel, follow your mind and heart to a place of compassion, understanding and connection where we are all brothers and sisters in spirit.

Neptune in Pisces 29 degrees mid May through early Sept 2025
dissolving of the old reality, what new dreams?

While Pluto is dancing back and forth on the edge of Capricorn and Aquarius, Neptune is lingering at the last degree of Pisces from mid-day to early Sept 2025.

Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011 and we have swum in the soup of fantasy, illusion, confusion, poison and spiritual inspiration.  Yes, it is a hodgepodge of different energies but they all share a sense of a disconnect (positive or negative) from reality.

And sometimes this is good if we can vision a new world, community, hope for mankind.  But usually we first off have to become disillusioned with the old escapes and obfuscations.

It will be a wild period now until next fall and of course this coincides with an important election cycle as well as national and international narratives that are being questioned more and more.

The entire scrim can come down in the end like Jim Carey's world in The Truman Show which is a Hollywood metaphor of the "simulation" we are living in.

Where are you ready to face the self-delusions and escape mechanisms that have kept you stuck and not facing reality?

ARIES - your spiritual track

TAURUS - goals not spiritually aligned

GEMINI - putting a lot of faith in career success

CANCER - believing in the "wrong" god

LEO - seeking financial security instead of emotional security

VIRGO - being afraid of relationship, thinking you can go it alone

LIBRA  - not having a sense of direction in life 

SCORPIO - possibly stuck in a false romantic situation

SAGITTARIUS - not knowing where you belong

CAPRICORN - realizing that communication is more than using the right acceptable words

AQUARIUS - not giving yourself enough credit regarding your skills

PISCES - seeing yourself as weak and ineffectual

When Neptune moves into Aries in 2025 for a long stretch, the victimization/victim stories that have been the hallmark of Neptune in Pisces will not longer be appealing.  Our new "savior" will be the individualist and the fighter.  So erase the false constructs out of your life - mourn them if necessary - and allow space for some clean sharp "realistic" goals in the coming years.



April is possibly the most dynamic and important month of the year astrology-wise.  Not only we will experience a powerful solar eclipse on the 9th in the initiatory sign of Aries but also be blessed with a materially beneficial opportunity courtesy of the somewhat rare Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus on the 21st.

As the month opens we are adjusting to the possibly destabilizing and/or depressing lunar eclipse of March 25th.  Lunar eclipses tend to be more sorrowful as they usually indicate endings, especially when the moon is attached to the south node of letting go.  While we may mourn the passing of a phase, we must also understand that this period/person/situation has outworn it's purpose and we are meant to move on to new cycles of development.  We are reprocessing and composting issues in our lives that began in 2011.

The solar eclipse on April 8th/9th is a powerhouse moon in Aries that will advance our lives forward in unforeseen (but) fated ways.  Solar eclipses tend to be "easier" in that they propel us from one stage of life to another, sometimes seemingly overnight.  This is more likely to be the case if the eclipse degree contacts an important planet or angle in your chart. Those most affected by this April's supermoon will have points at 17 - 21 Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn.

Eclipses not only have effect during the two weeks surrounding their appearance, but can also be the trigger for events ensuing over the next two years.

As of the first,  we are thrust into a Mercury retrograde in the sign of Aries, which will continue through April 25th.  Mercury retrograde is always about revisiting, reconsidering, reorganizing, re-legislation previous ideas or situations.  In Aries, there will be an impetus to speak up for oneself forcefully if necessary and/or to speak truth to power.  The needs of the individual - primarily oneself - will be the primary focus.  As it should be with the astrological beginning of the year (March 23rd).

The Solar Eclipse on the 8th will also amplify the need to move forward untethered into new territory even as Venus and Mars are still quagmired in Pisces along with Saturn and Neptune. The water energy will be the only impediment to moving forward where will have to pay attention to our emotions or decide to heal them once and for all to move forward.

The main event of the month - the Jupiter Uranus conjunction is quite powerful and can bring unexpected wealth and opportunities in the house it is transiting while the following day the Sun square Pluto will make this option more karmic and transformative.

In May, we experience the second retrograde of Pluto in Aquarius, setting the stage for the next 20 years of our lives.

Mercury retro in Aries April 1 - 25th
finding your voice

This month is a moment to reassert oneself, especially in light of several months of indecision and depression.  While it is still a retrograde, Mercury in the sign of individuality  and freedom supports speaking your mind, particularly in situations where you may have been dismissed before.  Now, keep in mind that everyone will be experiencing this retrograde, so tempers could flare but they are not scheming or sociopathically oriented, but simply because we all need to be heard.

During this period, we will also experience the widely touted solar eclipse in Aries, also intimating new beginnings in whatever area of life it touches.  

Where is it time to be courageous and stand up for yourself or others?

ARIES - speaking your truth

TAURUS - addressing old fears and programs
GEMINI - readdressing old statements on line or in groups

CANCER - approaching the boss about how to gain gain more influence at work

LEO - in declaring your views on politics or religion

VIRGO - in clarifying your investments

LIBRA - in asking for what you need in a relationship, or alternatively your partner will be asking for what they need

SCORPIO - in gaining knowledge about your health or a working situation

SAGITTARIUS - in reenergizing a creative project

CAPRICORN - in facing rage around your mother

AQUARIUS - in reaching out to siblings

PISCES - in charging appropriately for your services

Venus in Pisces conjoin Neptune in Pisces April 1st - 3rd
Mars conjoins Neptune at 28 degrees April 29th and 30th
contemplation of sorrow or delusion

And despite the feisty nature of the Aries energy, there are still a few of the personal planets lagging in Pisces, which tends to bring the energy down or less focused. While in the sign, Venus will conjoin Neptune in the first few days of the month and at month's end, Mars will dance with Neptune for a couple of days.  The love and sex planets connecting to the planet of dreams and illusions can play out in wonderful or disillusioning ways.  If we are ready to place our trust in the universe and give love a chance, the Pisces conjunctions will work wonders.  On the other hand, if we need a wakeup call about a particular person or project, these bookend days may carry us further into our imaginations or make us feel like a victim.

While almost everything about relationships concerns projections, with love and sex being obfuscated or idolized, what we may be engaging with is a good or bad shadow of ourselves.

Either way, if we can touch the essence of love without necessarily attaching it to a person, we will receive the benefits of this energy.

Where will you experience a fantasy or a nightmare over the next few weeks:

ARIES - in how your perceive your relationship karma - do you expect the best or the worst?

TAURUS - in relating to people online, are they real or imaginary

GEMINI - in your aspirations for your career - are you on track or simply deluding yourself

CANCER - the fascination with the other, is the difference a help or a hindrance

LEO - are your finances in order, can you trust your partner or have faith in your investments

VIRGO - is the person I'm interested in who they say they are?

LIBRA - will this work/project inspire me or drain me of energy?

SCORPIO - is this true love or am I deceiving myself?

SAGITTARIUS - is this where I belong, will it bring luck or confusion?

CAPRICORN - you're feeling much more romantic lately - is this foolishness or an opening of the heart?

AQUARIUS - can I really make a living at this?

PISCES - can I truly attract what I want?  or it is my shadow?

Solar eclipse in Aries April 8th at 19 degrees
a more empowered self

One of the most powerful eclipses of the year (we have four) is the solar beginning eclipse in Aries on April 9th.  In the sign of the individualist, this event will energize us to become more authentic and steepen in our power.  It is a very inspiring and initiatory period where we may make an entirely new course correction in our lives.

Chiron in Aries will also be aligned in this conjunction of Sun and Moon, and this speaks to healing the parts of our selves that were rejected by self and others.  We deserve  to step into our power should it be aligned with universal forces and this period will give us the courage to go, do and be MORE!

Aries is also about freedom and sovereignty and the greatest liberation we can have is to determine our own fate and value.  All that we need and have is within and this focus back to the essential self can allow us to light the flame of our destinies in rapid and exciting ways.

Where will we experience a chance to be truly ourselves and start all over?

ARIES  - in determining our own identity and value

TAURUS - in becoming attuned to our inner guidance system
GEMINI - in creating a new public identity, particularly online and in groups

CANCER - we may be able to step into a role of leadership at work

LEO - our lust for travel and knowledge is ignited, a new course of study may be in order

VIRGO - you and your partner may fire up the relationship in new ways, you may also focus on new investments

LIBRA - this is a chance for a breathe of fresh air in relationships, either with a current partner or a new one

SCORPIO - you may find yourself called to different work or investigating a new healing modality

SAGITTARIUS - your creative fires are lit up and romance could also be in the air

CAPRICORN - a new home or home life is in store

AQUARIUS - you are attracting a new friend group or intellectual pursuit

PISCES - here is a chance to discover a new talent and/or attract more money

Mars Saturn conjunction in Pisces April 10th and 11th
getting serious

Once again, amidst all the more powerful exuberance that the fire energy brings, we are still hesitant to move forward thanks to the conjunction of Mars and Saturn on the  10th and 11th. If discouraged, do not be as the linkage is temporary.  If you need a pause before making a commitment, this might be useful as long as it is not just procrastination.  As always, the way the energy shows up for you is based on your level on consciousness and how willing you are to own your stuff.

Where might we take a moment of contemplation before plunging head forward?

ARIES - meditate on it, allay your fears, they are most likely unfounded

TAURUS - consider what you post online, will it bring the response you desire

GEMINI - if not sure how to approach your superior, take a moment before saying something impetuously

CANCER - does this action align with my belief system?

LEO - is this financially savvy?

VIRGO - consider if your action will this help or hinder your relationship

LIBRA -  if slightly fatigued, rest rather than force yourself to move ahead

SCORPIO - don't necessary fall into doubt regarding a relationship, wait it out before acting or speaking

SAGITTARIUS - spend some downtime at home before doing anything

CAPRICORN - perhaps ask your friends and siblings before moving ahead

AQUARIUS  - you may question the validity of your idea, it is probably good but you can afford to wait a moment

PISCES - don't give into minor depression, this is a blip on a screen

Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus April 21st
the lucky break

The most exciting aspect of 2024 - the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction - occurs on April 21st. Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions happen fairly rarely, approximately once every 14 years or so - and all in different sign combinations.  The last several conjunctions occurred in 2011 in Pisces, in 1997 in the sign of Aquarius and in 1983 in the sign of Sagittarius.

The previous Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions in the current sign of Taurus happened in 1941 in the midst of WW2 and earlier in 1858 when Darwin wrote Origin of the Species.  Certainly world views changed at those pivotal moments and the same can be projected to occur this year as well.

Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions involve dramatic changes in one's life or purpose, beliefs or goals.  Ideally, these are breakthroughs to a higher level of consciousness.  Think back to events during the previous linkages and see how your life changed at that time.  You would have been most affected if the previous conjunctions aspected significant points in your chart.

In the current iteration, when the planet of abundance and luck merges with the planet of material manifestation, we can expect to see solid growth in the house that it is transiting. While it is most welcomed as a financial boon, it may also show up in more surprising and for some people, unsettling ways. Because Uranus is about breaking us free from conditioned thoughts and behaviors, if we are not ready to let go of something that has outworn its purpose, we could be separated from it, such as a dead-end career or unproductive relationship.  But it does not have to be this way because we have all been dealing with Uranus in Taurus in some capacity since 2018 and should be more accustomed to its impetus to update our perspectives on money and materialism, focusing more on energetic exchanges and relationships rather than cold hard cash.

As always, the level of consciousness will determine whether we find this energy positive or negative, but its real purpose would be for us to become less attached to the material realm and more free to be ourselves.

This change in values - toward a more solid sense of self, our bodies, our earth - is a welcome step forward and away from the worship of wealth and extraneous possessions.

Depending on your sign, you will experience the 
lucky aspects of this conjunction here:

ARIES - this IS a money opportunity for you - and it is based on your courage and vision

TAURUS - you may receive unexpected praise and support - just for being you or you chose to pursue a new personal path

GEMINI - here's a chance to allay fears of poverty or lack, that is an old story, there may be support from previously unknown sources

CANCER - you may receive assistance from those in your social or media circles, you are inspired to build a new future

LEO - you shine bright at work and are potentially given an opportunity of a lifetime

VIRGO - if you travel, this could be a very fortunate time for you, otherwise you will perhaps meet a great teacher or spiritual mentor

LIBRA - like Aries, this is a financial opportunity for you or your partner, business or personal

SCORPIO - if single, you may meet an important individual, if coupled up, your partner could receive some material gains

SAGITTARIUS - you could find your health improves dramatically or work is also more positive for you

CAPRICORN - if creative, here is an unusual opportunity to show your work, otherwise, romance may be in the air

AQUARIUS  - you will have luck around real estate or in decorating or improving your home, you may choose to move to a totally new area

PISCES - you may meet a new and intriguing friend who will open your eyes to new ideas,  if you've got a book idea, it's time to channel it now

I am focusing here on personal growth and opportunities but this conjunction will also impact society, governments, financial institutions and the environment.  Certainly as the US was on its way to becoming the ascendant world power in 1941, solidified by Bretton Woods in 1944, we may witness a shift away from global hegemony and a thrust towards greater self-sufficiency and even protectionism here in the U.S.  

But on the meta scale, this astrological event could herald in a greater respect for the physical body as not just a container for spirit - but a vessel infused with spirit.  The body/mind split has been in existence for centuries and in recent times, the perception of the body as a machine has led to deleterious effects and a removal of the divine energy in our everyday lives. Instead of letting "science" dictate the parameters of physical health, let us invoke our own body's ability to heal itself.  Falling in love with our miraculous physical forms and the abundance and beauty of nature will bring greater progress and harmony to the world than yet another invention or "diplomatic" solution.  The awareness that god lives within would be the reality check that would transform the world.

Pluto in Aquarius square Sun in Taurus April 22nd
what will endure

Right on the heels of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is a solid branding of the energy courtesy of Pluto in Aquarius squaring the Sun in Taurus.  This will be an annual event for the next 20 years so we may want to learn how to handle this energy, which revolves around power and flexibility.  

Taurus is notoriously stubborn and can hold their own but with Pluto squaring the sun, we can find a clash of motives or energies.  We may have to temporarily back down as Pluto is generally more in control for good or ill.

On a more meta level, we may look at Taurus as natural human nature and Pluto in Aquarius as technological control.  So we may want to observe how Pluto is attempting to squelch our natural selves and while we may not be able to fight this directly, we can at the very least learn how to avert the worst of the transhumanist agenda (definitely evidenced as Pluto in Ajuarius).  

Where might we find some overreaching of technology into our lives and how to hold our memories of what it is to be truly human?

ARIES - our very analog personal skills may be overshadowed by technological conformity - 

TAURUS - it's clear you're a new person, the powers that be, including the boss or father, may not yet see that and try to put you back into a box

GEMINI - you have a natural affinity to earth and plant medicine, but your health insurance doesn't recognize these healing modalities 

CANCER - you want to connect to people in real time and in the flesh but sometimes you have to meet people online instead

LEO - you are truly a individual with a big and generous heart but your manager/significant other thinks you're too nice and wants you to be more dispassionate

VIRGO - you are very connected to goddess energy but those in your everyday life are addicted to technology and can't relate

LIBRA - you would much prefer in person encounters but sometimes have to connect to people virtually

SCORPIO - your partner may be more old school and you would like to make your entire house a virtual technological oasis

SAGITTARIUS - there is the conflict between working in a more analog way but everyone wants you to work online

CAPRICORN - not everything, especially your creativity, can be commodified

AQUARIUS - you would like to upgrade your home but there is a sentimentality about more simple ways of living

PISCES - you like and revere the old ways but you can also imagine a different future that may or may not be dystopian

During the next few weeks, we will be in an accelerated timeline of events and actions. Where you will be at the beginning of April - literally, emotionally, materially, metaphorically - will be very different than at the end.  

And while no doubt many of us will engage in ordinary pursuit such as travel, dating or buying or selling a home , the underlying energy is one of renewal and rebirth.  Ride the eclipse with trust and abandon and pay attention to what novel opportunities appear that are worth cultivating for the long haul.

2025 and 2026 are going to be VERY different and pivotal years of transition in society and the synchronicities that are showing up now are preparing us for the next human evolution in consciousness.  And it will be an evolution/revolution even if it means the destruction/implosion of the world as we know it.  So take advantage of the courageous and encouraging energy of April and allow it to propel you to your next spiritual adventure!



During March, the personal planets will travel through air, water and fire signs and we may experience a bit of an emotional rollercoaster.  There is a likelihood of overreaction in relationship dynamics which simply reflect where we may still have spiritual work or emotional processing to do.  A sense of humor and detachment may be very helpful all month long.

Last month, the main outer planetary irritant (a mild word for something as fierce as Pluto) was the dance with the devil as Mercury, Mar and then Venus briefly conjoined the agent of radical transformation.  There may have been numerous personal skirmishes or people behaving out of character.  Jealousy and dysfunctional attachment styles may have emerged.   Aquarius energy is unpredictable, exciting or potentially traumatizing as it attempts to break people free from entrenched thinking and patterns.  

As we reached the end of the month, we were in a more indulgent mindset and arguing with Jupiter - how much is too much?  Perhaps we had to lick our emotional wounds with a little retail or restaurant therapy.
This month the main protagonists are Saturn and Neptune, both in the watery realm of Pisces.   These two outer planets are opposites of each other with Saturn creating limits and boundaries (and depression) and Neptune dissolving and confusing any sense of solid reality, leading, in some cases, to delusional thinking.

But as we approach the spring equinox, our motivation and inspiration will have returned with the fiery arrival of Aries season.  On the 25th, we will experience a lunar eclipse in Aries/Libra that may have us looking back to where we were in 2011 and seeing how far we've come from major changes back then.

Mars and Venus conjunct in Aquarius
static electricity

The planets of love and sex have been in a loose conjunction since late last month and we enter March with the lovers in a static dance and/or standoff.

Normally, when Mars (planet of sex) and Venus (siren of love) are conjoined there is a merging of souls or at least of bodies.  Unfortunately, this is less so when these two lovebirds are meeting in the shock and awe sign of Aquarius. This is not the most comfy association and while it may be exciting or unconventional, it is destabilizing for many people.  

First off, we don't quite know if someone likes us or not or is attracted to us or not.  There can be advances and retreats, all in a matter of hours or days. The relationship planets in the untraditional sign of Aquarius may oftentimes describe same sex relationships, friendship or polyamory.  In fact, a common astrological expression of Aquarian partnerships is "friends are lovers, lovers are friends"

As Aquarius is also the sign connected with the internet and social media, many encounters could begin or take place virtually rather than in real 3-d life.  And sure if you want to dance with an alien, this is your moment!  Of course, if you are an Aquarian, you will find yourself attracting many potential partners at this time.

Mars/Venus conjunctions also invoke creative expression including pregnancy, although in this particular instance, medical intervention may be required.   In the sign of Aquarius and the future, there can be great inspiration regarding science and technology or alternative types of art and music.  

If aware of the astrology, one can oftentimes chose how they will experience the transit.  Once can focus more on accessing one's inner spark and bring forth new ideas that can transcend the limits we're used to.

So if you have not already encountered this conjunction via a personal or intimate situation, you may open your mind to new concepts instead.

If utilized properly, where might you discover your genius?

ARIES -  in creating an online community

TAURUS -  in proposing novel or technological solutions for your company

GEMINI - in your ability to teach others, bringing diverse groups together

CANCER - in the bedroom, possibly exploring esoteric sexual practices

LEO - in managing relationships, bringing friends together for a project

VIRGO - in a unique healing modality

LIBRA - with an art project or sexual liaison

SCORPIO - in decorating or maintaining your home base

SAGITTARIUS - in your writing ability, including a new website

CAPRICORN - in amassing capital, particularly in the realm of scientific breakthroughs

AQUARIUS - just be yourself, you are now an attraction magnet

PISCES - in creative visioning, dream analysis

Venus and Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus 
cerebral focus vs sensual indulgence

At the same time, as you may be struck with unusual inspiration or drama in relationships courtesy of the personal planets in Aquarius, you may also be enticed by an energy of indulgence due to Jupiter in Taurus squaring the Aquarian energy since late February.

Aquarius can be somewhat cerebral and analytical, even in its creative ability while Jupiter in Taurus is all about the excesses of the the body and the material plane.  So you may be called away from your ideas by the lure of a sensual pleasure (and/or overspending).

Where could you be pulled into two different directions early in the month?

ARIES - wanting to be with friends vs focusing on developing your talents

TAURUS - putting energy into work or into your personal care

GEMINI - deciding whether to travel literally or figuratively, be in public or alone in your room

CANCER - exploring a new and different partner vs hanging with your friends

LEO - having brainstorms with your partner vs putting the time in with the boss

VIRGO - should you explore alternative therapies or alternative theories?

LIBRA - focusing on your children (or art) vs an alluring partner

SCORPIO - getting your house in order or spending indulgent time with a loved one

SAGITTARIUS - expanding your mental world vs. taking care of everyday business

CAPRICORN - your money or your art

AQUARIUS - a need for independence or the comfort of home and family

PISCES - dreaming up new ideas or meeting up with the old gang

Sun/Saturn in Pisces alone or lonely
Neptune conjunct Sun March 18th at 27 degrees
surrendering to the moment

While the Aquarius energy can oftentimes include lots of other people in a variety of relationships, the essence of Sun/Saturn is that of feeling apart and alone.  This sense of necessary endings occurred already late last month and continues into the first week in March.

Perhaps a dream has died (or has been realized to be too much of a unrealistic fantasy)? Alternatively, you may feel that you must approach your life and work from a more mature and serious perspective.  As mentioned last month, the sun conjoins Saturn once a year so this is not the most unfamiliar transit.  And while we may feel sad if this transit is activating a sensitive point in your chart, it is simply a reset around how we structure our world.

Because as we approach mid-month, the Pisces Sun will link up to Neptune to begin a new dream.  This energy of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces (structure vs dissolution) will presage a major conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in 2025.  These types of powerful linkages to outer planets will realign global sentiments and values.  By this time, we will all be aware we are in a different reality construct.

But for now, notice how letting go of one idea or relationship in this area of life leaves room for a new perhaps as yet unknown path forward:

ARIES - your awareness of how your karmic lineage has impacted your life

TAURUS - old friendships give way to a new social group

GEMINI - previous career goals are finished and what is the next step forward professionally?

CANCER - your spiritual or religious convictions may not be adequate to explain the complexity of the world, what new paths can you follow?

LEO - your partner may have heavy financial commitments and they will need support in redesigning your future goals

VIRGO - your relationship has come to the end on the line in one way but can you conjure up a new type of partnership?

LIBRA - you may investigate new health or working regimes to replace the old ones that have run their course

SCORPIO - sadly a romance or project has come to an end, what new visions can you develop for the next chapter

SAGITTARIUS - your home or apartment may have become restrictive and it is time to consider a new residence

CAPRICORN - relations with certain friends have come to an end but there are new communities and peers to discover

AQUARIUS - the old way of doing finance and salary may no longer be adequate to your needs, what new ways of making money can you imagine into being?

PISCES - you feel a sense of ennui and stagnation so allow the necessary endings (to self identity) and leave space for a new vision to appear

Mercury in Aries Mar 11th, Sun into Aries March 21st spring equinox
it's a new day

After the mental chaos of Aquarius and the slightly depressive energy of Pisces, Aries will bring a welcome burst of energy where one believes anything is possible.  Mercury on the world axis on March 11th can bring some important forward thinking news while the equinox marks the beginning of a new growth cycle.

After dusting off yourself and carrying a lighter load, what excites you into action?

ARIES - you are re-emerging with a new feeling of vitality and fighting spirit

TAURUS - you have sifted through the cobwebs and now take aim and discovering your hidden karmic/dharmic gifts

GEMINI - you are ready to join forces with like-minded and active people online or at large events

CANCER - after reassessing your views of the world, you have discovered a new focus and professional direction

LEO - you may have an urge to travel mentally or spiritually or take on a new course of study

VIRGO - after some relationships disappointments, you feel ready to go out there and meet new people (especially intimate partners)

LIBRA - you have reset your expectations about other people and can take a chance with a new crowd or individual who has a devil may care air

SCORPIO - you have the energy to explore new work or health options

SAGITTARIUS -  this may be a time of romance or artistic inspiration

CAPRICORN - you'd like to put more effort into your home life

AQUARIUS -  your social life lights up and you take part in new community activities

PISCES - after closing down some aspects of your work, you are excited by new business prospects

March 25th lunar eclipse in Libra 5 degrees
relationship update

The eclipses in Aries/Libra focus on the balance between self and relationships.  With the North Node in Aries, the balance comes if we are both provided enough independence to pursue our own goals and healing.

The lunar eclipse on the 25th reveals how well -  or not - we've been able to achieve a more healthy approach to our partnerships.  As mentioned above, if relevant, you may be reflecting back on changes you made in 2011 and where you are now in your personal evolution.

The eclipse will point to where the challenges would take place:

ARIES - can you be in a relationship with a co-dependent person?

TAURUS - how well can you balance work with personal development?

GEMINI - does your personal life allow for a social life outside of your main partner?

CANCER - can you build your career while still maintain the home?

LEO - do you focus on long-term goals or are you encumbered by everyday demands?

VIRGO - are you too entangled in your partner's finances or vice-versa?

LIBRA - are you able to let your partner be themselves and spend time with others?

SCORPIO - do you overwork because you don't want to face your fears and past disappointments?

SAGITTARIUS - how much do other people's opinions of your work determine what you pursue?

CAPRICORN - can you achieve a proper work/life balance? is it easier to work than deal with personal conflicts at home?

AQUARIUS - are you developing your own opinions or just going along with the crowd?

PISCES - does your partner's conventional attitude toward money stop you from pursuing more exciting career options?

In general, this month is more taken up with personal dramas and issues rather than pivotal global events.  With some distance and perspicacity, we can acknowledge where we still need a bit more perspective and detachment from personal repetitive stories.  We are all learning, growing and evolving, perhaps at different rates and in different ways.  Yet we will attract to ourselves the situations and persons most perfectly synchronized to activate further growth and alignment with our true selves. Notice where you get thrown off track and integrate the new awareness.  Once we get to May, the outer planetary energies are strong and we are all back on the collective wave, wherever it may take us.



February tends to be an astrologically minor month in comparison to other times of year. We've just come out of the retrograde station of Uranus turning direct Jan 27th, which coincided with escalation of conflict in the Middle East as well as a potential domestic standoff in Texas re: unchecked immigration.  Just as we need personal boundaries in order to function well in society, some form of reasonable limits are necessary for a nation to operate in a healthy manner.  But this and the volatile situation abroad will most likely be ongoing stories until the election in November.

As of now until early April when Mercury turns retrograde, all the planets are in forward motion and we can focus on advancing new ideas and projects, even as we wrestle with old wounds and disappointments.

For the most part,  where the action takes place is with the personal planets interacting with Pluto throughout the month, giving us a preview of what issues will be experienced during the 20 year long Pluto in Aquarius cycle.

Additionally, Chiron in Aries will be travelling with the North Node most of the month bringing focus to emotional healing (or release of painful emotional expression).  Perhaps we can recoup a younger version of ourselves, particularly that of the age of 19, and bring the vitality and optimism forward without the old baggage.

Mercury, Mars and Venus into Aquarius contacting Pluto
tiny encounters with the devil

We are going to have to get used to Pluto remaining in Aquarius for the next 20 years.  Our understanding of what this transit means for us will evolve over time.  Meanwhile, whenever a personal planet links up to Pluto, we receive tiny inklings of information.  Dates of minor significance this month include February 6th, February 14th and Feb 17th, when first Mercury, then Mars and lastly Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius.

Mercury contacts Pluto on Feb 6th so we may hear some important news, while Mars and Pluto connect on the 14th - Valentine's day.  This is not a great aspect for romance as power struggles will abound so you may choose to celebrate the holiday on a different day. Venus will conjoin Pluto on the 17th and perhaps more fireworks, positive or negative will prevail but at least these will be more passionate and expressive.

In all cases, you are beginning to get a taste of the changing landscape that brings more technology and intrusion to bear on our lives.  Or we will notice the preponderance of dating that happens or is captured online.

Venus Pluto may be jealousy or triangulation and a sense that one didn't get one what thought they deserved.

And while I am delineating these minor aspects. they are just that - a day or two of frisson. The personal planets do not have much affect on the thunderous energy of Pluto.  And this is very different than Pluto touching Your Mars or Venus which will activate major intrigue and emotional drama for a period of several years.

How will you encounter Pluto messages this month?

ARIES - noticing intrigue in your social media circles

TAURUS - issues at work, secrets revealed
GEMINI - encounters abroad or in legal affairs

CANCER - intimate relationships

LEO - in dealings with your significant other, they may be the heavy

VIRGO - in the working environment

LIBRA - in dealing with children or lovers

SCORPIO - at home or with your mother

SAGITTARIUS - through messages from friends

CAPRICORN - in financial matters

AQUARIUS - you are learning to express power differently, partly through how people react to you

PISCES - awakening some karmic signatures

Nodes in Aries at 17 and 16 degrees conjoining Chiron
deal with rage and resentment

The Chiron in Aries journey of healing the essential self is halfway complete. Chiron in Aries is the need to be truly oneself and the fallout that happens when one is suppressed or prevented from being authentic.

Chiron in Aries will express as rage or self-destruction if one's reality is not acknowledged or allowed.

Unfortunately, in current society, many personal truths are not allowed to be voiced, even and especially in political situations. This will create a powder keg at one point  because the "will to be" is very strong in healthy individuals.

This month some personal and social conflicts could come to a head and it would behoove us to listen to those whose voices have been negated.  In our personal lives, we can seek guidance and opportunities for self-expression and action and one particular individual may provide a turning point in our journey to self-actualization. Mercury retro will retrace these degrees once again in April so we will be able to note how things have improved.

Where can there be a significant turning point on our road to awakening and independence?

ARIES - we inspire others and heal ourselves 

TAURUS - we allow ourselves to actually get angry and clear the air

GEMINI - you may decide to speak your truth online and in social groups

CANCER - you are willing to stand up for yourself against a superior

LEO - you may discover a teacher or spiritual counselor who opens your mind

VIRGO - a sexual partner may unlock repressed feelings

LIBRA - a one on one relationship triggers you in such a way that you express yourself without self-imposed barriers

SCORPIO - you may discover a healing modality or body work that moves emotional energy

SAGITTARIUS - a creative project reminds you that life is worth living

CAPRICORN - you speak up to a parental figure

AQUARIUS - you decide to tell your friend what you really think

PISCES - you may ask for a raise or feel seen for your unique skill set

Uranus very slowly moving forward at 19 degrees Taurus
we're teenagers again

Uranus is moving consistently through Taurus since 2018 until 2026 and we are changing our values and goals in rapid fashion.  We may have made a vibrant decision end of January or broke free from a repressive, stagnant situation.  We can feel like teenagers again and as if our lives are in front of us.

Over the next year we will be loosely tracing the ages of 19 - 26 and noticing how our views of the world have changed.  Yet, we can also access the exuberance many of us felt in early adulthood when we were graduating college and moving into the work force or a grownup relationship.

What new beginnings are we interested in pursuing now?

ARIES - new ways to make money

TAURUS - trying on a new identity

GEMINI - breaking free from old emotional patterns

CANCER - finding a new tribe

LEO - contemplating and attempting a new career path

VIRGO  - seeing the world through newly informed eyes

LIBRA - involvement in deeper intimacy

SCORPIO - rekindling or beginning a new relationship

SAGITTARIUS - integrating a new health routine

CAPRICORN - embarking on an unusual romance

AQUARIUS - creating a new home life

PISCES - using your voice differently

Sun enters Pisces Feb 20th and then conjoins Saturn at months end
Feb 29th at 9 degrees
alone and starting over

After a tempestuous mid-month courtesy of Pluto and the personal planets, the latter half of February is more sober and contemplative.  On the last day, the Sun in Pisces links to Saturn and it can feel like a shoe dropped and you are starting over, even or especially if alone.

We may need to spend some downtime figuring out our spiritual path and how it will unfold against the background of new tyrannies, opportunities, alliances.

Like Pluto and the personal planets, this is not the most significant aspect (the Sun connects to Saturn once every year) but coming at the end of a challenging romantic period, it may feel like a dream or fantasy has died.

Be a grownup, let bygones be bygones and start fresh on the path of a responsible seeking individual.

Where do you feel like you must proceed alone right now?

ARIES  - on your spiritual journey, your karmic past

TAURUS - in your relation to social media

GEMINI - on your career path

CANCER - in revising your views of how the world works

LEO - in financial matters

VIRGO - in steering the path of your relationship

LIBRA - in organizing your life to be fully functional

SCORPIO - in romantic dreams

SAGITTARIUS - in looking for a new home

CAPRICORN - in relating to your family

AQUARIUS - in shoring up your money

PISCES - in trusting yourself and creating boundaries

Saturn is now in new terrain outside of its retrograde and will cover fresh ground in the realm of spiritual and medical understandings.  Old creative styles and trends may longer be relevant and new forms of art and worship may develop. 

For those with significant planets or points in mutable signs - Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius - you may be revisiting and moving forward from issues in 1994.  Sometimes a similar theme may appear such as the end or beginning of a relationship, residential move or career change.  I oftentimes say that "astrology returns us to the scene of the crime" and Saturn is one likely player in this visit down memory lane.  But thankfully, Saturn also makes us aware that something has died and it is time to move on.  It is a "buck up" and be a grownup moment so if we heed Saturn's promptings, we can add form and structure to our lives in definitive ways.



2024 is a bridge year that will lead into an entirely different reality construct in 2025.  We will finally be finishing up with Pluto in Capricorn (where it's been since 2008) and hopefully hold our own against oppressive institutions and internalized (abusive) authority figures.  As Pluto will be hovering around the last degree of 29 Capricorn throughout the year, we may be witness to the last vestiges of hierarchical tyranny and overexertion of empire.  (The tyranny will not end when Pluto moves into Aquarius, but its expression will be less obvious and old-school totalitarian and will probably take on the form of impersonal technocratic oversight).  So as Pluto exits Capricorn, we may be plagued with more extreme versions of currency manipulation, resources, borders, land grabs, homes, investments and destruction of the traditional family and religion.

None of the old institutions in and of themselves are evil but they have been corrupted and they will need to be reformed or reconstituted to serve their function as useful structures rather than destructive entities.

Saturn will remain in Pisces through 2025 and its movement through the sign of faith, victimization, spirituality, visioning, healing and the arts will hopefully realign the priorities of these particular concepts in our lives.  (Saturn will definitely reveal to us where they fail).

Uranus will also continue to progress in Taurus and will move into Gemini in 2025 so the focus of change will move from material entities (Taurus - land, environment, farming, gems) into conceptual ones.  New thought leaders may emerge as well as novel ways to manage information, communicate ideas and move into a student peer based reality instead of a survival/security based one.

Neptune will remain in Pisces as well until 2025 at which point it will link up with Saturn in Aries (world axis) in late spring of 2025 - a merging of visions and dying off of old pieties. Neptune won't permanently move into Aries until 2026 but by then, we will be disgusted with victim consciousness and be drawn to strength and independence (and even belligerence) as a goal rather than weakness, trauma, naivete and weaponized compassion.

Mercury direct in Sag Jan 2nd
fired up and ready to go

Mercury turned retrograde last month (Dec 13th) in Capricorn and then inched its way into Sagittarius.  We have experienced a number of Mercury or Venus retrogrades in Capricorn in previous years around this time - including Dec 2022, 2021, 2016, 2013 and 2003.

Capricorn is the establishment and when the sign of the mind trudges through it, our thinking can become fearful, cynical, conservative and depressed.  This would especially be the case if one has not lived a conventional or societally-approved existence.  Yet, even the most independent minded among us can fall into the trap of thinking they should have done things differently, especially in regards to playing by the rules.

(Now, since Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, we realize many of the rules are unfair or have been twisted to suit those in power). We all, no matter our backgrounds, have been imprinted with the template that nudges us or scares us into being obedient pegs in what may be an unfair game of life.

Hence, Mercury retrograding in Capricorn may discipline us into thinking that we should have done things the "normal" way and if we didn't, that perhaps this is why we are unhappy or unfulfilled. (Never mind that in mundane life, most businesses - Capricorn - fail multiple times before reaching any level of success).  And if we've tried our hand at financial or institutional independence and found it hard going, rather than being applauded for stepping out of the matrix, one is "punished" with social or monetary ostracization.

This is a long-winded way of saying that around the holidays, the inner parental voice may have chided us for taking a different and more authentic path.  And for a moment, we may contemplate going back to school, getting a 9 to 5 job or consider marrying the acceptable person. Thankfully, this will not last long as Mercury will backtrack into Sag, the sign of independence and adventure, reminding us that we were choosing the path that was right for us all along and that we have gained wisdom regardless of the outcome of our endeavors.

Mercury direct in Sag will continue to give us the impetus to forge our own way in the world with fierceness and optimism:

Where do we know we were right all along in choosing our personal path?

ARIES - in our spiritual understanding of the world

TAURUS -  in our interest in international or multi-cultural affairs

GEMINI - in our attraction to someone different than oneself

CANCER - in our selection of personally satisfying work

LEO - in our romantic or parenting choices

VIRGO - in our choosing our home (generally away from family of origin)

LIBRA - in feeling our words matter

SCORPIO - in pursuing multi-faceted financial opportunities

SAGITTARIUS - in being yourself and speaking your mind

CAPRICORN - in acknowledging that you are more than just the physical form

AQUARIUS -  in choosing to align with people of all kinds, to find friends the world over

PISCES - in choosing a more spiritually-oriented  or independent career

Jupiter in early Taurus sextile Saturn in early Pisces beg of month - this continues through March
materializing your dreams with ease

The two adult planets, Jupiter and Saturn will be agreeing with each other this month through early March.  Jupiter is the optimistic and supportive adult while Saturn is more cautious and realistic.  When they are at odds, just like within a family system, there will be impasses and hard feelings where nothing will be resolved.  Fortunately, throughout the next few months, both figures will work together to potentially make your dreams come true.

Now all of this is only possible if we are in alignment with our rightful goals. What is worth investing one's time and energy into? Do these projects take into consideration the needs of others? Am I proceeding steadily toward a long-term objective?

If you are, then this aspect will be complimentary energy.  Otherwise, if not properly grounded or realistic, you will not benefit from the sextile as it is quite delicate and easy to miss.  So to use this energy positively, pay attention to the small "lucky breaks" that come your way (and nothing is too small) and move incrementally, but easily to the next stage of your dream.

Where might you gain assistance and steady support in your endeavors over the next few months?

ARIES -  there may be financial support to boost a long-term secret passion

TAURUS - you will be perceived as worth investing in by your social network group

GEMINI - you may appear to have luck behind the scenes when it comes to career advances

CANCER - those of like mind spiritually and or politically will be willing to throw in their verbal (marketing) support

LEO - your partner is your solid support as your moe forward with your career goals

VIRGO -  it seems that now your dreams (and beliefs) align easily with a significant other

LIBRA - once you've committed to your work, you will gain ample support (even financial)

SCORPIO - your creative ideas are either literally or figuratively given a boost by your partner

SAGITTARIUS - now that you're more settled re: home you will reap the rewards of your daily work

CAPRICORN - relations with children and or collaborators grow more solid and fulfilling

AQUARIUS - if you feel more secure at home you will find that your finances and self-esteem improve

PISCES - as you approach your life with more seriousness, your words are contemplated and received

As mentioned earlier, the sextile is an opportunity aspect but one that does not blast it's way into your life.  It is more likely to be subtle and easily missed if we are looking for a grand pronouncement or dramatic change of circumstances.  So if you are attuned to a minor lift and ease in your life, go with the flow as it will lead you to a more fulfilling result.

Mercury inconjunct Pluto 29 Sag to 29 Capricorn Jan 14th
testing our resolve

Once Mercury turned direct in Sag on the 2nd, we might have felt more confident and certain of what is right for ourselves.  We are tested of our resolve mid-month when Mercury inconjuncts Pluto in Capricorn at the last degree.  

29 degrees of any sign is called an anaretic degree and suggests extreme volatility and a sense of urgency as all matters must be completed before moving into the next sign and lesson plan.

Since the nature of Pluto is to suppress or oppress, it is likely that the truth could be drowned out by the powers that be.  We can certainly imagine that this "censorship" could occur over a variety of explosive topics including the Israel/Palestine war, geopolitics, Trump, governmental organizations, etc.

Now, unfortunately, Pluto is (temporarily) more powerful and can shut any uncomfortable dialogue or protest down.  You may have to take  a pause but eventually the truth will come out at a later date.

In our personal lives, we may find our beliefs and pronouncements butt up against an authority figure of any kind including a boss, a community leader, a spouse, a parent.  There is no reason to change your message, but you may have to alter your tactic or for the time being, assume that the party in question cannot veer from the "party line".

Where are you motivated to speak truth to power and where might you find it dismissed or attacked?

ARIES - you think you've got the world figured out now, but not everyone agrees, particularly authority figures

TAURUS - you have ideas of where to invest time or money yet institutions find your ideas too risky or out there

GEMINI - you are excited about changes in your relationship but your partner would kind of like things to stay the same

CANCER - you may be ready to introduce a lifestyle change3 that meets with skepticism from a partner

LEO - you have a new creative idea but unfortunately, your day job keeps you stuck and busy

VIRGO - you may have epiphanies about your family of origin, but lovers are not interested in hearing them

LIBRA - you may want to bring the family together but mom and old habits keep things in dysfunction

SCORPIO - you're interested in expanding your skill set but may also doubt you can do it

SAGITTARIUS - you're engaged in an enlivened form of communication but it may negatively impact your bottom line

CAPRICORN - you are undergoing a spiritual  transformation but may discover that everyone still wants you to be the standard boss

AQUARIUS - you'd love to share your newfound beliefs but have personal fears of being rejected

PISCES - you would like to express a different side of yourself professionally and are concerned that you will not be accepted by the mainstream

Now this aspect is relatively minor and short-lived so it's not something to get too worked up about.  Yet, it does illustrate the difficulties individuals and societies have in implementing change as we realize that passion and belief alone will not make it so.

Clock what's happening and recognize that the current reality construct is imploding and will self-destruct relatively soon.  Hold on to your ideals and cultivate them as they will be necessary for when the world is reconstructed anew.

Pluto moving into first degree of Aquarius again Jan 22nd
day after Sun moves into Aquarius Jan 21st   Sun/Pluto at 0 degrees
future heavy weights

And that new world, however impossible it may seem, is not far off in the scheme of things. But the reason to hold the inspired belief is as an antidote to what the powers that be have planned.

There are competing visions for the future and those with the power and persuasion will determine its outcome.  On the one hand, there is the transhumanist tribe which includes medical interventions, cyborg appendages, a carbon free future (which means no life), a massive reordering of society to force compliance.

On the other hand, we can envision a more ecumenical, compassionate future where we encourage creativity, independence, interdependence and a love and care for the environment and all biological life.

As I've stated previously, Pluto in Aquarius would uncover the flaws and tripwires of a technological autocratic world where we are all chipped and numbered and coerced or nudged into approved behavior.  The madness and hubris of the scientific revolution (a la Atlantis) has decoupled its purveyors from their humanity and the attempts to play god are creating destruction all around us.

It is possible that when Pluto ends its run through Aquarius that we do arrive at a more humanitarian future but we will have to endure hell and tyranny along the way.

So hold onto those beliefs of the betterment of mankind but realize that simple or political compassion is now weaponized and by our support of measures that make our lives less and more miserable, we are not helping anyone - ourselves or non-existent future generations.

No collective solution has ever worked for mankind whether it be communism, socialism, fascism, totalitarianism.  Humanity will improve with individual growth in consciousness not repressive moral or social measures.

Yet, the next 20 years will dance with the notions of communism or any other social/political construct and we must remain wise and vigilant to its poisonous infiltration of our societies.

Where will you be dealing with issues of personal interests versus pressure to conform to the larger group:

ARIES - in your interaction with actual social or political groups

TAURUS -  in your professional endeavors, in current parlance, potentially DEI issues

GEMINI - in formulating a personal philosophy that suits you

CANCER - in handing your financial affairs, what to invest in?

LEO - pressure from partners, business or personal who may want you to get on board with their views

VIRGO -  in the workplace, potential automation and loss of work

LIBRA - in developing your personal talents, even if outside the purview of what's currently acceptable

SCORPIO - in deciding how and where you want to live

SAGITTARIUS - in determining how to get your voice out there without censure

CAPRICORN - in determining your financial strategies and money-making potential

AQUARIUS - in finding your unique place in the world

PISCES -in handling collective karma

Uranus direct in Taurus Jan 27th
developing new values in the face of unrelenting change

The transit of Uranus through Taurus has been ongoing since 2018 and will complete in 2026. It has forced us to change our perspective on what we deem important or valuable whether through natural curiosity, need for freedom or through chaotic circumstances (if we've resisted the impulse to change).  None of what you are dealing with in the Taurus house is henceforth new unless your planets are toward the latter end of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius.

And this year, Uranus will make a spectacular conjunction with Jupiter in April which could move us in a very fortuitous direction if we have allowed old obstacles or attachments to dissolve.

So right now, pay attention to what needs liberating or swift upgrade or reversal and move in the direction of more independence and sense of adventure.

Pragmatically, this Uranus station is a bookend to potential changes/separations/upheavals/surprises that occurred end of August 2022. If you knew then that something needed to end (or begin) and you still haven't taken action, now would be the time to unlock your new potential.

Where have the ongoing and very lucky breaks (this could appear negative but ultimately positive if you need to leave an unhealthy situation) going to occur:

ARIES - regarding self-worth, financial considerations

TAURUS - the liberation of self, you are a different person than you were pre-2018

GEMINI - the ability to not identify with old fears and worries

CANCER - changing social groups - new ones and leaving old ones

LEO - professional advances

VIRGO - your views of the world, what meanings you attach to things

LIBRA - in your financial and/or sexual partnerships

SCORPIO - in your various relationships, especially your primary one

SAGITTARIUS -in regards to health and lifestyle habits

CAPRICORN - in your creative endeavors, with children

AQUARIUS - in your home life

PISCES - regarding your communication skills and community

2024 will be a pivotal and pivoting year into a new global consciousness.   World events could spark revolutions or continued conflicts and while these can be disturbing, they are possible growing pains into a new paradigm.  But we must be vigilant about what the cost of convenience and for many, somnambulance, especially here in the US where we really haven't struggled with survival and war the way other nations have.  Not that I think an actual military/civil war is in store, but rather a continued manipulated splitting of the tribes so that we don't point a finger at a common enemy - the powerful oligarchy that is our version of capitalism.

Yet, regardless of what is happening outside, the only real control we have is over our emotional response.  Inner mastery and healthy detachment will be necessary to hold our centers as the various narratives swirl around us.

Do your best to integrate your inner authority figure, own him or her, and likewise, link up to your individual divine essence.  As we dissolve the false structures and conditioned persona, the magnificent light that is our soul will shine through and that is how we will change the world - one bright spark at a time.



Most months host a major planetary station and December brings the station direct of Neptune in Pisces on December 6th.  This is in no way a new transit as Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011.  What is new is the accelerating rate of more sophisticated means of brainwashing and dividing people.  We are all aware how we've become a "civil war" state and how locales and demographics become more entrenched in their positions, definitely weaponized by mainstream and social media outlets.

Neptune was also in Pisces during our Civil War and perhaps some of the same issues are up for grabs.  What does freedom mean and who has it?  We claim to have rooted out racism, but it still unfortunately exists and we haven't really successfully tackled classicism. 

The unfortunate reality is that that war was orchestrated behind the scenes by financial interests and many of the real reasons were economic.  What wars internally and externally are we fighting now that are boosting up a sagging bottom line?

Neptune in Pisces is about confusion and a blurring of the lines concerning the truth.

What delusions are we suffering under in our current society (promulgated by media)?  That only the right wing are fascists as opposed to the "woke" left wing, that pharmaceuticals are curative instead of disabling, that weather warfare is not happening and would help the planet, that our economy is thriving rather than in a death spiral, that our leaders are competent rather than mentally or spiritually challenged.

In our own lives, how do we dissemble?  That we have it all together, that we are the good people and others are bad, that we would "do the right thing" when times are tough.  Many of those delusions we held were decimated during the covid war period.

Neptune in Pisces distorts and denies but it can also help us to heal and grow in compassion for self and others.  And what do we need more than anything else on the planet at this time but massive healing?

Lastly, and probably most relevant to the current moment is the aspect of Neptune that relates to victims and victimization.  It is appalling that western nations cannot condemn the ongoing genocide in Palestine.  One could conjecture that as imperialist nations themselves, they don't feel they have a leg to stand on (it is probably too generous to offer this excuse anyway).  But even if that were a point of contention, times do change and there is human progress and what was acceptable 250 or 150 years ago is not tolerated at this moment in time.  Hence the natural, common response of many citizens to demand a ceasefire and ending of the violence (to this degree).  None of this implies that Israelis have not been victimized by this conflict as well and if anyone is to be deemed the victimizer, it is the respective governments of these two groups.

We've got two more years of Neptune travelling through the sign of healers, martyrs, victims, dreamers and the faithful.

If we are to act in the spirit of the holidays, it would be to not only be there for others, but to be there for ourselves and our authentic natures, not false personas and profiles.  Because Neptune in Pisces is also the dream of a more beautiful world and if we actually recognized our true natures as divine beings, much of the static and entrapment of modern life would fall away.

If we are still enough we will hear the voice of our inner knowing and as Jupiter will turn direct on December 31st, with our newfound knowledge we can build a more solid and stable future (even in the midst of controlled, intentional chaos).

Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (end November through early December)
managing the heat

While the square of Mars and Saturn was exact on Nov 25th,  the effects of this restriction of energy are still reverberating as the month begins. Additionally, as Mars will be in Sagittarius throughout December into early January 2024, the world will be lit up for some time.

Mars in Sagittarius is highly motivated, optimistic, bullish, or alternatively rash, reckless and intolerant.  Depending on how you express this energy and where it's happening, you may find its square with Saturn to have been a wet blanket on your parade.

Mars is also war and violence and with Sagittarius, there is a cultural or religious tinge to how or why one fights.  Of course, with the tinderbox in the Middle East, this energy can be incendiary.

Saturn will either slow down the proceedings or frustrate attempts at justice (Sag).  In either case, rather than exploding, it would be better to take a step back and assess the situation.

Saturn in Pisces is pointing out that there are victims and/or if Saturn represents the authority figure, that they are inept and lacking in true power.

Both Pisces and Sagittarius energies have a spiritual bent and if one is centered and also aware of their shadow, the presence of these signs could bring wisdom to the situation at hand.  Likewise, Sag has an ecumenical, catholic and multicultural flavor while Pisces can describe the sense of awe and wonder with the beauty of creation.

The planets of Mars and Saturn were traditionally considered malefics - the bad guys of the zodiac - and oftentimes referred to masculine characters.

We can certainly encounter the real life versions of Mars in Sag in rambunctious salesmen or state propagandists while Saturn in Pisces may be represented in disingenuous clergymen or incompetent medical practitioners.

But it is likely that we are none of these examples and as Mars will be very strong over the next five weeks, how can we use the energy to best advantage?

Where is the combustion likely to take place and who/what seems to be stopping you? Once you've integrated or transmuted the doubt, you can move forward with gusto.

ARIES you feel strongly about your political beliefs and yet have some guilt or sense of futility in expressing them
are you on target? if so, push past the fear and express your views

TAURUS - your partner may have some optimistic (or unrealistic) financial goals and  your friends will reflexively advise caution
after some consideration or research, you can potentially get on board with your partner's plans

GEMINI  - you may be interested in travelling or connecting with new people but your work and boss imply you are not serious about the job
are your superior's concerns real or based on their own sense of limitation or conventionality?

CANCER -  you may want to consider alternative therapies for a physical condition, but does your matrix mindset question their validity?

health practices should be based on research and observation, not religious or family conditioning

LEO -  you have some new creative ideas but your partner is not interested in hearing them
unless you are a gambler, your significant other may likely be in a fearful state and your reassurance will probably bring them around

VIRGO - you'd love to make some changes in the home, but your significant other is dragging their feet
determine the source of their concern and it is likely that they will be open to your suggestions in the end

LIBRA - you feel like joining up with a community group who shares your enthusiasm, make sure it doesn't interfere with your work

does this truly interest you or are you just bored with your job?

SCORPIO - you're more interested in making money now rather than art, is this based on real security concerns or "inherited ones"?
you may be having a temporary dry spell but it's likely that you will once again be able to make money from your art

SAGITTARIUS - you've got the travel or education bug but how will this impact your ability to pay the rent?
you may be able to work it out with a bit of practical money management

CAPRICORN - you've got a gnawing itch to break free and explore new ideas but your peers are afraid you won't hold down the fort

this is more based on their seeing you as a father figure than about what you need

AQUARIUS - social media is awash with the latest cause and you wonder if there's something wrong with you for not feeling it

consider if this is really relevant to you or if your energy is better spent elsewhere

PISCES - the news of the day seems to pervade the atmosphere and like Aquarius, you don't seem to be on board

you are redefining yourself now so think bigger picture for yourself rather than fixating on the latest issue

In closing, while we may have to deal with a short delay first, we can get moving on with our plans and visions, particularly if they are a true expression of our beliefs.

Neptune direct in Pisces on Dec 6th
the fog lifts

We are about 3/4 of the way through the Neptune in Pisces transit which began in 2011 and will complete in 2026.  Throughout this time, which seems like an eternity, we have experienced many false prophets fall from grace.  The Neptune in Pisces figure would be a charismatic leader who promises salvation to his followers.  While certainly Trump comes to mind, we have also noted the downfall of previously lauded individuals like the Dalai Lama, Jacinda Arden, Justin Trudeau.

Additionally, environmental, psychic and mental pollution seem to engulf us more and more. (Neptune and Pisces relates to poisoning).  This includes pesticides, nano particles and pharmaceuticals.

On the creative and technology front, we do see more advances in virtual reality, animation and the attempts at an alternate world via the metaverse or it's precursor, Second Life.

While none of these are inherently bad, if not grounded, a person can lose their sense of self and escape from the vagaries of everyday life.

Neptune will usually deliver way less than it promises - it is a chimera.  Yet, it may speak to a desire for transcendence, even in its insufficient form.

On a higher note, Neptune in Pisces compels us to remove boundaries and obstructions and melt into the whole.  Underneath much searching, there is the desire for god and connection to spirit.  All of the outward seeking, when disappointing, will turn us back onto our selves.  

By focusing on the opposite sign, Virgo, we can 'purge" ourselves of unhealthy thoughts, actions and relationships and ground ourselves in the eternal truth of our divine beings.

Neptune stations twice a year, in mid June and early December.  It is a time to dispel illusions and reveal secrets.

What will you gain clarity on in the coming days:

ARIES -  many of your fears were unfounded

TAURUS -some of your friends are not who they seem

GEMINI - realizing your boss has no power (or a substance abuse problem),  your career is disappearing

CANCER - the old religious beliefs cannot explain current reality

LEO - your partner may not have the money you think

VIRGO - a significant other comes clean

LIBRA - you gain some answers re: nagging health concerns

SCORPIO - your creative inspiration will return

SAGITTARIUS - you get a better idea of where you want to live

CAPRICORN -you snap out of a recent depression

AQUARIUS - you figure out ways to make money from your creativity

PISCES - you understand and have compassion for yourself and your journey

Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces 1 degree Dec 6th
Venus opposing Jupiter in Taurus Dec 10th 6 degrees

The personal planets of Mars and Venus are meeting up with their senior counterparts - Saturn and Jupiter - to solidify commitments or amplify desires.

Venus in Scorpio exudes passion and intrigue and when matched with Saturn in Pisces on December 6th can make dreams come true (if in alignment).

Venus shortly afterwards opposes Jupiter in Taurus and this can either amplify feelings or lead to overdoing.

Greed and covetousness can be attributed to Venus in Scorpio so these two parentifying planets will either provide the proper restraint or encourage bad behavior.  Saturn in Pisces may appear as the weak but compassionate authority figure while Jupiter in Taurus encourages "going for it" or "it's yours for the taking".

As always, the level of conscious of the individual will determine whether the energies happening will be positively or negatively experienced.

ARIES - is what I want really good for me or am I just needing a  self-esteem boost?

TAURUS - will my relationship be part of my social life or will they be my own private pleasure
GEMINI - you know you can attract what you want professionally but is this out of a sense of desire or lack?
CANCER -  your creative abilities are high and can lead to a more conscious life provided you are not only out to impress friends on social media
LEO - you are feeling much more secure in your relationship but will this lead to overconfidence at work?
VIRGO -  your words are very compelling right now and you can cement your relationship or rock it with grand pronouncements
LIBRA - you have the Midas touch right now so should you focus on the job at hand or on investments?
SCORPIO - everybody wants to be with you, is it because of your talents or access to powerful people?
SAGITTARIUS - you don't see yourself as a sexpot yet you are quietly confident, don't misuse the moment and overdo it behavior-wise
CAPRICORN - you have a great allure right now online and this can translate into real-world relationships or illusory flirtations
AQUARIUS - people are singing your praises so might be time to solidify work contracts while not overspending at home

PISCES - you have an ethereal glamour that is drawing people to you right now, let it happen without boasting or overpromising

Mercury retrograde into Capricorn Dec 13th - Jan 2nd
Capricorn winter solstice Dec 23rd
speaking like an adult

For the last several years, we have encountered a Mercury retrograde in Capricorn during the holiday season.  Capricorn has an air of propriety about it and we can consider times when things worked according to societal expectations.  

Alas, for good or ill, that is no longer the case.  Those who have been in positions of authority have either misused their influence or failed to change with the times.

The vestige of Capricorn that exists within us is also looking at the way "things should be".  This might even include dismissing one's individuals needs and passions to fulfill the prescribed roles.

When Mercury comes along again and retrogrades in the sign of hierarchy and "shoulds", we might also backtrack and regret or consider plans and actions that are in line with a supposedly normal adult life.  Growing up, this may have meant getting a traditional education, landing a corporate job or marrying a person our parents would approve of.

So at the beginning of the retrograde we may feel the need to "buck up" and get sober about life which might mean eliminating risk and passion and freedom.  But once Mercury dances back into Sag on Dec 24th, we will realize this is somebody else's idea of what we SHOULD do.  

Mercury in Capricorn is asking us to get in touch with our own inner authority voice and it may not look or sound like what was a previous indication of success.

Where does your authority lie?  Or do your lack integrity with an “end justifies the means” mindset. Is this helpful to anyone, even including yourself?

Ideally, even if you backtrack initially into "respectable" thinking, it is likely that you will ultimately redefine a healthy adulthood on your own terms.  Where can this evolution of thought occur?

ARIES - in reconsidering your professional outcomes/successes

TAURUS -  in standing your spiritual integrity

GEMINI - in your ability to work with others

CANCER - in your capacity to manage relationships

LEO - in your mastery of your work

VIRGO -  in your expression of the heart

LIBRA - in your creating a solid home base

SCORPIO - in how you tell your personal story

SAGITTARIUS - in your offering your talents to the world

CAPRICORN - in centering in yourself

AQUARIUS - in your acknowledgement of deeper organizing forces

PISCES - in your alignment with groups

Mars in Sag square Neptune in Pisces exact Dec 28th 24 degrees through into Jan 1st  (continued obfuscation of the truth)  search for justice stymied

Mars is quite active this month.  Early on, we are dealing with the frustrating square to Saturn in Pisces.  At month's end, Mars will square Neptune in Pisces and all of the confidence we gained mid-season may dissipate.  Mars in Sag (impetuous action) could all of a sudden question their motives.  This is a worthwhile, if enervating, pause as we must believe in what we are fighting for.

We may at month's end find our fervor has diminished and we wonder, is anything worth it?  Will my actions lead to any meaningful result?  

They may or may not based on how rigid/righteous one is in their assessment of the situation.  If the impetus comes from political or dogmatic rhetoric as opposed to refined and considered appraisal of a situation, it may not be grounded in truth.  If the action is taken in service to a greater spiritual mission (we can certainly deceive ourselves here - all failed progressive regimes have this in common), it has a better chance of succeeding in the long run (dharmically).

In everyday life, and in consideration of the passing holiday season, we may simply run out of steam and fall into a sense of nostalgia and loss for past years of innocence in the "before times".

It is okay to contemplate and honor the past but it likewise was a chimera of reality if we were not awake to what was really going on.

The last three years have been especially difficult and mournful in recognizing the baleful dysfunction of how governments and people operated in times of trouble. The "before times", pre-covid 2020, are no longer and we will have to heal and repair the breach of trust and security (literal and figurative) that many global citizens lived through.

So, if there is a moment of melancholy it could ultimately be regarding the end of our innocence.

As always, these transits have a meta and a very mundane expression.  In your personal lives, Mars square Neptune may simply provide a pause to see if our dreams and actions match up.

What might be causing some disappointment and/or consternation?

ARIES - the beliefs you've been espousing may not really line up with your true self

TAURUS -are your new personal or business interests supportive of your long-term goals?

GEMINI - will newfound friendships compete with or work against your professional interests?

CANCER - does the work you do really matter in the long run?

LEO - you're wondering if this new romantic or creative interest will disappoint just like the rest

VIRGO - you're gung ho about moving and travelling, will it help or hinder your steady relationship?

LIBRA - new political allegiances may find disfavor at work

SCORPIO -  you are focused on yourself now, is this because of inspiration or concealed disappointment?

SAGITTARIUS - you're back in your body and yet the home situation is murky, will it ever improve?

CAPRICORN - you're sensing new openings to your spirit but it seems those closest to you don't care

AQUARIUS - there's lots of activity on social media now but how will this help your bottom line?

PISCES - there's a renewed interest in your work, but is this even right for you now?

Jupiter direct in Taurus Dec 31st 5 degrees 
best New Year's present of all

While we might be wallowing in the Mars square Neptune aspect at month's end, the universe proffers up a fantastic New Year's gift of Jupiter turning direct in Taurus on the 31st.

Early January then will be a very fortunate time to move forward on generating prosperity or stability.  We may be eager to get back to work right away and take advantage of this supportive energy.

Jupiter in the sign of Taurus is one of it's most useful placements in terms of manifestation and money.  It can also provide the patience to do the necessary work for long-term security.

Where will you feel raring to go as the New Year begins?

ARIES - you've got some new projects to pitch that may lead to more solid financial success

TAURUS  -  you feel like a new person and draw opportunities to you

GEMINI - as everything material starts in the spiritual realm, this will be your lucky card behind the scenes, Jupiter will be in your sign May 2024

CANCER - you'll have more enthusiasm and staying power re: your social media posting

LEO - you may be the first person back to the office on Jan 2nd

VIRGO -you may be booking travel plans as the year begins, the travel bug bites you, alternatively it may be time to write that book

LIBRA - you are more willing to put time into your intimate life - and it will pay off

SCORPIO - if you're looking for more permanence in your relationships, you will find that you and partner are ready to settle down

SAGITTARIUS -your health is improving and you may actually stick with your New Year's exercise regime

CAPRICORN - who says you're not creative?  This is the area you're ready to explore and manifest in

AQUARIUS - you will be approaching home improvement projects with zest and glee

PISCES - if you're gonna write that book or join that board, now is the time to get moving on it

Part of becoming an adult is the ability to face reality and enjoy the independence to take considered actions.  Maturity is also waking up to our self-delusions and fantasies so that we can accurately respond to the environment.  It is understandable to want to escape if all you see of the world are the nightmares presented on the news.  

As mentioned earlier, the means of manipulating our minds and emotions are now highly effective and hence we must remove our attention from the matrix from time to time to simply get a sense of what is intrinsically true.  Truth, goodness and beauty are the way to our transcendence of the limited, fear-based simulacrum that passes for ordinary life.

The reason I solely use nature photos for my newsletters are that this a a true face of god.  Most manmade images will reflect the author's point of view and outside of the great masters, reveal a limited slice of life.  Trees stand strong and in silent dignity as they witness the tragedies and follies of humankind.  A walk in the forest or climb up a mountain, while also personal, will unlock an appreciation of the beauty, complexity and interdependent workings of the divine force.  Astrology is metaphysics in action and we are part of this magnificent universe and can likewise bring love, joy and beauty to those around us by using this tool to its its highest form.

Happy Holidays and best wishes for moving clear-eyed and heart centered into the New Year!

November 2023 HOROSCOPES


Sobriety and restraint - these are Saturn words.  And they are needed more than ever as the powers that be are attempting to manipulate us all into WW3.  If we have unsustainable debt around the world, why not ramp up GDP through disaster capitalist means?  Destroying then rebuilding infrastructure, starving and then sending people food, water and shelter. Yes, a cynical take but possibly the truth is even darker.

Certainly as we approached the Pluto station last month - the near ending of a 17 - year cycle and more importantly a 250 yr cycle of American imperialism (yes, murdering indigenous people would be part of an imperialist agenda) - we are seeing the ugly ragged vestiges of empire on its last but very powerfully destructive legs. Why?  Because we are inserting ourselves in a (second) conflict that has no good end in sight. Once again, can we believe the stories we are being told? 

That low tech terrorists could breach the walls of the most sophisticated surveillance system on earth?  If so, how and why was this allowed to happen?  Does self defense, even after such a horrendous tragedy, equate with decimation of an entirely undefended population? 

If there is any truth here, it is that the governments of both entities do not care about their own people. The dying citizens on either side are simply collateral damage to the power brokers who are using national struggles to destroy sovereignty and usher in a global technocratic order.

Of course the complexities of the Middle East defy understanding of the most western educated because it is possible our modern way of thinking cannot countenance the emotional rage, pain and trauma of thousands of years of conflict.  Yet, the astrology of Oct 7th was quite brutal and in this instance literal (Mars square Pluto - a violent underdog fight) leading to the Pluto station on Oct. 10th.  And much of this is the force of wetiko, the dark shadow underbelly of the human psyche.  But rest assured, the emotional foment that is being stirred up is serving some greater heartless agenda.

The only moral high ground is demanding peace otherwise we remain in an old testament world of eye for an eye, keeping us blind with rage.  And yes, if we call one side barbarians how is the more enlightened side supposed to act? In highly traumatized populations, the victim/victimizer, aggressor/oppressed cycle is endless without conscious intervention.

Meanwhile, ongoing chaos with a dysfunctional congress, Trump's trials, Biden's jingoistic speech keep us distracted from more insidious forms of decline such as diminished buying power, the contrived reduction of food and energy production and destruction of natural weather and hydrological cycles. It is a sobering time where we might want to begin to focus on the most essential aspects of being alive and healthy and determine success on our own terms.   

And instead of a linear trajectory of "achievement", let us seek out a more circular natural cycle of interdependence and right work as our contribution to the evolution of mankind and the web of life.

Saturn direct in Pisces Nov 4th
there are no saviors

Saturn entered the sign of Pisces in March 2023 and since then it may have contributed to feelings of disillusionment, depression, helplessness in the face of current personal or world events.

It is true that many authority figures - particularly in the realm of spiritual or medical leaders, represented by Pisces, have misused their power or failed to act with integrity.

And in the realm of more superficial influencers like celebrities, can we now take any of them seriously in relation to their either lockstep adherence to covid narrative or their automatic mindless opinions on Ukraine or Israel/Palestine?

In the face of these failures, we are being called upon to become our own authority figures and spend the requisite time and energy to understand complex issues.

Likewise, we need to consider or support new leaders who not only have the mental and moral capacity to make nuanced decisions, but also the courage to defy entrenched interests.

On a more mundane level, Saturn relates to time , responsibilities and commitments - either beginning or ending ones.  So you may look back to decisions you made in 1993 - 1995 (particularly if you have important planets or angles in Sag, Gemini, Virgo or Pisces) and notice if the situation in front of you is similar in any way.

Even more granularly, you may also notice efforts or difficulties appearing about seven years ago and can determine if they need adjustment now.

Lastly, Saturn in Pisces IS about victimization, scapegoating, karma and religion and with the unfortunate devastation now occurring in the Middle East, there are civilian victims on both sides.  The madness of religious (or secular) fanaticism only leads to destruction and a vicious cycle of violence. Can we get off the wheel of this low vibrational frequency of human agency?

Where in our personal lives are we contending with Saturn?  Where might we be feeling frustrated or saddened or alternatively motivated by mature consideration of what needs to be done now?

ARIES - addressing long-standing fears and irrational rescue fantasies

TAURUS  - noticing our social circle is narrowing or becoming more hardline

GEMINI  - understanding the necessity to consider a different career path

CANCER - recognizing that your former beliefs may not provide enough context for the meta issues happening in the world right now

LEO - considering your financial situation, retirement and or resources within partnership

VIRGO - getting serious about a relationship or realizing it has run its course

LIBRA - feeling overburdened by daily life, ill health or a boring day job

SCORPIO - mourning the temporary loss of magic in your love life or deciding it is time to commit to your creative projects more fully

SAGITTARIUS - realizing you can't go home again and or considering a residential move

CAPRICORN - feeling depressed or unable to help to someone closer to you, a sibling or close friend is flailing

AQUARIUS - worries about money, having to consider new talents to promote  

PISCES - sensing that it is time to shed your old persona, which may include close relationships, in service to a new path

While Saturn is a planet that most of us dread, he, in fact, can help us materialize what we want in life.  There is always a need to get serious and face the music when Saturn contacts a personal planet or angle and if we look at the main events of our lives, they are oftentimes the result of Saturn  forcing us to make a decision.  As we get older, Saturn is our friend who allows us to do the necessary work to bring our personal gifts into form.

So get busy being the author of your own life!

Jupiter in Taurus inconjunct Neptune in Pisces Nov 5th
material or spiritual benefits

The main planetary transit of the month of November is Saturn turning direct in Pisces. Astrological connections are always happening, however, even if they do not carry the weight of the outer-planetary stations.

One such small nudge is Jupiter in Taurus in a slightly uncomfortable angle to Neptune in Pisces.  Such awkward connections as the inconjunct require some kind of adjustment.  In this instance, we are considering whether our material aspirations are at odds with our spiritual growth.

Jupiter in Taurus IS focused on the three-dimensional concrete plane and the benefits it infers are usually tangible as in money or things.  Neptune in Pisces is the long range inquiry into spiritual dreams, nightmares and illusions.  We certainly don't have to live like paupers or hermits so asceticism is not necessary.  But the concrete growth we are pursuing will still help to hopefully further our purer goals of self-evolution.

Where might we have to work out inconsistencies?

ARIES  - between our desire to make money while still learning to surrender to the universe

TAURUS - in what ways can improving oneself also improve the future for mankind

GEMINI - can the interior work I am doing still also replenish or inspire my career path?

CANCER - while gaining new friends and followers, are they able to help me on my spiritual path

LEO - can my career success help in my partner's evolution and advancement

VIRGO  - how will getting a new degree or credential help my relationship

LIBRA - if my partner is improving their finances, can that impact my own health and well-being

SCORPIO - my partner is feeling more confident, can that impact our creativity, children or intimacy?

SAGITTARIUS - improvements in health may have one question the toxicity of one's home (or mother wound)

CAPRICORN - does focusing on my children's welfare assist or deter from my own inner searching

AQUARIUS - even if lucky to invest in my home, will my creative aspirations have to go by the wayside

PISCES - if my friends are making more money, will they still have time for me?

Venus in Libra inconjunct Saturn in Pisces Nov 9th
Mercury square Saturn 0 degrees Sag Nov 11th
measured responses

Mercury and Venus are personal planets who when left on their own, can operate pretty superficially or without a moral compass.  Their contact with Saturn tends to cause them to become more serious, committed or alternatively depressed and saddened.  Venus and Mercury will interact with all the outer planets during the year, so once again, this is not to most important transit to worry about, but just to notice or allow pause if feeling somewhat defeated.

Venus in Libra is quite social while Saturn in Pisces might want to be left alone. Mercury in Sag is very verbose and boastful while Saturn is likely to squash desires and big plans.  The better use of Saturn is to notice if one is off course and to take the temperature before moving forward.

Where might the personal party hit a tiny snag mid-month?

ARIES  - there may be big plans to travel and enjoy romantic encounters, but old fears of rejection or poverty may enter the picture
TAURUS - its enjoyable to indulge in food and sex, but how does this help your future?
GEMINI - you'd really like to enjoy yourself and this includes dating, but will your work suffer?
CANCER - it's nice to focus on home and office, but what does it really mean when the world is coming to an end?
LEO - you're in a social mood with friends and collaborators but how does this impact the bottom line?
VIRGO - if you feel a bit more flush with cash, is it okay to spend on the home even if your partner disapproves?
LIBRA - there is a desire for a little pizzazz in life to take away the dullness of everyday responsibilities
SCORPIO - romantic and financial dreams may hit a snag when you think about what you're missing
SAGITTARIUS - you do want to indulge a bit even if you worry about long-term expenses or where you live
CAPRICORN - you're getting some praise and work and dreaming of some positive changes, don't let a friend or sibling rain on your parade
AQUARIUS - it's okay to future trip now and then about travels and new friends, don't let fear of money get in the way
PISCES   - people may be helping you out right now with money or praise, accept gracefully but don't expect it to continue indefinitely

Quite honestly, Saturn in Pisces is a bit of a Eeyore character so when you hear the "no" in most of the above cases, there is no need to take it too seriously unless you are being super irresponsible or superfluous.  We all need some lightness in these apocalyptic days so don't let the downer voice quell the momentary fun.

Mars in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus 21 degrees Nov 12th and 13th
sexy fireworks or chaotic encounters

When Mars contacts Uranus, situations can accelerate or blow up, depending on what needs to happen.  Certainly, one can attract a tall, dark stranger in this time of Scorpio but his or her entrance may be bookended by an equally abrupt exit.  

If we are involved in a relationship that has been having problems, this type of aspect can signal an "out of the blue" breakup.  While it can seem unexpected, it's more likely that one or both parties have been dragging their feet about making a necessary change.

Mars and Uranus aspects also unfortunately, point to war or violence and as the world is a tinderbox now, it does not bode well for some extreme global conflict.

The good side of this aspect is being open to a person, place or situation that is different from your normal type or pattern.  We are turned on by a magnetic new person or idea and we will pretty much go for it rather than holding back.

Where might the stimulating and liberatory energy of the Mars/Uranus opposition play out for you?

ARIES - of all the signs, except for Taurus/Scorpio, it is likely the arrival or departure of a sexual partner that is precipitated by you feeling differently about yourself

TAURUS  - like Aries, this aspect is most likely to be experienced  by the appearance or disappearance of an important romantic figure

GEMINI - there could be quick changes at work or an improvement/accident that forces you to consider a new way of life

CANCER - your interests are changing and hence there may be new people/followers entering or exiting your life

LEO - there can be changes in your living situation based on work obligations

VIRGO - a reevaluation of your childhood programming has you exploring an entirely new philosophy or spiritual practice

LIBRA  - like your opposite sign of Aries, it is likely that a change in your self-esteem will have you considering new and different partners

SCORPIO  - your partner is changing, will you adapt?

SAGITTARIUS  - hidden forces may be at play, potentially repressed anger or sexual feelings, that affect your health

CAPRICORN - you may attract a lover or collaborator who is responding to your new professional image

AQUARIUS - there is new interest in your work, will it disrupt your home life routine?

PISCES - you are inspired by new spiritual or political viewpoints and want to meet people who share these new views

Mars in Sag square Saturn in Pisces Nov 25th
whose truth?  who cares?

In keeping with the general tone of the month - seriousness - Mars, the planet of action and activism squares Saturn in Pisces (dissolving illusions). Mars and Saturn were considered malefics in traditional astrology, meaning they were both bad guys who only caused difficulties and heartbreak.

In our modern days, we are probably looking more at ideological divisions and religious or political differences. Mars in Sag would potentially be the religious fanatic while Saturn in Pisces would be the disapproving hand of god requiring sacrifice and penance.

We can see how in these very volatile times that such a clash of energies could lead to great frustration and diplomatic impasses.  This will probably not be a successful time for peace negotiations or legal battles as both sides think they have a monopoly on the truth.

Since this energy will be present through the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, consider that bringing up controversial topics at the dinner table may only lead to misunderstandings and hard feelings.

In less overt ways, we are looking at a desire to "speak truth to power" bumping up against a missing or ineffective authority figure.

With patience, both sides can eventually come to some truce.

Where might the impulse to speak up meet with a limited or dismissive response?

ARIES - one the one hand, you think you know it all, but are afraid that you are not strong enough

TAURUS - you're interested in an investment, but friends tend to throw a wet blanket on your idea

GEMINI - you'd love to join the picket line but worry about what your boss will say

CANCER - you may be motivated to change things at work but somehow have little faith in the outcome

LEO - there is a desire for more fun and adventure but financial fears get in the way

VIRGO - you'd love a trip or home redesign but your partner is not on board

LIBRA - you're bursting with new ideas that no one seems to want to listen to, especially at work

SCORPIO - you've got some new money-making concepts but no one believes in your creativity

SAGITTARIUS - you're aching for some new adventure but home responsibilities keep you in place

CAPRICORN - you're developing a more optimistic viewpoint but your friends don't seem to care or believe you

AQUARIUS - should you get more involved in social causes, will your bottom line be affected

PISCES - you've got big ideas to share with the world and then you wonder, are you capable?

This, like most of November's transits, is relatively minor in the long range scheme of things. But in the moment, Saturn aspects can be frustrating.  Even if you encounter an obstacle, you can stop momentarily and resume your activity in a few weeks when the aspect breaks. Contemplation of the issues can lead to a more effective resolution.

Venus in Libra on South Node Nov 30th
karmic endings or beginnings

Any connection of a planet to the nodes will represent a meeting with destiny. Venus represents love, women, sisters, daughters, art and money.

Should a situation or relationship have run its course, the connection to the south node would instigate a leaving or ending.

If one is single or in the timeline of a new romance or collaborative venture, Venus touching the south node might bring in a karmic connection, someone from your near or far past.

If a person or thing are not involved, we may be seeing a release of older superficial desires and dreams.

Inevitably, one chapter of your life is ending and another is beginning.

Where might you experience this light touch with destiny?

ARIES - in your relationship house

TAURUS - in your work environment

GEMINI - regarding a creative or romantic situation

CANCER - regarding your home life, residence

LEO  - in relation to friends or relatives

VIRGO -regarding making money

LIBRA  - in one's sense of self

SCORPIO - in allowing one to access or remove a fantasy

SAGITTARIUS - in your social circles, a new friendship

CAPRICORN - regarding a work colleague

AQUARIUS - with a relationship abroad

PISCES - in your intimate desires or regarding inheritance

Just like the decline of the British and Roman empires, The American Century of unipolar dominance (particularly through currency) is coming to an end. In order to retain dominance instead of fostering cooperation, we consistently invent more enemies to defend against.  Who does this benefit?  Not the average American.  No doubt Russia and China have their own agendas, but a generous diplomacy would be to extend multipolarity rather than forced western hegemony.  The enlargement of BRICS and the burgeoning distrust with the US around the world will eventually bring our downfall and belie the fiction of American exceptionalism.

We must withdraw our consent to endless wars and the corporate interests who stripmine the resources of the American people and leave us struggling on so many fronts.    Like the punch drunk aging fighter, it would be best to retire with honors rather than be humiliated in an ignominious and crippling defeat.




We begin the month with the accommodating energy of Libra but quickly are on the runway to the Pluto direct station on Oct 10th.  Pluto is straddling the line between end of Capricorn and early Aquarius for two years (2023-2024) driving home the changing nature of entrenched power.  Capricorn would be what we think of as the old guard power structures - government, church, business, nation states. On the other hand, Aquarius is about more anonymously centralized power such as media companies, multinationals, tech surveillance operators, military contractors and NGO's  One former ascendant dominator/predator is being replaced by a new set of abusive systems, perhaps not as obviously deleterious because they can take on the collectivist mantle of  "for the greater good".

We might hate the old guard because they were brutal and materialistically abusive but the new guard may be even worse as they have control over our thinking, consuming, communicating and organizing via access to private online information

Sun and Mercury in Libra
a bit of finesse

While not the strongest energy in relation to Pluto, Saturn or eclipses, the Sun's movement through a sign is a refresher for its archetype.  In this case, Libra reflects the desire for positive social interactions, refinement and willingness to listen to others.  Yes, negatively Libra can be codependent and not raise concerns or opinions for fear of rocking the boat.  

A solar eclipse in Libra (detailed below) will allow us to retool our relationship dynamics, particularly in light of the fact that the Aries archetype is also changing its direction to new and different adventures. As we become more aware of what we truly desire (Aries), of necessity, we will either change, update or walk away from relationships that are stuck in the past.

This energy will be more highlighted midmonth so as we begin October, we can enjoy the positive (and sometimes, simply pleasant and superficial) exchanges that Libra is known for.

Where can you add or experience a bit of diplomacy and beauty into your life?

ARIES - in your exchanges with others

TAURUS - in updating your office or wardrobe

GEMINI- in engaging in flirtation or fun activities

CANCER - in focusing on making your home more beautiful

LEO - in developing new and easy friendships

VIRGO - in diplomatically asking for a raise

LIBRA - in allowing yourself to be the center of attention

SCORPIO - in opening up to your romantic side

SAGITTARIUS - in attending social functions or in online exchanges

CAPRICORN - in upgrading your office

AQUARIUS - in contact with foreigners or philosophical discussions

PISCES - in the refined pleasures of romance

Mars in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn 27 degrees Oct 8th and 9th
civil David and onerous Goliath

As the month ramps up, life feels more serious and we may sense that we are in the fight of our lives.  Some of this is the impending Pluto station, late in Capricorn which itself is preceded by Mars and Pluto squaring off in the cardinal (take action) signs of Libra and Capricorn.

These few days may be a preview of what we will have to face more fully when Pluto turns direct on Oct 10th.  This moment is more impatient and possibly not so well thought out, but it is important for you to cognize where things do not feel fair.  (And they very well may NOT be). But you will probably have to deal with the long-term changes in a more determined and plodding way.

Nevertheless, what are the obstacles that you feel you might have to face in the coming months:

ARIES - even if you speak nicely to others, the "law" will still come down on you, appeasement is not possible

TAURUS - some minor attempts at reconciliation at work will be stymied by a prevailing orthodoxy

GEMINI - money and the power of it seems to outweigh new ideas

CANCER - even if you crave more independence at home, your partner may not be on board

LEO - rebelling against some tasks or beliefs wont' necessarily change the power dynamics at work

VIRGO  - there are no simple "amenable" solutions to deep-seated problems

LIBRA - even in asserting yourself, you will not overthrow the queen (mother's voice)

SCORPIO  - you're looking for love but years of abusive communication seems to forgo any peace

SAGITTARIUS - will what you say online negatively affect your bottom line?

CAPRICORN - if questioned at work, will you have to be the heavy?

AQUARIUS - you may try on a different more acceptable new spiritual views, but it will not diminish deep-seated fears, that requires therapy not new age slogans

PISCES - sweet talking a partner will not change the fact that your long terms goals are at odds 

Attempts at appeasement will not work in these individual situations.  And making light of abuse will not dissolve it's hold.  You can talk of peaceful solutions but if they only skim the surface, they will not change the more entrenched problems which are staring you in the face.

This is like the politicians talking about minor cultural issues while ignoring completely the utter rot in the system.  You will need firmer convictions and an ability to steel yourself for a much deeper confrontation, some of which will be possible when Mars moves into Scorpio later this month.

Pluto direct in Capricorn 27 degrees Oct 10th
forced and fated change

The major events of our lives oftentimes take place during intense Pluto transits.  These are generally not the happy ones, but rather involve significant loss, change or transformation.  A job or career termination, a divorce, a health scare, major move are all the outgrowths of Pluto contacting significant points or planets in your chart.  And, while in general, we can track the difficult moments in life to Pluto, there are occasional times when we will experience more positive life-changing situations like a marriage, pregnancy or important career opportunity.

Whether positive or negative, we are forced to take a reckoning of our lives and consider what is most important.

The same is true for societal shifts which also trend along with Pluto.  Pluto has been in Capricorn for the last 17 years, beginning with the financial crash in 2008.  And while Pluto has tipped into Aquarius earlier this year, it will not fully enter the sign until end of 2024.

Hence we are still reaping the rewards or punishments for choices made (or not considered) in the last decade or so.  

How have powerful structures constellated?  Who actually has power in our society?  While on the surface there is greater acknowledgement of the DEI and sustainability agendas, how permanently have their entered our daily lives?  In many ways, the bigs got bigger and in real life terms, most people are struggling to have a voice or a sense of financial security.

Perhaps the main realization is that counting on success on the material plane is not going to make us feel any more powerful or secure.  If we still give our power away to authority figures - (in this day and age) scientists and other thought leaders - we are no freer than when we were enslaved by many rigid religious and social codes.

And because here in the US, we've already experienced our country's Pluto return, we are probably moving into a level of decline as we have not upheld our original tenets of equality and individual rights.  As Pluto descends more into Aquarius - social media and high tech - we will find our freedoms becoming more and more limited in the name of safety.

So before we fully enter into dystopia, we must question where power lies and if we've lost it, how do we regain agency in our lives?

Whatever needs to go, will do so while what is authentic and core deep for us, will remain.

Our ongoing struggle for self actualization and inner authority happens here:    

ARIES - embracing and manifesting our true life work purpose

TAURUS - deepening your understanding of the ways of the world

GEMINI - how to manage our financial and sexual lives without giving away too much power

CANCER - the manner in which we deal with significant others

LEO - how we master our health and everyday life

VIRGO - a willingness to mine your deep creativity and open your heart

LIBRA - the search for emotional fulfillment and a sense of home

SCORPIO  - discipline with our thinking and our words

SAGITTARIUS - honoring your natural skills and abilities and receiving appropriate compensation

CAPRICORN - becoming the boss on your own terms

AQUARIUS  - learning to trust the universe no matter the outer events

PISCES - discovering our voice on the world stage

Libra solar eclipse Oct 14th
synergistic relationships

The second solar eclipse on the Aries/Libra axis takes place on Oct 14th.  The first one occured on April 20th, in Aries and initiated a cycle around exciting new projects and endeavors.  We will continue to experience rapid change in the Aries/Libra houses of our charts for the next 12 months.

The Aries/Libra polarity revolves around the parameters of relationships and self-hood.  Libra is motivated to develop partnerships of all kinds while Aries struggles to maintain their independence.  Codependence is a Libra theme while domination maybe more characteristic of Aries.

Yet, solar eclipses provide opportunities to find new balance and synergy to this equation. How can I forge successful relationships while still retaining my need for personal development and exploration?

The most successful partnerships do allow for movement and growth while still providing a container for emotional security and exchange.

Libra also involves social customs, manners, civilization.  Traditional relationships involved hierarchy and encouraged cooperation/submission at the expense of individuation.  Our modern world no longer ascribes to those rules and so we must develop a new form of cooperation and balance.

And we will be motivated to do so as Libra can be skilled in negotiation and healthy compromise.  This may be the best time of the year to move forward on important personal or business dealings, particularly as Pluto, the business planet, will also be in forward motion.

Where will the desire for healthy and interdependent connections play out for you?

ARIES - in a renewal of your most significant partnership, this starts with being authentically you

TAURUS - in finding cooperative alliances at work, knowing your worth now allows you an equal voice
GEMINI - in developing more artistic and "civilized" pursuits that are more in alignment with your new social goals

CANCER - in improving the relationship with your mother as you are more empowered

LEO - in finding friends in your local community that match your changing political views

VIRGO - in developing clients where you have a sense of greater financial worth

LIBRA - allowing your needs to be met rather than solely focusing on others

SCORPIO  - in softening your approach to life and trusting in providence

SAGITTARIUS - in new professional or political groups that match your moral standards

CAPRICORN - in relating to your boss or superiors, old family dynamics are no longer in play

AQUARIUS - in reestablishing or beginning a new relationship with god, you are not alone in the universe

PISCES - in seeking more equal or compatible partners so there is reciprocal exchange

The Aries solar eclipse earlier in the year, provided the cosmic impetus to take the most exciting and expansive path forward.  So as we continue on that course, we will reevaluate our relationships now during Libra season to include those that support our personal destiny while moving away from ties that unnecessarily bind.

North Node hovering at 24 degrees Aries all month
the energy of youth

And as much as the solar libra eclipse focuses on new dynamics in relationships, that is only really possible if we have upgraded our relationship with ourselves and our needs.  The North Node will be remaining in the vicinity of 24 degrees all month long and it's imperative is to get us to retrieve or revive dreams that we held in our 20's.  Not foolish impossible ones but ones where we felt truly alive and ourselves.

In the same vein, we had a sense of what we craved in terms of independence and adventure at the time of the first Aries solar eclipse 4/20/23.  This was a super Aries eclipse which hopefully inspired us to go after what we truly wanted.

Perhaps this month, along with Pluto going retrograde, we can start to implement some of the tasks that will allow us to arrive at our new goals.

Where is destiny on call for us this month?

ARIES - standing for your truth, even if a voice of one

TAURUS - bringing forth your inner strength. knowing it's connected to larger forces

GEMINI - using your voice on social media

CANCER - speaking with higher ups, new professional opportunities

LEO - through your words or travel

VIRGO - in aligning with like-minded courageous folk

LIBRA - in welcoming the adventurous types into your life

SCORPIO - improved health and work situations

SAGITTARIUS  - in romance or artistic pursuits

CAPRICORN - in reinvigorating your home life

AQUARIUS - in discovering new friends and playmates

PISCES  - in designing new ways to make money

As Aries is closely associated with life force energy, where do you feel most alive and empowered?  That is what you should pursue.

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus/Scorpio Oct 28th
shades of the last five years

While we are just getting started with eclipses in Aries/Libra, we are finishing up the cycle of Taurus/Scorpio eclipses which began in 2021.  And even before these eclipses regarding emotional and financial security occurred, we were already dealing with massive change in our Taurus house, courtesy of Uranus since 2018.  

So this final wrapup of the story of merging vs. self-sufficiency can be realized at the end of the month.

As opposed to a solar eclipse, where the energy is focused in one sign and purpose, a lunar eclipse reveals ways we can find balance or let go of dysfunctional unbalanced situations.  The negative side of this equation is in Scorpio in this cycle as the South Node in Scorpio indicates what energy must be released or transformed.

If any situation in our life is not "clean", i.e. shady codependent, manipulative - it has probably already blown up and/or become more painful to endure. The thrust is to be more singular and stable and trusting in a straightforward plan.  Slow and steady is the way to go rather than tricky shortcuts that lack integrity.

Hence this last focus on Taurus/Scorpio energy will make clear if we've successfully found ways to build mutually beneficial relationships or better yet, able to go it alone.

Where have you learned that it is better to take care of yourself rather than count on or corral others to lend emotional or financial assistance with strings attached?

ARIES  - in the area of determining your own self worth, once you are clear on your values, others will support you

TAURUS  - in the area of self-development whereby what matter is how you feel about yourself rather than what others think

GEMINI  - in trusting your own instincts rather than listening and being tossed about by a variety of opinions

CANCER - in deciding your own future without having to kowtow to other people's emotional manipulation

LEO - setting forth on your own career path that does not carry the weight of failure or success from the past or your parents

VIRGO - in searching for your own answers to life rather than falling back on childhood imprints

LIBRA - the more your look out for your own needs in relationship the less you are bothered by other people's perceptions and moods

SCORPIO - allowing other people to be themselves rather than trying to control them

SAGITTARIUS - taking care of your health and managing your life rather than leaving things to fate

CAPRICORN - making sure your intimate or creative needs are met before you run off to impress strangers (or social media followers)

AQUARIUS - if you are secure in your home life, the applause or criticism in professional circles is irrelevant

PISCES - it's better to know your own mind and be a party of one rather than chasing the latest spiritual or cultural trend

September 2023 Horoscopes

A Sense of Greater Agency and Conviction

So it can certainly feel like we are in new terrain following the Uranus retrograde station late last month. The first week of September will continue to have a lot of interpersonal planetary volatility.

Uranus retrograding on Aug 29th while Venus is beginning to turn direct after six weeks suggests upsets or accelerations in relationships of all kinds. Mercury is also retrograde at this time in Virgo so we may be arguing about minor details that bely larger issues regarding freedom of expression, appreciation, ability to create, advance goals etc.

Uranus stations also accompany crises which can be environmental, financial or military in nature.

Our values have been changing (or been pressured to change) since 2018 when Uranus went into Taurus.  We have  a few more years left of this radical shift in money, creativity, relationship, land, food and the arts.

The Venus retrograde period made it evident that we have probably changed or found that we no longer value or view situations/people in the same way.

Hence the Venus station direct on the 4th will reveal what we really think about a person, place, situation or goal.

Jupiter, also in Taurus, retrogrades on the 4th on the World Axis.  Could we see financial machinations or delays, changes in how we accumulate resources or financial security? While this year-long transit (May 17, 2023 - May 25, 2024) IS a time to make money or concretize acquisitions, the retrograde may slow accumulation down so we can rethink the investment in the current moment.

If solid, we will be able to forge ahead once Jupiter turns direct on December 31st. (Next year we will experience a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus that could either result in a windfall or a loss of resources based on your investments and their true viability for YOUR growth).

Until the 23rd, the Sun will be travelling through vVrgo and at the end of his stay encountering the withering or spiritualizing effects of Neptune and the grinding transformation of Pluto.

Venus direct in Leo 12 degrees Sept 4th
discovering and recovering our personal needs

The Venus retrograde, while almost invariably reconnecting us with people from or recent or far past, served to bring clarity to what we need now in order to feel appreciated or seen.  The good reencounters could have affirmed a time in our lives where we felt loved and accepted while the negative remembrances remind us of where or how we were mistreated (or allowed ourselves to be mistreated).  

In the cases of burgeoning relationships, we may be considering individuals that we never thought were our type or held the potential to be an intimate partner.

Venus turning direct will either permanently cut the cord from dysfunctional partnerships (should we desire) or accelerate the formation of new more appropriate relationships. As our relationships with the outer world mirror our inner self perception, we can also see that the more consciously and lovingly we treat ourselves, the more likely we will see it reflected in people who like us for who we truly are.

Where would you have experienced a change of heart?

ARIES  - in your creative projects or collaborative partners

TAURUS - in regards to your mother

GEMINI - in your perception of your friends or siblings

CANCER - in the quality of your skills

LEO - in your sense of self, hopefully you are more in touch with your brilliance

VIRGO - in your dread of the future or guilt from the past

LIBRA  - in your social organizations

SCORPIO - in your career pursuits

SAGITTARIUS  - in your spiritual beliefs or educational experiences

CAPRICORN - in your investments or business alliances 

AQUARIUS - in your most personal relationships

PISCES - in your lifestyle choices or perception of health

Jupiter retrograde in Taurus 15 degrees Sept 4th
consolidating your gains

Jupiter, the planet representing abundance and opportunity, turns retrograde in Taurus on Sept 4th.  Whether in forward or retrograde motion, Jupiter still offers benefits and insights.  The only difference is that when retrograde, as it will be until  December 31st,  the growth may be slower and/or more deliberate.  Retrogrades also offer opportunities to reconnect and revision our larger aspirations.

Jupiter in the earth sign of Taurus also indicates material or financial growth. Those lucky enough to have this birth chart placement are oftentimes born into great wealth or landownership.  For the rest of us, the transit si the time to more easily accumulate resources.   This is especially true if it is passing your money, residential or career houses.   And while it certainly still pertains to money in the traditional sense, we may also look at others gifts we either possess or can obtain in this moment.

Uranus, the awakener and chaos maker, has been travelling in Taurus since 2018 and so our ideas of what is important or valuable may have been changing.  There will be a spectacular conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus next April 2024 which can bring long-shot lucky breaks to those who are in alignment with their true life's purpose.

For the next few months, consider what "luck" has already appeared in your Taurus house and either fine-tune or adjust to make the final dream even more solid and grounded.

Jupiter retrograding will offer the opportunity to contemplate your manifestation goals here:

ARIES  - regarding a higher salary and appreciation of your gifts

TAURUS  - the question of what new self is being formed

GEMINI -the development of greater trust and faith

CANCER - the building of a solid social network

LEO - the next stage of professional success

VIRGO  - the catalyzing of a new world view, opportunities abroad or in education

LIBRA - long term financial partnerships, investments

SCORPIO - a solid committed relationship

SAGITTARIUS - improved health outcomes

CAPRICORN - the ability to turn ideas into reality, growing your family

AQUARIUS  - finding your permanent home

PISCES - strengthening your voice and community ties

If for some reason your projects have slowed down, do not be alarmed. This is simply a resting and/or adjustment period and the expansion will continue in the New Year.

And unless you are an addict or a gambler, you can't go wrong with Jupiter because he helps increase your efforts dramatically and oftentimes with great ease.

Lean into the direction your heart wants to take you and it is possible for you to reach your desired goals in the coming year. Jupiter retrograde in Taurus 

Mercury direct in Virgo Sept 15th
fixing the pieces

Mercury retrogrades are relatively common occurrences, happening three or four times a year.  And while they always bring some minor form of chaos, in the sign of Virgo, the perfectionist/critic, we can be upended over small details.  Of course, tiny miscommunications may obscure deeper resentments and these may revolve around issues of service or being taken advantage of.  Virgo can be picky because they are looking for the perfect solution to an issue but fail to see the larger implications or necessity of stepping back.

Nevertheless, if projects, relationships, situations only require some small practical fix, this can be attended to during the Mercury retrograde period which began Aug 23rd and ends on Sept 15th.

Contracts, practicums, procedures, manuals, company directives can all come under scrutiny or improvement and it is hopeful that the rejiggering will aid in greater communication and teamwork.

In our personal lives, have we determined if there is one minor pattern (of thinking, behaving, relating) that if adjusted, could lead to greater satisfaction and "efficiency"?

Lastly, the improvements should ideally be health-oriented, whether from a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual perspective.

What opportunities arose to "fix" things in your life:

ARIES  - noticing and improving food and lifestyle habits

TAURUS - tweaking a creative project

GEMINI - managing your home in a more efficient manner

CANCER - clearing up miscommunications with siblings and friends

LEO - discerning a more marketable skill

VIRGO - seeing yourself through new eyes, greater self-acceptance

LIBRA - squashing paranoid thinking

SCORPIO - connecting with like-minded people

SAGITTARIUS - re-invigorating and old career ambition

CAPRICORN - considering some form of higher education

AQUARIUS  - paying attention to joint finances

PISCES - giving your partner a bit more concentrated attention

Venus in Leo square Jupiter retro in Taurus Sept 17th - 18th
overdoing it

The same day that Venus turns direct, Jupiter retrogrades and they move in a square aspect much fo the month.

Now that you are seeing yourself differently (or finally acknowledging the truth of a situation) you may decide to pause or slow down on certain goals. Alternatively, if love is taking a greater role in your life, you may take a break from your career ambitions.

Additionally, with Leo focusing on self-expression, Taurus is concerned with security and we may note where these two needs collide or intersect.

Where might there be a clash between personal desires and material necessities? How can we find ways to balance or honor these different needs?

ARIES - you feel like having fun but don't want to break the bank

TAURUS - should you spend money on your home or on your self education?

GEMINI  - friends want a good time but you are focused more on spiritual gains

CANCER - you may want to show off and this may please or dismay your social group/ideology

LEO - self interest may not meet with approval when discussing career goals, you would like to be independent and a star but the boss says to put your head down and work

VIRGO   - there is a part of you which needs praise but perhaps your religious upbringing looks down on self promotion

LIBRA - who are you impressing or investing in now - your friends or your lover?

SCORPIO - you may get to be a star at work but your partner sees the same old you, don't get too big for your britches

SAGITTARIUS - even if you possess lofty goals, you still must do the everyday work

CAPRICORN - your partner may demand attention that you feel should be directed to your children instead

AQUARIUS - your partner wants attention but you feel it may be more important to focus on family

PISCES  - even if you get praise at work, your friends will still hold you to old standards

The personal desire are real and should try to be integrated into your larger goals of self-sufficiency and financial security.  A small treat here or there won't hurt but don't override your long-term goals.

Neptune in Pisces oppose sun in Virgo Sept 20th 26 degrees
Pluto in Capricorn trine Sun in Virgo Sept 21st 

The perfectionist doer Virgo Sun has several encounters late in the month with two outer planets that can adjust or impel action.  On the 20th, Neptune in Pisces opposes the Virgo Sun, tending to slow down the OCD nature of Virgo energy.  We may not like the temporary fogginess but it helps to accept the transpersonal strength of Pluto in Capricorn trining Vigo the following day.

We are not solitary rational beings as the science mind world would has us believe.  We are connected to higher forces and on these days when the outer planets impact the personal ones, we become very aware of our impotence to change things on will alone.

While these are not the most important transits in the world, they help to connect us to a larger field of influence and perhaps humble us in the face of universal forces.

Neptune may soften the harshness of everyday worker mentality while Pluto will get us in touch with the zeitgeist of history.

Where will this impact you?

ARIES  -  minor reverie or confusion followed by renewed commitment to work
TAURUS -  potentially overwhelmed by others' goals and perceptions and realizing that the only thing that matters is discovering the truth
GEMINI -    worries about family may be tempered by awareness of the strength of your intimate connections
CANCER -  you can sometimes question your childhood - did this really happen?  and Thankfully your partner can provide some context and support
LEO - you may be worried about money but in the end realize that if you attend to the work of everyday, you will reach your goal
VIRGO - you sometimes feel invisible and then you realize that as long as you are being creative, you are doing the right work
LIBRA - you wonder if all the "work on yourself" is worth it but then you realize, if you finally feel at home with yourself, that is the best result
SCORPIO -  you may dream of a love relationship and feel lonely but then realize that finding like-minded friends is soul satisfying
SAGITTARIUS - it's hard to sometimes know what work to pursue but the best choice is to follow your natural passions and the money will come
CAPRICORN - you may feel like your old friends are gone and where are the new ones but then cognize that belonging begins with accepting and loving oneself
AQUARIUS - the money issues comes up again, but rather than worry, trust that you will find the way by creating new structures, not following old ones
PISCES - should you focus on your relationship?  perhaps not so much on the one person, but rather your relationships with your peers

Uranus in Taurus trine Mercury in Virgo Sept 30th

The recent Mercury retrograde in Virgo may have had us develop new strategies or approaches around our work.  By implementing minor changes, you may create more beneficial results.

At end of month, you might have a breakthrough around how a change in thinking has improved your life here:

ARIES - feeling better about yourself, you can organize your team more easily

TAURUS -  new sense of self motivates you to get started on a project you may have been intransigent about

GEMINI - when you realize your true home is with god, you stop fussing over your security

CANCER - some new associations may allow you to soften sibling issues

LEO - changing professional goals lead to greater financial rewards and/or using your skills with greater efficiency 

VIRGO - if you realize there is a greater universal force behind everything, you may be less hard on yourself

LIBRA -  lessening codependent behavior brings you more confidence

SCORPIO - changes in relationship may have your alter your time on social media

SAGITTARIUS - focusing on your health and work practices may improve your professional outcomes

CAPRICORN - acknowledging your creative impulses may inspire you to take a new course

AQUARIUS - as your home life undergoes changes, you along with partner find ways to make things more efficient

PISCES - by communicating differently, you reach partners more effectively

What I'm discussing above is simply a small tweak based on new perceptions or values that may take the drudgery out of normally boring tasks.  A slight change of heart and mind can bring newness to any situation.  And, in practical terms, even if it means delegating work differently, a small change will yield tangible appreciable results.

So this month will start to get the wheels rolling again in your life.  October brings the Pluto station direct at the last degree of Capricorn and we are being compelled to create a new life out of the ashes of old assumptions and paradigms.  We are entering new terrain with Pluto's eventual long-term stay in Aquarius (2023 - 2044), but this fall and next year complete a very arduous cycle regarding power, authority and the changing social structure.

A new world awaits us but we must consciously decouple from the old constructs and bury the remains of our old misconceptions and addictions to power, fame, material success at the expense of true self-knowing.  As we move toward a new form of selfhood, let it be one where we honor the divinity in each of us and the web of life that most generously and interactively supports our existence.




As the month begins, we are headlong into the Venus retrograde cycle in Leo. The next few weeks will have us exploring issues concerning love, money, self-worth, artistry and leadership as well as unearthing stories and complexes from our childhoods.  Leo represents our inner child and most of us carry specific wounds from our early upbringing which crystallize in different ways.

According to spiritual teacher Carolyn Myss, we will constellate around one or another child archetype - Eternal, Orphan, Magical, Wounded, Nature and Divine.  And this core self definition will affect how we deal with the world around us and be most noticeable in romantic relationships. If you think your partner is acting like a baby or a controlling parent, it is likely that you or they are operating from old wounds and projections.  Now is the time to notice this dynamic and consider what a more emotionally mature partnership would look like.

In its essence, Leo is about our connection to divinity and of course, the range can run from placing others on a pedestal to the narcissist who must take all the air out of the room.  The preferred expression is that we are in touch with the divine spark within and we share that beauty with others through a generosity of spirit and creativity.

As Venus also deals with love and money, there are opportunities to reconnect with former partners or rework financial arrangements.  For those in the creative or entertainment fields, one can work with "stars" or bring on premiere clientele.

While the retrograde will be continuing through early September, the first few days of August could be quite dramatic and exciting, or alternatively volatile and destabilizing. Pluto is in an uncomfortable angle with the nodes and we may feel forced to make a decision before we are ready.  Do we compromise to fit into consensus reality or do we decide to individuate and stand for something even if the majority does not?  As the north node is in Aries, the independence fierceness route is recommended.

Also, during the first few days of August, Mars in Virgo trines Jupiter in Taurus and this opportunistic aspect can allow one to bring their ideas and projects easily to manifestation with potential wealth and long-term growth. In addition, while Pluto is pushing a more conventional narrative - or showing the weakness inherent in it, Venus in her retrograde motion will be in a positive trine aspect to the Aries North Node. Once again, if in alignment with your true heart and destiny, certain situations will fall into place if they are for your spiritual betterment.

Later in the month, Mars and Neptune oppose each other and this can have several different effects.  For many it can be a romantic time (whether newly formed or recouping previous shine) or, alternatively, one can feel lost and adrift, perhaps hanging on to a false hope or fool's errand.  Is this dream possible or likely? It will all depend on how clear you are about yourself and ability of the person, place or thing to satisfy that dream.  I oftentimes tell clients that whatever they dream about is something they are capable of manifesting.  However, disappointment can occur when one places that dream on a particular person, place or thing who is not capable of fulfilling that fantasy. Being clear-eyed can prevent a lot of wasted time and energy.

The end of the month features the annual Uranus retrograde, this time at 23 Taurus. Uranus has been travelling through Taurus and your Taurus house since 2018 and depending on the degrees of your fixed sign planets (Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio) you will have already felt the earthquakes and breakthroughs.  Otherwise, they are still potentially arriving in the next two years.

Uranus will separate us from what we no longer need or is useful for our growth. He will also quickly activate stimulating new situations and encounters with people we might never have expected to feel a connection to.  Whatever happens is there to move us out of stagnation and into greater individuation and freedom.

Pluto in Capricorn inconjunct Nodes in Aries/Libra Aug 1 - 3rd
adjusting to a new mission

The pressure to change is coming from the Capricorn house.  How will you adjust to new demands and focusses?

ARIES - career pressures or transformation may affect how you spend your time with partner

TAURUS -  as your world view is changing, how you deal with health and mental health is brought into view

GEMINI - financial considerations make you reconsider how you spend your time online and with loved ones

CANCER - your partner's forced circumstances may affect your career choices and home life

LEO - a change in lifestyle may have you questioning your former goals and friendships

VIRGO - a need for greater creative control has bearing on your finances and those of partners
LIBRA - changes in home or family life necessarily impact yourself and your relationship

SCORPIO - you've had to change your thinking about your childhood and this invariably has you addressing addictions and repetitive patterns

SAGITTARIUS - a developing or devolving financial situation has you rethinking how you spend your time and what your future goals are

CAPRICORN - as you accept more personal authority for your life, how you deal with work and family is being questioned
AQUARIUS - you may feel persecuted by forces beyond your control and in this instance, are seeking new ways of communicating and seeing the world

PISCES - your vision of the future is altered and hence how you manage your finances is undergoing a sea change

Pluto has been in Capricorn for the last 15 years and will still retrograde back one more time in 2024.  So this is likely a well-worn theme.  We're being given yet another chance to refocus our vision, particularly in light of how to become more authentic and independent.  If we are overly codependent in a situation, the vise is going to feel more restrictive. This moment might be a little messy if it springs us from old associations, but it is necessary for our long-term growth.  

Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus  Aug 1st and 2nd
moved to manifestation

This difficult transition is aided by a solid and supportive trine of Mars in Virgo (hard work) and Jupiter in Taurus (manifestation).

Your efforts in your Virgo house will bear fruit in the house where Taurus is transitting.

ARIES - living a healthier lifestyle will allow you to make more money and display your talents more effectively

TAURUS - accessing your creativity will bring you closer to feeling good about yourself, this is the new you

GEMINI - working on the home or family you desire will help eliminate old fears of poverty and destitution

CANCER - learning to work with your local community will enhance your ability to effect change in the larger world

LEO - simply plying your trade with diligence will bring you the career success you desire

VIRGO - standing up for yourself will change your world view

LIBRA - addressing family karma will improve your romantic life

SCORPIO - finding a healthy social outlet bring more stability to your relationship

SAGITTARIUS - focusing on your work in an organized fashion improves your lifestyle and mental health

CAPRICORN - expanding your world view also leads to greater creativity

AQUARIUS - working on your relationship leads to a a more tranquil home life

PISCES - as your partner becomes more motivated, your communication improves

Neptune in Pisces opposing Mars in Virgo Aug 20 - 25th
a temporary sense of diminishing returns

If not certain how to move forward, take a time out.  Neptune can weaken or confuse or dissolve our resolve or ambition.  But it may be necessary to step back and question if our actions make sense in the current moment.

ARIES - you lose steam, particularly around a world or health promise as you wonder if it will make any difference after all

TAURUS - you have some new creative ideas but are worried that your social circles won't understand or appreciate you

GEMINI - while raring to make changes to home, you feel burdened by uncertainty at work

CANCER - it seems that everyone wants to fight you on small stuff while you'd rather deal with the bigger picture

LEO - you've have a new idea of how to make money but your partner doesn't see its possibilities

VIRGO - you're on the move but can't get others to go along with you as they seem stuck in confusion

LIBRA - unconscious fears make it hard to commit to anything fully

SCORPIO - should you pursue personal pleasure or focus on more collective objectives

SAGITTARIUS - it's hard to feel motivated about work where you're not even sure where you should be or live

CAPRICORN - as long as you see the bigger picture and work toward it, some of your every day confusion will vanish

AQUARIUS - your partner may be pushing you to make more money but you're not even sure what you should do for work anymore

PISCES - partner may be pushing for changes but you have no idea what you want anymore

The confusion or enervation brought about by this aspect will only be present a few days but it brings up the difference between operating in the matrix and yet finding yourself drifting into a more esoteric or imaginative mindset. Yes, with Neptune you could be confusing illusion with reality and if you do need a "snap out of it" moment, this short timeline may bring some temporary clarity.  Yet, the dissolving effects of Neptune are much stronger and whatever has to eventually fade away will do so regardless of the amount of real life "effort" you put into something.

Uranus retrograde in Taurus on Aug 29th
dramatic change of circumstance

Nowadays, every late August and late January encounter a Uranus station, which usher in rapid changes and separations.  There is a certain amount of turmoil that happens at these times because the underlying premise is to break free of outdated or overly constrained situations.  The need to be free or move on is not always smooth but usually does feel liberating after the pieces fall.

Uranus will be in Taurus for about 3 more years, after having entered the sign in 2018. How have your values changed since then?  How do you approach money, sex, relationships, material possessions, housing, the environment? Because of the attendant Saturn/Pluto conjunction of Jan 2020 exemplified by covid, it is not likely you are still living or thinking the same way.  Or even if your lifestyle has not changed, you are aware that your situation may not be able to be sustainable for the long term.

The things that keep partners together involve shared values and if/when these change, it is hard to maintain the relationship any longer.  

We will still be in the midst of the Venus retrograde at the time of this years Uranus station retrograde.  While last summer 2022 included a lot of potential breakups, there was a good chance that many couples tried to reconcile during the fall (Mars retro) only to come to a more final conclusion in January 2023.

This year, we will have the same breakup energy but it will not be followed by a Mars retro and hence the "divorce" will be a bit more final.  

Conversely, if we are engaged in new relationships, projects that are in alignment with our more authentic selves, these can accelerate quickly at this time.

What makes you feel free and valued?  Those will be the questions that will determine your work and your love life.

Where will Uranus retrograde and how will it impact you:

ARIES - in your money sector, realizing who you want to work with or not

TAURUS - in your house of self, you decide to show the real you and perhaps separate from those who only see who you were in the past, who only relate to you in the past tense

GEMINI - in your karmic arena - perhaps releasing old patterns and even epigenetic imprints, you heal an addiction/compulsion

CANCER - in your social life and online - joining a new tribe or extricating yourself from an old one

LEO - in relation to career - changes at work beyond your control with boss or company OR you choose to leave to take on a new assignment

VIRGO - in regard to your spiritual life and understanding of the world - oftentimes correlates with a breakthrough epiphany or walking away from a spiritual guru

LIBRA - in your sex house - if committed, possible changes there or if single, exciting new people coming into your life

SCORPIO - in your relationship house - new people arriving while old connections change or more on, sometimes abruptly

SAGITTARIUS - n your work and health house - preferably you are motivated to take better care of yourself, if ill, potentially a turn for the better

CAPRICORN - in your house of creativity - you've access your genius or finally shake loose from hang ups about your abilities

AQUARIUS - change in the home - good or bad depending on how stagnant your situation is, ultimately liberating no matter what appears

PISCES - in the realm of your mind and communication - exciting news and connections and or breakups with old friends

If we are holding on too tightly to a situation or person who is no longer beneficial to our growth, they will be taken from us either through their leaving or circumstances that make you break the tie.  The more willing one is to seek the more enlightened path toward being free, the more positive the experience of the Uranus retrograde station.

On the other hand, if things have been crazy in your life for some time, the station may finally bring the chaos to an at least temporary close.

Even though this is Uranus in Taurus (a grounded earth sign), it still has an Aquarian vibe.  And with Pluto now tiptoeing in and out of Aquarius, the Uranus changes are getting us ready to deal with the monumental paradigm shifts that Pluto in Aquarius will usher in.  An entirely new world and challenges are coming into view and they require a different perspective and method of action. Uranus' lightning bolt of energy will allow you to move quickly onto a different future path.



The second half of June was heavily laden with Neptunian stories.  The implosion of the Titan submersible, the devastating sinking of the migrant ship off the coast of Greece and even Madonna's bacterial infection, all speak of the negative power of Neptune. While it is unlikely most of us did not experience the Neptune station in such an intense manner, perhaps we were visited by emotional or spiritual storms.  Once the tides turned (June 30th), the skies clear and we can move forward.

The absence of major planetary stations will hopefully make July a more tranquil month.  Instead, we may be focused on more personal matters and for many, an opportunity for romantic or financial connections, courtesy of Venus retrograde in Leo. Of course, these may include power struggles but that is an ongoing theme in our political culture that is pushing the story of the collective good over the "selfish" intentions of individual choices.    My only caution would be to consider who is pushing that narrative and does it truly benefit mankind or just the powers that be?

But these questions will abound for the next two decades.  In the meantime, for everything there is a season and when it comes to summer, it's the moment to relax and enjoy natural and/or homey experiences.  

Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus July 2nd
flickers of intrigue or conflict

Romantic or financial fireworks arrive with the square of Venus in Leo with Uranus in Taurus over the holiday weekend.   We've already been dealing with challenges to our egos via Pluto in Aquarius opposing both Venus (love and values) and Mars (desire and ambition) the last two months.  In comparison, Uranus sparking Venus may simply awaken a desire for new experiences or even a new flirtation (with a person or idea).

If our views of the world are evolving (almost guaranteed in our Taurus houses) then it is likely our interests are transforming as well.

This can be a delightful rather than painful energy.  Uranian energy is great when we are willing to see and act differently than our standard beliefs.  And even if a temporary separation occurs, it is may be loosening a codependent, identity=based bond.

Where might we enjoy a bit of creative or romantic excitement?  If there is frcition with a loved one, what might that entail?

ARIES -  you're less likely to demand as much from partner as you feel more capable yourself, hence you can be open to a new type of person

TAURUS  - now that you feel more special (and secure)deep down, you can let go of a limiting self image

GEMINI - your ability to communicate your needs may allow you to separate from old fears of abandonment

CANCER - a realization of your self-worth may conflict with how you've presented yourself before to others, relax, there are new people who will take their place

LEO - a newfound sense of self may have you revolt against the restrictions of the job/role

VIRGO  - connecting to the divine may bring on the realization that traditional religious views no longer hold water

LIBRA - finding new friends makes you less dependent on your intimate partner

SCORPIO - career success may reveal cracks in your relationship or conversely that your partner has come on board with your goals 

SAGITTARIUS  - a new spiritual path may cause you to break with your normal routines

CAPRICORN - financial changes may affect a romantic relationship 

AQUARIUS - are you able to give space for your partner to flourish?

PISCES  - better health/routine may bring in different friendships

Compared to major planetary stations, this is a minor astrology transit.  However, because the Leo archetype has been more emphasized these past few months and will continue with Venus retro in Leo, the issues brought up may be worth paying attention to.  And likewise, the real changes are due to the reevaluation of your beliefs and life purpose so the superficial conflicts or flirtations may belie more permanent transitions in the years ahead.

Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces July 15th 22 degrees
dreams of comfort and acceptance/family

It's been a rough year and we could all use some downtime to recuperate and
reset our lives.  Thankfully, the water planets in a fortuitous trine aspect may oblige.

The Sun in Cancer brings out our nurturing side while Neptune in Pisces allows us to see the best in others.  Let's absorb this energy mid-month and do what vacations allow - a chance to step out of the rat race and connect with our human emotional side.

Where might you most benefit from this positive emotional boost?

ARIES  - thinking about your family brings gratitude for their resilience and sacrifices

TAURUS - touching base with childhood friends renews your sense of possibility and community

GEMINI - you realize that generosity of spirit is good for business

CANCER - taking care of yourself also benefits the whole

LEO  - considering the far past bring greater appreciation to your current bonds

VIRGO - when you and your partner are on the same page of re: the future, it's a very comforting feeling

LIBRA -  your diplomacy skills are appreciated even more in the current workplace

SCORPIO - having a compassionate mind allows for greater creative expression

SAGITTARIUS  - caring for a partner may dissipate childhood wounds

CAPRICORN - giving the benefit of the doubt brings peace to your everyday surroundings

AQUARIUS  - taking care of your health improves your creativity and bottom line

PISCES  - it's easy to give to others, it's also helpful to receive love in kind

Nodes into Aries/Libra July 17th
self development vs. socially accepted norms

A recurring but spiritually significant astrological transit is that of the Nodes of karma and dharma moving through a particular sign pair.  The North Node reveals new connections and awakenings while South Node is correlated with letting go of contacts and attachments.  During the Taurus/Scorpio polarity of     the last 18 months, we would have been dealing with issues concerning finance, business connections, sexual alliances and security on the emotional and sexual planes.

Beginning on July 17th, the sign polarity shifts into Aries/Libra and we will now be contending with issues of independence and codependence, freedom vs. collaboration. The South Node in Libra will cleanse us of unproductive or completed relationships while The North node in Aries will inspire us to go our own way or take a risk on a new adventure.

And like every nodal transit, these follow an approximate 19 year cycle so we were last here in the years 2005 - 2006.

Another interesting fact about the nodal axis is that is also closely correlates with eclipse cycles as well and this fall, with the exception of one straggling Scorpio eclipse,  we will experience a new series of eclipses in Aries/Libra.

We all have Aries and Libra houses so this is where the energy will play out based on your sun or rising sign:

ARIES - the focus should now be on self development, independent identity
while it's time to release superficial or stagnant relationships/friendships

TAURUS - you may benefit from doing a spiritual deep dive into your past
while letting go of perfectionism and overly strict behaviors

GEMINI - consider engaging  with new social groups
while releasing  the tendency to baby/enable intimate partners

CANCER - more time and energy should be directed with career
while you worry less about what your family thinks

LEO -  opening to new cultural or political ideas is recommended
while it's time to stop following the consensus reality narrative

VIRGO - it's time to open up to more exciting romantic encounters
and put away  limiting beliefs about self

LIBRA - try  engaging with new and different people  
and don't be so stubborn about exact reciprocity

SCORPIO - it's time to begin  exploring new lifestyle choices 
while letting go of continued skepticism, trust issues

SAGITTARIUS - romantic or creative endeavors are encouraged
while you should  concern yourself less about what others think

CAPRICORN -  initiate a new chapter in your home life and
let go of attachments to professional acceptance or the status quo

AQUARIUS - open up  your thinking process and release rigid ideologies  

PISCES - focus on your potential rather than that of others

A brilliant and expansive solar eclipse in Aries on April 29th heralded the coming of this more intensive learning curve.  So if you were impelled to make a decision in favor of the new, you may be able to move forward or see the fruits of your labor to date.  

In the coming 18 months, those people or situations that allow more personal freedom of expression are those who are worthy of your attention while the complacent tried and true associations may need to move on.

Venus retrograde in Leo July 23rd - Sept 4th
connecting with the inner and outer queen

The Venus in retrograde transit this summer will present many opportunities for romance, drama, excitement as well as bruised egos or the release of an old self image.

Do people see us clearly?  Do we attract what we currently value or what we used to think was important?

As Leo relates to our ego presentation, are we accurately revealing our true persona or an orchestrated one?

If we are seeking an equal who is honest and true, we must likewise operate in our integrity.  Venus retrograde will provide the opportunity to set the record straight.

AS retrogrades bring people and situations back into our lives, it is an important time to take stock of what we have attracted in the past or what can we change to draw in the appropriate attention and consideration?

On a positive note, This period is a perfect time to reach out or hear from potential partners, clients, business associates or creative/artistic types, particularly if these people are "stars" in their respective field.  Those in the entertainment business can truly attract the clients of their dreams at this time, if both parties are in alignment.

Where might you attract your own star?

ARIES - a lover of a high caliber

TAURUS - while spending time with family (a family friend)

GEMINI - while hanging out in the neighbor, or through a relative
CANCER - while taking care of business, plying your trade

LEO - while enjoying your birthday month

VIRGO - while on a spiritual retreat or quiet spot

LIBRA - through social media or like-minded groups

SCORPIO - at work, impressing those with your professional skills

SAGITTARIUS - while travelling or taking a course

CAPRICORN - a few lovers may vie for your attention

AQUARIUS - your partner is intent on pleasing you

PISCES - you can meet someone on your daily rounds or at the gym

Yes, when it comes to Venus, the house location it is transitting (similar to its house placement in your birth chart) may suggest where and when (transits) you may connect with a love interest, creative collaborator or financial assistance.  But regardless of these timelines, in all cases, extending love to ourselves is the most effective way to eventually call in the right match.  So as always, it's an inside job and if we do the work, the universe will respond in kind.



While this month we encounter several planetary stations, compared to March and April, June will be a more tranquil and less intense time.  I would say that most of the difficult astrology of the year has already happened and we will be dealing with the fallout/consequences/opportunities for the rest of 2023.

And June will take a more intimate turn with the personal planets in Gemini/Cancer/Leo which are more concerned with relationships and family.

As we enter June, Mars is already in Leo followed by Venus' entrance into the sign on June 6th.  At that moment, Venus also opposes Pluto in Aquarius so issues of money, resources, loyalty, jealousy could be revealed.  In this instance, one's sense of individuality butts up against the impersonal needs of the collective.  

While Pluto will be in Aquarius for the next 20 years, it will retrograde back into Capricorn on June 12th to wrap up the last 16 years of institutional and financial drama.  While these issues may not disappear altogether, they will have a different flavor and instead of railing at big banks, we may be feeling repressed by big tech, surveillance, political agendas and collectivist ideologies. How will we retain our individuality while still contributing to a larger vision?

Saturn retrogrades in the early degrees of Pisces on June 17th and we have time to process our changing beliefs and allegiances.  Neptune's retrograde on the last day of the month will bring to light previously hidden information.

Leave time this month for relaxing activities and pleasurable times in nature or with loved ones.  It's been a challenging year and this upcoming respite is well-deserved.

Mars/Venus in Leo opposing Pluto June 6th
desires sizzle and intensify

Part of our journey here on earth is to determine how to best utilize our human vessel to do the work of creation.  Our sense of self is channeled through the sign of Leo, our solar identity, which connects to our desire for greatness.  Now, of course, based on consciousness, we may witness the negative version of this in the stereotypical idea of the narcissist.

But ideally, Leo can and should be about the ability to be a channel for divine expression and creativity.

Mars (sex and ambition) and Venus (love and values) will be travelling through the sign of Leo most of the month of June.  On the 6th, Venus will collide with Pluto in Aquarius, potentially leading to a battle of wills. (We may have already experienced this when Mars opposed Pluto last month).

Leo is the self while Aquarius is the collective.  Our personal interests are heightened when in the sign of ego gratification while Pluto in Aquarius may reveal the tyrannical or overbearing side of being part of a group.   Can we find ways to navigate our need for specialness while still operating within the matrix of consensus reality?

Mars and Venus in the sign of pride can demand attention and center stage. This is as it should be until the planets of love and sex come up against the controlling side of Pluto.  If our desires are solely coming from an ego place, they may find opposition.  Jealousy and triangulation are other manifestations of this energy.  

Alternatively, if one is in alignment, there is the potential for a very intense and passionate love connection  or enhanced creative expression. 

If you'd like to experience this minor aspect in the most enjoyable manner, make sure that you are coming from a place of true heart power rather than simply ego.

Where might fireworks alight in your life:

ARIES - you may feel highly romantic and creative yet find opposition from your tribe

TAURUS - there is a strong pull to home life but the career sector may be demanding more of you

GEMINI -  there's a lot of romantic opportunity in your local circle but this may miff those with a different viewpoint on life

CANCER - you are in a highly creative period,  but will you be able to earn the money your desire

LEO -  you are finally feeling good about yourself (and this will ext3nd to the Venus retrograde later this summer ) but your partner may try to squelch your confidence

VIRGO -  something is brewing in the arena of self-knowledge, calling for more meditation  and downtime, but work and daily life may interfere

LIBRA - you feel called to spend more time with new friends which may make your current paramour a bit jealous

SCORPIO -  you are on fire at work but your partner wants you to spend more time at home

SAGITTARIUS -  a summer fling beckons but your friends may not approve

CAPRICORN - you are presented with some interesting business opportunities but you worry it will take away from your current income stream

AQUARIUS - a siren may beckon you to have some fun and you may actually put it on hold

PISCES - the demands of work may intrude on your private time

As always, an aspect which involves personal planets contacting a transpersonal planet like Pluto is that the political becomes personal and we find that we can be either in the path of resistance or submission.  This does not mean that every situation must involve politics, but rather you may notice a mismatch between goals and objectives based on a belief system.

And while this is a temporary experience to test the boundaries of self vs other, we will be dealing with the possibilities of an overbearing collective narrative for years to come as Pluto will be in Aquarius until the year 2044.

So find ways to connect to your authentic self and then regardless of social currents, you will be on the path of your personal destiny.

Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn June 12th
empire imploding

We've all been living with the effects of Pluto in Capricorn over the last 16 years where such movements as Times Up, Me Too, BLM have become ostensible emblems against patriarchal corruption.  While in essence admirable, such organizations can likewise be appropriated for political gain. Additionally, we are now confronted with the push for DEI, ESG and other theories of equitable distribution of resources.  When does the revolutionary idea become the tyrannical one?

We will notice the overreach of these ultimately political ideologies as Pluto moves more deeply into Aquarius.  But, for the meantime, we can recollect the internal and external changes that Pluto in Capricorn (deconstruction of consensus reality) has made in our lives.

Can we clean up our institutions enough to bring out country back to its principles?

As a nation, we are witnessing the demise of the United States empire, one that has become a bloated military cudgel and bully to the rest of the world.  Our Pluto return in 2021 also showed decline in our handling of covid, supply change issues, environmental disaster and ongoing financial problems.

Personally, we have dealt with issues of power and control in a specific area or areas in our lives as designated below.

We can and probably did identify those people or situations that were abusive and overpowering.  Secondly, we may have rebelled or overthrown said abuser.  Thirdly, we may have empowered ourselves in the process.

What does power now mean to you?  What parts of the former hierarchical structure still appeal to you and which have been dismantled in your own mind?

The ultimate goal is to get us to regain our inner authority and not outsource it to others.

It's one thing to acknowledge one's victimhood, but yet another to develop a strategy that disables this pattern in our lives once and for all.  And on the cosmic level, it is about owning our own shadow rather than projecting it outward on to parents, bosses, corporations, governments.

How has Pluto in Capricorn assisted you in your embrace of self-mastery?

ARIES - through the evolution of your authentic career path

TAURUS - through the revising and reestablishing of your world view

GEMINI - through the destruction and/or development of business or financial partnerships 

CANCER - through the elimination of parent/child relationships

LEO - through a revolution in health or lifestyle

VIRGO - through a purging of blocks to love and creativity, the elimination of judgment in these areas

LIBRA - through a reconfiguration of the family system

SCORPIO -  through a renewal of your childhood experiences and/or mental constructs

SAGITTARIUS - through a reappraisal of your marketable skills, your relation to money in general

CAPRICORN -  through the acceptance of your own inner authority

AQUARIUS - through an awareness of your conspiratorial shadow

PISCES -  through the establishment of new goals and political or cultural affiliations

Saturn retrograding into Pisces June 17th
changing beliefs

Saturn, the planet of boundaries, limitations, lessons, regularly retrogrades in the late spring/early summer.  This iteration is marked by a distinct disillusionment/disappointment in those we looked up to - particularly in the spiritual, cultural or medical realm.

More practically, Saturn also repeats previous cycles, this last Saturn in Pisces one being in 1993-1995.  If you are over the age of 30, you would have experienced this as changes in the home, relationships, school at that time.  This is not to say you will repeat the same story, but the sense of a pivot away from the known to an uncertain future could be happening for you now. And, as you survived the past cycle, you will inevitably get through this one too.

For now, the pressure is off to make any permanent decisions until the fall when Saturn turns direct on

In the meantime, what realizations came up for you these past few months in terms of faith, beliefs, dreams?

ARIES - despite outward success, you still deal with worries of failure or meaning

TAURUS - you may be feeling alienated from old friends and former business associates

GEMINI - you're questioning your job or work situation

CANCER - it's hard to feel hopeful about the future, your inner faith has been shaken

LEO - partners may be dealing with money issues

VIRGO - you are feeling anxious about a relationship, whether to end it or commit to it further

LIBRA -  does your work satisfy you anymore?   are you living your best life?

SCORPIO - you may fail to be isnpired or feel emotional needs are not being met

SAGITTARIUS -  you are questioning decisions around home and family, mother

CAPRICORN - you may find it is hard to talk to old friends and family members

AQUARIUS - you are questioning your skill set and salary

PISCES -  you are tired of the old you and not yet sure who are you to become next

Saturn does prompt us to consider the progress or lack thereof in a certain area of life. While it can seem depressing, it is a time to assess inputs and subsequent outputs.  Is it worth putting any more time and energy into this old situation?  If not, what new goals can I set up in its place?

There may be a period of unknowing and stagnation but simply allow the feelings and have patience, a Saturn word, that a new reality is forming behind the old and it will come into view in the next few years.

And if you've become disillusioned by a person, place or thing, you may want to focus on how or why your projected the dream onto this person.  It may have been valid 7, 14 or 21 years ago, but now has simply run its course.

Lastly, because of the retrograde you can stop worrying about it for the summer and focus on other areas of pleasure and growth as the fall will bring the opportunity to settle the issue once and for all.

Jupiter in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces June 19th
tangible opportunities for improvement or epiphanies

Even in the midst of heavy, life changing transits, the universe provides an opportunity to make our new dreams a reality. courtesy of Jupiter in Taurus (material manifestation) sextile Saturn in Pisces (focused creativity).  In some cases, we may hearken back to ideas that were birthed or seeded in April of 2022 when Jupiter/Neptune conjoined in Pisces.

Pisces is the inspiration, Aries is the motivation and Taurus is the actual materialization of an idea.

What can you now feel confident can come into form?

ARIES -  a newly developed skill can lead to long-term influence

TAURUS -  your new sense of self allows you to seek out new acquaintances

GEMINI - you decide to use your imagination to dream a new career into existence

CANCER -  new social circles expand your mind and opportunities

LEO - you gain some approval status at work which improves your long-term financial situation

VIRGO - changing world views (and more confidence about the future) make you feel ready for partnership

LIBRA - a sexual relationship inspires you to change your life

SCORPIO - your partner's burgeoning success i enhances your romantic connection

SAGITTARIUS - as your health improves, you enjoy your homelife more

CAPRICORN -  a creative or romantic encounter opesn up your communication style

AQUARIUS - a happy home life improves your self esteem

PISCES - a stronger connection to your real voice allows others to see you more clearly

Neptune retrograding in Pisces June 30th
dreams vs. reality, a truth-filled moment
the truth comes out

Neptune, the planet connected to dreams, aspirations and illusion/delusions retrogrades regularly in late spring.  This year it stations on June 30th and as we are through 3/4 of this 12 year cycle, we are understanding the nature of this transit more clearly.  Although the word clear does not generally describe Neptune, which can be cast it fog, obfuscation and sometimes outright lying.

We have noticed that the line between reality and fiction has been slowly eroded to the point that it is hard to discern what is really going on in any situation, particularly media and politics.  The Orwellian truth disinformation probes of so-called conspiracy theorists and right wing fascists belie the abundance of left wing propaganda.

Sins of omission, commission, amplification and repetition of simplistic emotionally charged messages have made it hard for an undiscerning person to understand what is going on.

Psychology and marketing have been weaponized to such an extent that U.S. is becoming one of the most propagandized nations in the world.  We think we are different than totalitarian nations like Russia and North Korea and for sure, we are not as heavy-handed as these players are.  In fact, we are more in danger because the methods of brainwashing are so much more sophisticated and subtle.

And if we are not facing this confusion in terms of world news, we may also be having difficulties figuring out our life path, the trajectory of a relationship or situation. Ideally, we can use Neptune to step back and let go of ego control. Trust in the universe is key and this can be hard for those used to controlling their environment.

The mutable signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sag and Pisces have been most affected by this ongoing transit which began in 2011 and will end in 2026.

What may come to light at this year's retrograde station?

ARIES - the many of your fears are unfounded

TAURUS - that some people are not your real friends and others appear that you would not expect to be your ally

GEMINI - the state of your job/boss

CANCER - a questioning of your beliefs and politics

LEO -  the status of your partner's finances

VIRGO - the dreams or worries of your partner

LIBRA - clarification of health issues

SCORPIO - creative inspiration or release of a writer's block

SAGITTARIUS - your home or residential situation

CAPRICORN - the truth regarding a close friend or sibling

AQUARIUS - more clarity about your financial situation

PISCES - a renewed sense of the new you

In recent months, several readers have decried the disillusioning tone of these scopes. I will respond with the fact that I am simply the messenger/interpreter of certain astrological trends.  And these trends reflect quite serious societal challenges along with the potential for striking evolutionary growth. Some criticisms have revolved around the political nature of what I've been writing about.  (I have been political for awhile, particularly during the Trump years, with very little pushback).  The more recent disapproval centers around my criticism of the pandemic management and authoritarian turn of governments around the world during the past three years.

This may appear to be my opinion, but Pluto will drill a hole through all hypocrisy and in recent years, it's about the corruption of paternalistic "for your own good" governments operating out of integrity, with their loyalty to global corporatism over their respective citizens. Power has consolidated so heavily into transnational entities that have no allegiance to a people or population.  The tyranny of the collective will be wielded as a sledge hammer against individualism and independence - the cornerstones of liberal democracies.

Much of popular astrology resides in the ghettos of fashion, beauty trends and celebrity profiles.  While admittedly entertaining and fun, they will not address the issues of the day nor our place in history.  Instead, I write my horoscopes for adults.  And I have skin in the game.  As a parent and grandparent, I would like my progeny to experience a beautiful and conscious world inhabited by leaders and organizations that truly serve humankind, not their own pockets or twisted ideologies.

I am happy and honored to be walking and talking beside you as we play our part in resurrecting integrity, responsibility, maturity and humility to the commons while detaching from the self-destructing matrix that will implode under it's own mal-intentioned actions.



Okay, so it has begun.  Pluto's entrance into Aquarius has brought to light several disturbing trends.  One, that our government lies to us and that our media is complicit.  The former role of journalists was to bring truth to light, to fight powerful entities.  Instead, they are the real gatekeepers to the powerful, suppressing the truth and tarring the whistleblower.

Recent Twittergate hearings and the outing of a Pentagon leaker show that the powerful would rather destroy the messenger than even look at the message.  In these instances, the messages are that Ukraine is losing the war, the U.S. is actively on the ground there and in the case of the Twitter Files, social media companies colluded with government to suppress the truth re: covid policies, vaccine safety and virus origin, Hunter Biden and election fraud.

In other news, classified documents have finally surfaced that  President JFK's assassination was orchestrated by the CIA and yet no major news outlet covered it except for now deposed Fox News' Tucker Carlson.  When did the roles of liberals and conservatives get reversed? Liberals previously were in favor of government transparency and the so-called conservatives were formerly Deep State allies.  Now the Democrats are in bed with the spooks calling for censorship on the grounds that "disinformation" is harmful to our democracy. 

Who decides what is true and false? The media gatekeepers who are owned and controlled by metastasizing financial institutions who in turn make money from their controlling shares in pharmaceutical and military corporations.  

In the now unravelling psyop that was covid, "Died Suddenly" or of unknown causes are the medical establishment's denial of the perils of experimental injections.  All the countries that pushed for strong vaccine uptake are experiencing large numbers of excess deaths after the rollout of the program.  mRNA vaccines are being injected into conventional livestock around the country.  

Deepfakes - a humorous one being the photo of the pope wearing a large white puffer jacket - and voice alterations of a Leonardo diCaprio U.N. speech are making the rounds.  These techniques will become more and more sophisticated over time and it will be hard to distinguish truth from reality.

That is, unless you are deeply connected to your spiritual center.  If strong in that alliance, your heart center, you will be able to overlook, dismiss and overcome these at times nonsensical, at other times, dangerous attempts to confuse reality and illusion.

Saturn in Pisces can be revealed in the character downfall of Dalai Lama, Yes, and at some point, Donald Trump has to fall from grace with his remaining acolytes. Those who claim salvation are the least likely to provide it.  

This may all be happening to turn us back to Source.  A very simple and profound statement as our external reality is a scrim, a Truman show.  We must reevaluate our world view and understanding of social, philosophical, cultural and intellectual trends.  It seems the smartest people - academics, scientists, thought leaders - are the dumbest of all as they seek to place abstract theory over reality.  The modellers for covid infections first and  environmental disaster next are all working with abstract mathematical figures and very few of these people have real world or clinical experience.  It is time for experts to get their hands dirty and be directly involved in their field of expertise rather than spouting diktats from on high.  Same for all of us - get involved tangibly with your work, your food, your garden, your children, your education, the material details of your respective field.

Being grounded in the body and centered in our soul will be the way to overcome the delusion, listlessness, facelessness of the borg.  It is a call to be truly human and in touch with one's feeling nature but with an eye to empirical truth (certain agreed upon verifiable facts).  Post modernism, post structuralism, moral relativism have taken their toll on disenchanting society and destroying all objective truths. But we know there is such a thing as natural law and the natural response of a healthy human being.  Disgust, rage, despair, curiosity and joy are all part of this existence.  So is living in the body and not only in the head or on the screen.

Pluto retrograding in Aquarius May 1 - 2nd
first battle

The first shot across the bow of obvious global tyranny may be evident at the beginning of the month due to the first retrograde of Pluto in Aquarius on May 2nd. Could it be the egregious overreach of the World pandemic treaty? Are we looking at WW3?  Tensions in the Middle East? (On this point, what is happening in Sudan)? Devaluation of the dollar?

Any of these things are possible and while they may not affect us directly, they are a sign that the global power alliances are shifting.  There is a movement away from unipolar hegemony with the U.S. and the petrol dollar at the center of it.   Now, with the Brics alliances, we are evolving into a multipolar world with China, Russia, India and Brazil taking their place at the table.  War will not save us, the U.S.  In fact, it will lead to a quicker demise. Note the path of previous empires - Rome and Great Britain - and their colonial overreach and subsequent collapse.

Another Plutonian topic is the advance of AI into all areas of our lives.  Do we truly want a cyborg future as the transhumanists salivate over?  Or do we wish to grow in human consciousness and alignment with universal forces instead?

For us individually, unless we have planets or angles at the first degree of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio, these topics may have little direct bearing on our lives.We  may only be observers in the evolving play.

Yet, we can get a sense of where our lives will be changing dramatically over the next two decades depending on where Pluto will be transiting in our charts.

Where might you have a reckoning or realization regarding shifting power dynamics?  How will technology impact your life?

ARIES  - in your social media groups, is my tribe changing?

TAURUS  - in your professional life, will your job be automated in some way?

GEMINI - in your level of education, what skills may you need to learn to operate in the new world?

CANCER  - in your financial life and investments, or partner's money

LEO - regarding the status of your relationships

VIRGO  - with changes in the work environment or with your health

LIBRA - with the development of your personal creativity

SCORPIO - in deciding where you want to live

SAGITTARIUS - in discovering how to communicate more effectively or realizing the downsides of censorship

CAPRICORN - discovering you may need to develop new skills or charge differently for your services

AQUARIUS - you may have a chance to gain greater power and visibility, provided you are an authentic version of yourself

PISCES  - understanding that there are larger invisible energetic forces, how to defend against evil

This month's awareness will eventually impel you to make choices in the years to come.  On a personal level, whatever difficulty may have arisen does not have to be fully addressed again until the fall.  So note what form the boogeyman is going to take and spend the summer working through or around the challenges.

Jupiter in Aries inconjunct Neptune in Pisces also May 2nd
energy deflated, enthusiasm swallowed

Jupiter in Aries (May 10, 2022 - May 17, 2023) has helped us initiate new projects or consider a different direction for our lives.  You may momentarily be floored or lose energy when the fire energy is drenched by the waters of Neptune/Pisces, which could show up as victimhood.  As this is happening on the Pluto station, try not to take things personally or to heart.  It just shows that there are bigger cycles and effects at play and these may need to be considered in order to achieve your dreams.

Where might you feel a bit stymied and hence,  need to chill out for a moment:

ARIES - you lose steam as old fears overtake you

TAURUS - your personal beliefs about what is possible may run into resistence by your tribe

GEMINI  - you have great ideas about your future but feel the obligations of current work, or fear it is not possible

CANCER - you may want to start a project independently but don't always have the belief it will succeed

LEO - you've discovered a new way of seeing the world, yet partners, personal or financial put a damper on these ideas

VIRGO  - you are ready to invest in a new area but your partner is uncertain about your choices

LIBRA - you and your partner are enthusiastic about starting fresh but daily obligations seem impossible to overcome

SCORPIO - a new health plan interferes with your sense of self, you are doubtful of your ability to change

SAGITTARIUS - you have some great new ideas for art or a potential new lover but then worry about where you might live to accomplish these things

CAPRICORN - you want to begin a new chapter regarding your family but siblings are not supportive

AQUARIUS - there is energy to begin promoting a new idea but you worry about how to get paid

PISCES - you are excited about developing a new talent but have doubts about your follow thru

Now, compared to the Pluto station, this minor aspect is very short lived and more descriptive of internal doubts rather than actual reality.  And while Neptune can correlate with weakness and depression, it can also dissolve the obstacles (the secondary doubts) over time.  Disregard the undertow but understand that it represents some long-held identification with victimhood and illusion.

Lunar Eclipse Taurus/Scorpio 14 degrees May 5th
how have your values changed?

As we are wrapping up the journey of the nodes in Taurus/Scorpio (they will change signs in July), we are experiencing the last of the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses as well.

Since 2018, we've begun to see things differently and find we no longer hold certain people, things, ideas in such high esteem or importance.  We are adapting to a new reality whereby the old material goals may not longer satisfy us, while new possibilities and adventures await us.  

Scorpio relates to our attachments and potential need to control events and people. While Taurus understands that they need or want to change, Scorpio may feel that others are forcing them to do or become something else.

The drama involves what we need in order to feel secure and this has become more evident in the last 2 years.  

We may now see how our new philosophical, material or political views will have affected our lives:

ARIES - you may have become more financially independent or no longer need the assistance or approval of others; if still seeking that, you may be disappointed

TAURUS - you are realizing that self-actualization and independence are more important than codependent relationships

GEMINI - you are gaining greater faith in god and hence less worried about health and work matters

CANCER - as you are joining new groups, you may find that old relationships or the type of romantic you used to desire are changing

LEO  - you may be chosing a different career path and this may influence where you live

VIRGO - you are seeing the world through a more holistic lens and hence may not be able to identify with old friends and relations who may inadvertently want to hold you back

LIBRA  - you are learning how to trust and partner with others and can leave the lone wolf fears behind
SCORPIO - you are attracted to a different kind of partner and you are letting go of the old you in the process

SAGITTARIUS - as you take better care of your health, you notice your mental health may be improving as well

CAPRICORN  - you are open to different types of creative expression which may mean you no longer are in sync with the old crowd

AQUARIUS - your home life has dramatically changed and with it your old career goals

PISCES - as your voice and beliefs are evolving, you may feel less attachment to earlier religious or philosophical ideologies

Mercury turning direct in Taurus May 14th
a new sense of worth

What did you learn about yourself these past few weeks when Mercury retrograded in Taurus?  More than likely, you have discovered that you have updated your previous views and values to be more in alignment with current times.  Since Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018, we have been dealing with changes, separations, epiphanies in our Taurus house.  Mercury retrograde may simply have brought to light how much you have changed in the past few years.

Hopefully, you have greater regard for your talents and perspectives and may be seeking stability in different forms from the traditional ones of making money, buying objects and hoarding resources or communications.

In an ideal scenario, we would like to see growth here:

ARIES - renewed sense of self esteem

TAURUS - a greater acceptance of self

GEMINI- an ability to handle difficult emotions

CANCER - in your social groups, political leanings

LEO - in your professional life

VIRGO - in your spiritual perspective

LIBRA - in your financial outlook

SCORPIO - in the strength and quality of your relationships - 

SAGITTARIUS  - in your health endeavors

CAPRICORN - in your creative output, with your children

AQUARIUS - in your home life

PISCES - in your ability to speak plainly and truthfully

Jupiter into Taurus May 17th
overflowing abundance

Our newfound understandings, courtesy of Mercury direct in Taurus, can be implemented and boosted by the presence of Jupiter moving into Taurus for the ensuing year. This is one of Jupiter's best placements when it comes to financial wealth and it may, in a birth chart, signify coming from or marrying into money.  This person also has the capacity to amass a great fortune even if born into poverty.

Now, as has been discussed above and in other missives, Taurus values have been undergoing a sea change.  So, while Jupiter in Taurus may still speak to attracting money and luxury into one's life, it can also now relate to purchasing or improving land, natural resources and stable commodities.  Your wealth may be based on your connection to nature and to real life physical relationships.

Whichever way you roll, you can expect abundance in this area of life:

ARIES - your salary

TAURUS - your confidence in yourself

GEMINI - your ability to slay fears

CANCER - more friends and connections

LEO  - career opportunities

VIRGO - education/ knowledge, luck in legal affairs or publishing

LIBRA - financial gains, particularly through investments or partnerships

SCORPIO - your partner is doing better financially

SAGITTARIUS - your health

CAPRICORN- your creative output, a chance at romance

AQUARIUS- the acquiring or decorating of a home

PISCES - an ability to reach people through your writing or speaking

Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius May 18th 0 degrees
clash of titans, earth and air

What has value in these current times or in reality?  Pluto in Aquarius will show us the power and limitations of technology.  Jupiter in Taurus will reveal the wealth inherent in nature and biology.  Of course, the technocrats want to destroy any vestige of natural life as their forays and assaults to our bodies (via pharmaceuticals and vaccines), our environment (through poisons and pesticides), to our food (via gmo's and glysophates), to our climate (via geoengineering and weather modification).

It is time to see these for what they are - assaults on natural life and the natural world.  It is known that many vacinologists and scientists are atheists. Many technology gurus believe in and welcome the singularity - the complete merger of biology with technology.

If you have children or want them in the future, you must consider and fight to prevent this overreach into the natural integrity of our bodies and evolutionary development.

While Jupiter in Taurus will be a short one year transit, let us gather and relish what mother earth has generously offered us freely and unadulterated and eschew technological upgrades to our perfectly functioning biology.  You'll find the conflict may occur here:

ARIES  - you notice your opinion may be at odds with the group

TAURUS - you may have a different idea about your role in a company than the management

GEMINI - personal intuitions may be denied by so-called experts

CANCER  - your idea of the future may not mesh with that of your partner, unfortunately finances may also be involved and they hold the key

LEO - you may want to venture in a new career path but everyone including partner is opposed

VIRGO - you'd love a chance to travel but are tied down by work

LIBRA - you may want more sexual adventure but the responsibilities of home and family may intrude

SCORPIO - your partner needs some space but they are held tightly to home and family obligations

SAGITTARIUS - you'd love to change your work schedule but may feel guilty or pressured by peers to continue as is, also fear of automation

CAPRICORN - there is a desire for personal expression but you've got to pay the bills

AQUARIUS - the needs of home may interfere your need for personal transformation

PISCES - your intuition is high but the matrix wants to clamp down on your individual viewpoint

Mars enters Leo opposing Pluto in Aquarius May 21st
the individual vs. the borg collective

As mentioned above, Pluto is a transpersonal energy and so if it is not directly impacting a planet or personal point, we may be observers of societal change, rather than participants or "victims".  Yet, on a smaller scale, we oftentimes experience the positive/negative energy of raw power or abuse.

On the 21st, Mars in Leo (personal pride, expression) will run up against larger technocratic forces (Pluto in Aquarius).  This is our own little lesson on where we may be having issues with our personal desires and how they align with overarching impersonal trends:

ARIES  - you have an idea for a project but fear that it will not be accepted by your peers or on social media

TAURUS - how you'd actually like to live your life is affected by the pressures of your boss or job in light of new developments

GEMINI - you have a personal view of a situation which may not be on the same page as political or cultural groups support

CANCER  - you may want to explore a new skill or way of making money but it does not fit with your financial future (which is changing as we speak)

LEO  - you're getting angry at how impersonal the world has begun in its rejection of new ideas

VIRGO - you may be afraid to speak up about your worries or fears as you may be rejected by coworkers

LIBRA  - there's a lot of drama in the news but you'd rather focus on your personal transformation

SCORPIO - changes in your home life may prevent you from being selfish in your career pursuits
SAGITTARIUS - you have some new ideas but are afraid of being shunned by your friends who seem to be too politically correct

CAPRICORN - you may want to invest your money differently but it goes against the current status quo

AQUARIUS - your partner may be a bit pushy and doesn't realize how big a change you are going through

PISCES  - you are surrounded by narcissists who don't seem to understand that the world is changing dramatically

It's a dynamic time to be alive and an important one.  Class, religious or political divisions will pale in relation to the largest fissure of all - the path of our collective futures. What does progress entail?  Does more technology mean more progress or more enslavement?  It all boils down to who is in charge.  

Many people failed the test of covid and succumbed to the now verifiably false narrative.  More of these  psychological operations (unrestricted warfare by our own military) will be coming down the pike in the guise of climate restrictions, financial directives, limits to travel and assembly.  If you don't want to live in a cubicle eating fake food and mating via test tubes, you must awaken to the tyranny at hand.  We won't need quarantine facilities if our minds are behind bars and screens.  In this time of Taurus and springtime, commune with nature and her magnificent abundance.  Stay grounded in your body which is the material conduit to center and hold the divine here on earth.  No one and nothing should get in the way of the connection or we lose the plotline and our humanity.

So let us access our heart centers to show the way and support those who believe in the inherent dignity of man over the vision of a technocratized commodified whole.



Last month was an astrologically powerful one with changes that will reverberate in years to come.  While it may be too early to discern what the major storyline will be, we, at the very least, understand we are entering a very different terrain.

Certainly the financial markets are in flux, with a guaranteed downward turn in certain sectors over the coming months.

Most of us are living in the fantasy of the American dream that has actually died in the last 40 years and we are surviving off its zombie carcass.   Prepare for leaner times which will devastate some and allow others to step into their destiny.  This may actually provide an opportunity for personal growth as we focus on developing relationships and skills over accumulating money and consumer goods.

The mainstream media continues to overwhelm us with unnecessary fears and distractions.  The battles over technology and freedom rage, but they are cartoon versions of actual reality.

For instance, while Congress is wresting over the safety of TikTok, they seem to "forget" that all apps and social media companies are spying on us all the time.  The xenophobic outcry is a bit hypocritical.

Yet, the concern over the ubiquity of technology is real. One battlefront includes AI and its potential to overrun society, destroying livelihoods and mentally enslaving others.  A number of futurists, including Elon Musk have sent out a plea to stop AI progress for 6 months to investigate its destructive potential.  Musk may be slightly disingenuous here with his Starlink satellites and Neuralink patents (is he just afraid of losing market share?), but his worries are nevertheless justified.

As we head into late spring when the first Pluto station occurs on May 1st, we will be provided with a snapshot of the challenges ahead.  Aquarius relates to "the people" and so uprisings and populist movements could thrive at this time.  A writer's strike is poised for screenwriters in Hollywood.  Even more importantly, general strikes are continuing to be called in many western European nations, some set for April 23rd, zeroing in on the date of a brand new solar eclipse of independence.

Can we expect the second French or American revolution?  As authoritarianism becomes more rampant around the world, it may not involve jackboots as much as ever-widening technocratic or bureaucratic control.  So yes, there is a movement to decentralize power and pursue more local governance.

This requires us to take on the role of responsible citizen and raise our gaze away from our screens - the source of brainwashing - and engage in actual conversations and physical meetings.

The revolution is one of finding the soul and integrating the egoic shadow.  The seven deadly sins are alive and well in modern times and we can all be manipulated - oftentimes through social media - into unsuitable or destructive behavior if we are still hooked into these portals.

So a long road ahead with the beginning shots being fired end of this month, early May.  Consider your future and that of humanity and take right and courageous action in the face of fraud, corruption and abuse.

In the meantime, we will bathe in the sunlight of Aries and fire and focus on the most life-giving, life-enhancing actions possible.

Mercury and Sun into Taurus
reality check

The month starts off blazing and potentially contentious, but as we ease in the second half of the month, at least in our personal situations, may be more languid and pleasure-seeking thanks to the energy of Taurus.  Taurus is always a stabilizing influence after the turbulence of Aries but as we are in the midst of societal upheaval, the rest may be short-lived and temporary.

Yet, in this brief moment, seek out a more natural and sensible approach to life here:

ARIES - getting real with your finances, slow down

TAURUS  - step into the sunshine and enjoy yourself

GEMINI - spend some time alone to honor your thoughts and feel your feelings

CANCER - enjoying time with your friends

LEO  - realize your work is valuable and appreciated

VIRGO  - consider vacation or education plans

LIBRA - find time to be with your intimate partner

SCORPIO - ease into your relationship a bit deeper

SAGITTARIUS  - focus on eating right and taking care of your body

CAPRICORN - nuzzle with your lover

AQUARIUS  - decorate your home

PISCES - catch up with friends

Mercury retrograde in Taurus
reevaluating what's important

We will have four Mercury retrogrades in 2023, the first of which happened at the beginning of the year.  This second one may be the most profound one of the year as it occurs alongside a solar eclipse and during the first Pluto retrograde station in Aquarius.

As Mercury will retrograde in Taurus, we will also revisit the changes that have been occurring on our Taurus house more or less for 4 1/2 years courtesy of Uranus changing the nature of Taurus.

So as we are 2/3 of the way through the full Uranus in Taurus cycle, this retrograde can be a revisiting of what we have been negotiating internally or externally these past few years.  This is review time and you may notice how changing values affect your response engagement in these areas of life:

ARIES - the retrograde occurs in your 2nd house of money and values and how you see your talents will determine how you express yourself and the work your seek
TAURUS - the retrograde occurs in your 1st house of self and how you perceive yourself will affect your salary requirements and your romantic encounters

GEMINI - the retrograde occurs in the 12th house of your subconscious mind and depending on how you've dealt with old patterns, you can see changes (or not) in your home life and sense of self

CANCER - the retrograde occurs in your 11th house of future goals/social groups and depending on changes within or among your tribe and associations, we could see a different community affiliation and way of addressing old wounds
LEO - the retrograde occurs in the 10th house of professional life/father and if you are approaching work differently, you can also see changes in income and professional connections
VIRGO - the retrograde happens in your 9th house of spiritual life/travel/higher education and if your thinking has undergone a revolution we can also see differences in your personal identity as well as the work you do
LIBRA - the retrograde occurs in your 8th house of sex and business partners and growth or elimination here might ultimately affect your view of the world and the way you handle your fears and addictions
SCORPIO - the retrograde occurs in your 7th house of relationship and changes here could certainly determine your future goals as well as your financial nestegg
SAGITTARIUS - the retrograde occurs in your 6th house of health/lifestyle and by focusing differently in this area you attract different work and partnerships
CAPRICORN - the retrograde occurs in your 5th house of romance/creativity and new ideas/experiences in this realm advance or restrict your political/spiritual views as well as your approach to daily life
AQUARIUS - the retrograde occurs in your 4th house of home and in seeing your mother/children differently or in making a move, you will notice an improvement/devolution in your financial assets as well as your creativity
PISCES - the retrograde occurs in your 3rd house of your mind/community and as your mental state changes, you may also see improvement/devolution in your relationships and home life
This delineation of Mercury retro is much more complex and detailed than I normally present, but every retrograde involves the movement through a particular house and its effect on the houses it rules.  Normally, it is much too complicated to explain unless in a personal reading.  But as our Taurus houses have been very active for some time, I felt it was important to point out how multifaceted even a "small" transit like Mercury retrograde can be.

Solar eclipse and 29 Aries on April 20th
following the desires of your soul

When one delves more deeply into astrology, one notices particular degrees being activated in succession,  One timeline will lead into another and we can understand the unfolding cyclical nature of life.

One degree - 29 Aries will be hot over the next few years.  We will be made aware of it's power initially on the solar eclipse on April 20th where we begin a cycle around independence and initiative. This last degree of the fire starter warrior will ignite powerful drives and the will be to free.  Wherever it is located in the chart, we can expect some excitement and potential drama.

Later in the summertime, mid July, the nodes of karma/dharma will move from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra, setting off this degree. The focus will move away from financial matters and more to relational and even legal ones.  Whatever may be initiated end of this month will see further growth and development after July 17th.

But it doesn't end there.  Neptune (planet of dreams and intuition) will move into Aries in 2026 and arrive at the last degree in 2037. This suggests that a new paradigm dream of the future may begin in the seeds of now. 

So no pressure, but act with courage and integrity when presented with choices end of this month.  Rather than elect the pragmatic option, it is best to select the most expansive and adventurous possibility instead.

It is most important to chose life and the authentic desire nature in order to overcome the inertia of an encroaching cyborg reality.

You will be given the opportunity for fresh beginnings here:

ARIES - a new identity and mission

TAURUS - an ability to erase many fears and phobias

GEMINI - on social media and in groups
CANCER - with your career

LEO - developing your spiritual strength and philosophical voice

VIRGO - in your intimate or business connections

LIBRA  - in establishing a healthy and exciting relationship

SCORPIO - in your work life

SAGITTARIUS- in your creative or love life

CAPRICORN - the creation of a family home

AQUARIUS - in your local environment

PISCES- in your ability to make money

Aries is the sign of courage and initiative.  Even in the face of difficult odds, one must find the strength and confidence to move forward.  Let this fierce eclipse provide the ballast for a new chapter in self-expression and entrepreneurship.

In an increasingly technocratic future, the fate of mankind lies in our retaining and taking full advantage of our humanity.  As divine beings in a human form, let us grow into our true nature and ability to channel universal will in our uniquely destined way.

Venus/Uranus conjunction in Taurus April 31st
surprising twists

We have a bit of a showstopper end of month that can go one way or another.  There could be new beginnings based on very difficult emotional situations, dealing with endings and loss.  We may also experience quick separations and/or breakthroughs/meetings at this time.  Once again, the Taurus house is implicated so here is where the action will be taking place:

ARIES - regarding money

TAURUS  - you present or see yourself entirely differently

GEMINI - you awaken from your slumber

CANCER - you are drawn to new people online

LEO - you have a brainstorm around your career, unexpected change initiated by a woman

VIRGO - you have an epiphany about the state of the world

LIBRA  - unexpected changes in your financial investments

SCORPIO - a chance encounter or surprise separation

SAGITTARIUS - a health breakthrough
CAPRICORN - a creative epiphany

AQUARIUS - changes in the home

PISCES - you see things from an entirely new perspective, unexpected insights from a woman

Now what will determine whether these changes will be positive or negative? That is based on your consciousness and ability to alter your perceptions/values to certain events/stimuli that have occurred in your life. Generally speaking, if you have let go of the old patterns/thinking, it is likely that you will see improvements in your circumstances.  If you have failed to heed the call for change/renewal, you may find that holding on to something outdated will make you more miserable, fearful and stuck in decaying circumstances.  When Uranus comes into our life, we must alter our perceptions and values to do homage to the god of change.  WE ordered it, even if we feel it is a surprise, so do justice by making yourself more free in the process.

The end of this month and beginning of May may be somewhat rocky and/or exciting as we approach the first Pluto retrograde station in Aquarius.  This could be a moment where the domestic or international financial situation is set into tumult or we are visited by a scientific breakthrough and/or disaster.  

This is just the beginning so get ready to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. In all cases, retain your humanity and integrity as these will be the countervailing forces against a technocratic coup. Focus on developing inner security regardless of what is happening to your job or bank account. Whatever leaves is no longer part of your journey and what arrives in its place is the road to start travelling on.

March 2023 horoscopes


The month of March will mark the ingresses of two very powerful planets into new signs.  On March 7th, Saturn will move into Pisces for a 2 1/2 year period, while Pluto will barrel into Aquarius on the 23rd for a 20 yea stay. This marks an entry into a new stage of human evolution and societal upheaval.

Saturn in Pisces is a smaller more regular transit, having occurred in recent times in 1993 - 1995 and 1964 - 1967.  If you are older than age 30, you would have experienced this transit before albeit possibly from the vantage point of observer (as a child).  Saturn will reveal the limits of a sign and in Pisces, it will be the lack inherent in current spiritual and religious philosophies as well as disillusionment with celebrities and medical professionals.  All of these groups have certainly earned our disdain or disappointment (Saturn words) in the past few years and it will become evident that they do not have the knowledge or information to assist us in very novel and turbulent times. The focus of New Age entities on "positive thinking" at the expense of integrating the shadow is one such reality that will hit us all in the face.  More traditional religious organizations have already lost integrity and respect, more due to Pluto in Capricorn, deconstruction of the patriarchy.  This era will force us to either seek other healers and gurus or more importantly, seek the wisdom/guru within.

Pluto into Aquarius is a longwave transit that will delve into the dark side of technology, the so-called Black Mirror episodes becoming everyday reality. The egregious overreach of technology and technological authority into our lives -censorship, containment, restrictions, de-platforming, already happening under Saturn in Aquarius 2020 - 2023, will become even more rampant in the years ahead.

The promise of the internet has now turned into the perils of online life. Additionally, biotech, body sensors, MRNA technology will become ubiquitous to our detriment and that of the natural world.  The notion of installing sensors in everything - appliances,  communication devices  and FOOD point to a more circumscribed and poisoned world.    AI is positioned to eliminate many professions.  Geoengineering, weather warfare, DEW and the like may become the poisoned norm.

Another manifestation of Pluto in Aquarius will be the tyranny of group think, already evident since Trump entered office and more strongly imposed during the era of covid.  And if you think only the right wing are fascists, think again.  We see attempts to make climate change the latest boogey man to strip people of rights and livelihood while not addressing the environmental destruction posed by chemical, fossil fuel, big ag, military installations and the aforementioned denied climate engineering.  Where were all the star environmentalists when it came to East Palestine's corporate imposed disaster?

Usually when larger planets like Saturn and especially Pluto enter a sign, there is a small event that will give us a sense of what the transit will embody over the ensuing years.  So pay attention to what shows up mid to end of March as indicators of what we may personally and societally be dealing with over the next 2 years through the next 20 years.

We will clearly be on new terrain in evolving or devolving consciousness and additional impetus will be provided by personal planets moving into Aries and the resolution of interpersonal conflicts that arose end of 2022 due to Mars retro in Gemini.

The future that unelected leaders - bankers, corporate executives, think tanks, the military , the biomedical security state - want to impose on us is a cybernetic one - the integration of biology with technology.  Unfortunately, this will likely entail the destruction of biology, humans and the environment. If you believe you are a creation of god/universal forces rather than a scientific experiment, it's time to wake up and join forces with other human-minded souls.  We do have the natural technology to heal and grow and our courage and heart intelligence will be required to fend off the dystopian world that ungodly forces would like to install.

Venus/Jupiter/Chiron in Aries Mar 1st +2nd
healing anger and resentment

Evolution is rapid when planets are in Aries and this month there can be healing around love, value, abundance and self-esteem.

At the top of the month you may be encouraged to face and overcome feelings of unworthiness here:

ARIES  - your self image

TAURUS - handling addictions

GEMINI - your place in social groups

CANCER - your career aspirations and abilities

LEO - your educational status

VIRGO - your fears of intimacy

LIBRA - power in relationships

SCORPIO - ability to heal

SAGITTARIUS - capacity for true love

CAPRICORN - the sense of ever feeling at home

AQUARIUS - your ability to communicate

PISCES - financial savvy

Saturn into Pisces March 7th
loss of faith

Saturn in Pisces, beginning on March 7th, will bring light the sense that your old life is over, yet a new period has yet to be embraced or understood.

Saturn is always travelling somewhere so there is no need to be terrified of its arrival.  However, it does affect different signs more strongly than others based  on where it is moving.  In this instance, the mutable signs - Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sag - will be more likely affected.  Stop putting your faith in the wrong people, dreams or institutions as they will no longer fulfill you. And, it is likely that you have already succeeded or completed what you needed to do (or, if not, given it the good fight).  

Where will you find the need to become your own guru and counselor:

ARIES - in facing your "karma" and fears

TAURUS - in speaking your truth in groups or online, even if a party of one

GEMINI - at work, this also can indicate the ending of a career or job OR receiving the promotion/title and working extremely hard

CANCER - in your spiritual education

LEO - n financial matters, particularly in business and investing

VIRGO - in your relationship

LIBRA - in healing yourself, your health journey

SCORPIO -  in romantic affairs, what you do really want?

SAGITTARIUS - in deciding where home is, this could involve a move or eventual sale of home

CAPRICORN - in discerning who are your real friends

AQUARIUS - in selling your skills  

PISCES - in defining yourself, probably time for a new chapter

North node at Taurus 5 degrees early in month, presaging lunar eclipse Oct 28, 2023
what has real value?

The transitting north node at any time is pointing us in the direction of growth, even at the expense of letting go of South Node attachments.  Since January 2022, the nodes have been in Taurus/Scorpio, the axis that deals with values and self-worth.  Of course, money and sex come into play as well as how complicated or clean our financial arrangements are.

And, as certain degrees are more highlighted than others, they can be used as predictive tools for future happenings.

The north node will be travelling at 5 degrees Taurus the early part of the month and this degree will be active again in a solar eclipse in Oct.  What does this mean? That potentially decisions you are making now will lead ot new beginnings or changes in the fall in the specific area below:

ARIES - your finances

TAURUS - how you are perceived in the world

GEMINI - your handling subconscious material

CANCER - your future goals

LEO - our ultimate work

VIRGO - writing, teaching, travelling

LIBRA - business dealings

SCORPIO - a serious relationship

SAGITTARIUS - issues with your health

CAPRICORN - in your creative or romantic life

AQUARIUS - in your actual home 

PISCES - your role in your local community

Sun/Neptune in Pisces square Mars in Gemini  March 13th - 17th
also at degree of Jupiter/Neptune conjunction last April
deciphering the confusing message

While the heaviness of the Saturn and Pluto ingresses will overshadow lesser transits, we still do engage with more ephemeral or mystical essences as we are multidimensional beings.

Any Neptune aspect can inspire or confuse but it is a balm against hard "reality".  

Mid-month, the Sun in Pisces connects with Neptune in Pisces (dreamscape) while squaring Mars in Gemini (double-talk or potential superficiality).  The Sun/Neptune conjunction actually highlights last year's magical Jupiter/Neptune conjunction of channeling new creations, only to be second-guessed at by Mars in Gemini.  If you can quiet the chatter (similar to what you were dealing with during the late fall into January) the larger vision can start to form.  Don't let worry get in the way, this is a long term evolution of consciousness.

Where might your bigger dream feel derailed (temporarily)?

ARIES - the peanut gallery/naysayers want to shoot down your big dream of group unity

TAURUS - your fear of money or self-worth may stop you from sharing your vision in larger circles

GEMINI- don't talk yourself out of your brilliant career move

CANCER - it may feel that old judgements and shame prevent you from healing yourself from trauma

LEO - even if your partner questions your idea, it will receive support in the larger world

VIRGO  - someone important worries about your taking a big chance with career - do it anyway

LIBRA - your fear about practical matters gets in the way of expanding your mind or taking a trip/writing a book

SCORPIO - the financial investment in your dream may scare you

SAGITTARIUS - your old family patterns do not have to get in the way of a new relationship

CAPRICORN - don't let daily obligations overrule your big idea, you can adjust to include both

AQUARIUS  - while you'd like support for your project, you can still do it alone

PISCES - the naysayer is your mom, not you so keep going forward with your vision

At the end of the day, your dream is worth holding on to.  The small doubts are most likely the remaining thoughts of childhood limits and so you can be gentle with these worries but realize they are phantoms and move forward anyway.

Sun into Aries Mar 21st/Mercury into Aries Mar 20th/New Moon 0 Aries
radically new beginnings

If publishers were to offer a calendar that reflected the astrological new year, it would begin on March 21st, rather than the Julian calendar date of Jan 1st.

The spring equinox is the actual energetic start of the new year and this year it is accompanied by a New Moon as well.  (I normally do not comment much on monthly new and full moons because generally they do not has as much impact on our lives as the overabundance of writings suggest).  Yes, supercharged New and Full Moons, i.e. eclipses will have radical impacts but it is likely you would not remember what you did or what happened on the new moon, full moon of almost any month outside of that.

That being said, when aspects overlap, in this instance the equinox world axis degree along with a veritable new moon, the energy is amplified and in this instance, it's all systems go in whatever area of life is most greatly impacted.

Where will you be given a burst of energy to initiate new projects:

ARIES - your self-presentation

TAURUS - your clearing of old patterns, particularly related to family karma

GEMINI - your social engagement, online presence

CANCER - your professional life, ability to take charge

LEO  - brainstorming new ideas

VIRGO - business endeavors

LIBRA  - a new chapter re: relationships

SCORPIO- renewal of your health

SAGITTARIUS - activation of your creativity

CAPRICORN - creating the home your desire

AQUARIUS - speaking your mind  

PISCES - making money, potentially with a new skill

Pluto into Aquarius March 24th
technological tyranny

While this transit will be evolving - and our understanding of it - over the next 20 years, we will most likely get a taste of its impact once it enters the sign on March 24th.  What could this be?  A cyber attack, an EMP, nuclear war, medical malfeasance?  In all cases, these could be set ups for more technocratic control via surveillance, censorship, travel restrictions, CBDC's etc.

And because this is a transpersonal transit, unless it is touching your chart directly at this time, it will be experienced as a general witness, rather than a direct personal event. (Those will planets or points at 0 degrees Taurus, Leo, Scorpio OR Aquarius, however - could see massive shifts in their lives).

The overarching theme is one of technology ruling our lives, possibly in ways that are abusive and harmful.  Additionally, if you do not think like the dominant group, you may be rejected - or worse, i. lose your job, travel privileges, etc.

Yes, this is potentially dark but we have incarnated now to potentially fight the biggest battle of our lives - the battle for our individual human souls.

Where will you see or experience the biggest effects of this transit?

ARIES  - in your online communities, politics and censorship

TAURUS - in your work practices, technology forcing you to work differently

GEMINI - in your travel or communication options 

CANCER - in your intimate relationships, money/investments

LEO - in how  technology takes over your relationships

VIRGO  - in your work life, may affect your job 

LIBRA - in how you express yourself creatively, romantically, does technology help or hurt

SCORPIO - in where you feel at home or where you feel like an alien

SAGITTARIUS - in how you communicate, in your community

CAPRICORN - with your money or salary

AQUARIUS - with how you are perceived, are you ideas accepted?  

PISCES - in your deepest fears/misgivings of science fiction made treal

Mars into Cancer March 26th
active nurturance

While again less powerful than Saturn or Pluto, Mars' ingress into Cancer is a welcome relief after 6 months in confusion-riddled Gemini.  The Mars retrograde in Gemini did have us unwittingly looking back to childhood and our perceptions of relationships, family history, reality.  But it could have been annoying as old stories, resentments, feuds were resurrected.

Mars had turned direct in January and will now finally exit Gemini and enter Cancer where the focus will be on giving and receiving nurturance. Any of the "human" signs will be necessary allies against the technocratic "army" and those who are motivated to be caretakers will be necessary in terms of healing and emotional sustenance.

Over the next few months, there will be a strong impetus to take care of others here:

ARIES - at home with your family

TAURUS - in your community, with your siblings

GEMINI - managing your money

CANCER - focus on self development

LEO - inner work

VIRGO - in social circles

LIBRA - at work

SCORPIO - in spiritual groups

SAGITTARIUS - with your intimate partner

CAPRICORN - your significant relationship

AQUARIUS - your co-workers  

PISCES - your children

We will have to look to the more personal human signs - Aries through Scorpio - to offer "protection" against the Aquarian transhumanist agenda.  The societally focused sign of Sag can give us perspective and a different vision while Capricorn can provide leadership.

If you still don't think anything is about to change, let's check in again in April when the first "missile" will have been launched in the fight for an unadulterated humanity.

There are seismic shifts up ahead and we will all be called upon to show integrity in our own unique ways.  Disentangle from old attachments and fantasies and look clear-eyed at what is at stake if we remain on the current "blind leading the blind" course.

You incarnated at this time to either serve in the elevation of mankind or fall prey to weakness and ego-based desires.  Your clarity and strength are necessary in the battle as we end one world paradigm of externalized power and abuse and build another one where the shadow has been finally integrated and healed.

February 2023 horoscopes


So after the drama of the last few months of 2022 and this past retrograde-filled January, February is a bit more passive and less outwardly chaotic.  From now until end of April, all of the planets will be in forward motion.

Hence, it is a good time to experiment with or launch new projects without yet worrying about their long-term efficacy.

And February provides a tiny break before Saturn and Pluto move into new signs in March, heralding a new era for mankind.  March may prove very eventful on the world stage and we will be made aware of even greater challenges to humanity's survival.

So relish the "ordinariness" of February which is also infused with some romance and dreaminess due to Venus and Neptune in Pisces.  This kind of romance is highly idealized or potentially sacrificial.  There is an element of surrendering to the sublime.  

The basic feeling energy of February is the mix of Aquarius themes with Pisces ones, all happening in the area of future goals - merging far past remembrances with future visions.

The sense of the tides turning is also evident with Saturn and Pluto being at their last degrees before changing signs next month.  29 degrees is called an anoretic degree and it is challenging because it straddles the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.  

There are two cycles ending next month, one being Saturn in Aquarius (2020 - 2023) and the other being Pluto in Capricorn (2008 - 2023) and the themes are discussed further below.

February is a month where a lot of the energy and focus will be on the emotional and feeling level.   So whatever is or isn't happening on the material plane is not as important as how you are interpreting or integrating these emotions.  

Mars direct in Gemini squares Venus in Pisces Feb 4th - 6th
differences in approach

The Mars in Gemini retrograde period (Oct 30th, 2022 - Jan 12th, 2023) was rather chaotic and ignited a questionable walk down memory lane.  We may have argued with friends, lovers, family members and it is likely that many of the conversations were focused on unimportant topics seemingly writ large. Yet, underneath the squabbling would have been hurt feelings, unresolved issues and immature interpretations.

We probably grew back up when Mars went direct on Jan 12th and our minds became sharper.  What also became clear is that certain people no longer fit into our lives in the same way.  

Mars in Gemini also may have made clear that a lot of people like to be lied to as the truth is too painful to contemplate.  This is true in family situations but also in the world at large, particularly in relation to media and current events.  We can "make up" with our "enemies" but we now know that our perspectives are too divergent to find common ground.

With our newfound command of our personal truths, we may be on the search for new partners, friends, collaborators.  It's certainly the month of love, but we know that love takes many forms and while astrology does not have as many words for this emotion as Eskimos have for snow, the cosmic science does provide several different iterations.  In addition to Venus and the Moon, they include Agape (goodwill), Amor (friendship) , Sappho (creative female-oriented), Eros (erotic passion) amongst others.

In our desire to be more assertive with our words, we may run into an amorphous cloud of dreaminess and impracticality, courtesy of Venus in Pisces.  We don't have to agree now, in fact we won't (but may eventually succumb to the dream in a few weeks courtesy of Venus/Neptune conjunction of Feb 16th).

In the meantime, we may veer between the poles of taking action or declaring ourselves and sinking into reverie or creative imagination:

ARIES  - you may veer between being a social butterfly and needing to isolate

TAURUS  - there is a part of you that wants to do it alone but may dream of having friends assist you

GEMINI - should you push to have your way or allow universal forces to take over?

CANCER - should you worry about the past or dream about the future?

LEO  - do you prefer to spend time with friends or your lover?

VIRGO  - you may feel conflicted between going all out at work or spending time with a loved one

LIBRA - are you fixated on learning a new skill because you're not sure the future of your job?

SCORPIO - are you pushing a partner to become more committed or dreaming of a casual romantic fling?

SAGITTARIUS  - is your partner pressuring you with lots of demands when you'd like to simply be?

CAPRICORN - you can focus on being a nervous nelly or just chill and use your mental energy to better effect

AQUARIUS - others may micro manage a situation when you think chilling and meditating is a better tact

PISCES - those you live with may be a bit manic and you might choose to check out

While this square is very minor in comparison to major transits like Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, it reveals different approaches to problems or situations. One person may want to talk it out ad nauseum while the other may want to let things be. Perhaps a bit of compromise - some discussion, some space - will alleviate the impasse.

left brain/right brain

Adding to the conundrum of acting vs dreaming is the rational view versus the intuitive one.  This is courtesy of the Sun in Aquarius (science mind) versus the eventual Sun into Pisces (creative mind).  If you wonder why Aquarius and Pisces individuals can be so complicated, understand that this may be a lifetime challenge of trying to balance the two extremes

Hence our focus for the month may shift when the Sun moves from Aquarius to Pisces.  How can we be free to pursue the dream?

ARIES  - you can discuss your project with others but then ultimately decide it on your own in private or through mediation

TAURUS - you can analyze where your business is at and then spend time creating new opportunities

GEMINI - your beliefs will end up affecting how you do your job

CANCER  - partner's objectivity may still need to be vetted through a spiritual lens

LEO - your spouse may have worked things out but they need time to percolate and flourish

VIRGO - you may have sorted out a work scenario but now allow others the time to adopt it or not

LIBRA - perhaps your idea is a good one but the process will need some space for unexpected developments

SCORPIO - you think you know how to raise your child but they have their own personality and template

SAGITTARIUS  - it's okay to psychoanalyze your family but you must allow everyone their chance to absorb or reject the information

CAPRICORN - sure you've got a great idea to make money but communicating it needs some work

AQUARIUS - you've entered a new chapter and it will take a bit of time for the money to materialize

PISCES - you think you've licked your demons - and you have - but still be compassionate with self as the new persona forms

In closing, we all have Aquarius and Pisces houses in our charts and must deal with the differences in our own way.  If we can accept both archetypes and find ways to include them in our self-definition or approach to life, we may feel more complete.

Venus in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces
a day to dream

This once yearly conjunction can be one of the  most romantic days of the year where we start a new cycle around dreams.  In Pisces, this could be one of universal happiness and acceptance, world peace, unconditional love.  Of course, in this dimension, actual unconditional love and tolerance IS a dream, especially as hate and division are exploited to maintain power.    

Yet, humanity has always sought to "return back home".  The wistfulness that comes with seeking for the ineffable, the divine, is inherent in most people (unless they've given way to the cold rationalism of the science/technocratic mindset). But centuries of music, poetry, art and prayer point to this desire for beauty and transcendence.

While this year's conjunction is relatively modest, it does light up the degree of last year's Jupiter/Neptune alignment in April 2022 which began a new cycle around visioning.  So perhaps, if you recall any inspiration that touched you last year, you may find that it is rekindled in this moment for further nurturance.

Pisces is also connected to the idea of sacrifice.   This may beg the question, who is sacrificing and to whom and what?  Perhaps the healthiest version is to "let go and let god" in this area of life:

ARIES - concerns about your future

TAURUS - whom your real tribe is

GEMINI - what your ultimate life purpose is

CANCER - what are your beliefs?

LEO - how to merge in relationship

VIRGO - ow to accept your partner

LIBRA - how your work and health are evolving

SCORPIO - where you may find true fulfillment

SAGITTARIUS -  where is your true home

CAPRICORN - who are your real friends

AQUARIUS - what is my most marketable skill

PISCES - how people perceive me

You can formulate a dream now in this particular area, but then allow the universe to respond or rectify in time.  In the end, it is the feeling of true connection that you are seeking and this does not have to include other people or proceedings if you truly feel at home in yourself.

Saturn and Pluto at Anoretic degrees
completing the lesson plan

What have we learned with Saturn in Aquarius (April 2020 - March 2023)? On the one hand, the difficulty of individuating and secondly, the rejection one receives when one stands out from the group.  Think the cv narrative over the last three years, i.e. who was allowed to speak and who wasn't. This is the tyranny of the group which unfortunately will become even more clear with Pluto moving into Aquarius - the abuse by the collective.

Pluto in Capricorn (2008 - 2023) has shown us that those in power may have been corrupted or failed upward toward the top.  Why is there such a dearth of decent political candidates? The goods ones are kicked to the sidelines for not adhering to the right script or failing to appease the donors.  We should by now know that power corrupts and how much a threat that real freedom and equality pose to the elite class.  Not the woke version of ESG, which has been coopted by the powerful, but rather old school liberalism/leftism that demands better wages, worker relationships, decent housing and health care.

In our personal lives, where have the challenges of independence and personal power been most tested?

The fight for independence: in social media circles, group meetings
Development of inner authority: wrestling power from corporations and father figures

The fight for independence: in your professional goals
Development of inner authority:  in your spiritual warriorship

The fight for independence: in political or philosophical circles
Development of inner authority:  in your sexual or financial arrangements

The fight for independence: in your financial relationships
Development of inner authority: in relation to your significant other

The fight for independence: in your one on one relationships
Development of inner authority:  in how you live your everyday life

The fight for independence: in your work life
Development of inner authority:  in love affairs

The fight for independence: in romantic or creative situations
Development of inner authority: in relationship to your family, particularly mother

The fight for independence: in your family of origin
Development of inner authority: in regards to your personal voice and recollection of the past

The fight for independence: in speaking your truth
Development of inner authority: in respecting your talents (and charging properly for them)

The fight for independence: in your financial life
Development of inner authority: within yourself, allowing you to take on the role of boss or leader

The fight for independence: for your personal identity
Development of inner authority: developing your own spiritual life

The fight for independence: from fears/addictions and collective nightmares
Development of inner authority: in becoming a group of one, if necessary 

And while Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn for a few months in 2023, Saturn will not traverse Aquarius again for another 29 years.  Whatever we didn't learn during the last 2 1/2 years re: Saturn lessons will be hitting us full force with the entrance of Pluto into Aquarius, both personally and as a society.

Uranus in Taurus 15 degrees
financial reversals

We are halfway through the eight year Uranus in Taurus cycle (revolution in values).  Out in the world, this is appearing as new forms of money and investments (cryptocurrency, CBDC's, NFT's etc) as well as dramatic environmental changes.  

Taurus is about security  - particularly financial or material - and while we in the US have abundant resources, many groups here and abroad are struggling to put food on the table and afford oil to heat their homes.

As Uranus is hovering on the world axis this entire month, it is likely there will be a worldly event - climate, financial, security - that will exemplify the energy of dramatic change.  

We can look at the war in Ukraine, stock market prices fluctuating and the housing market, another traditional form of security, declining or becoming inaccessible to the average person.  And while the most major events may not happen until Pluto moves into Aquarius in March, we can feel that the world is teetering on the edge of collapse.

Uranus is meant to separate us from what or whom no longer works for us. If it is a nation or organization, perhaps the old political or economic system is no longer functional.  If a long-term personal relationship, the dynamics must be altered for it to remain viable.

And while it may feel disruptive, Uranian transits are ultimately meant to liberate us so that we can evolve to a more conscious way of living and being.

We are no stranger to Uranus per se, as it stations twice a year, generally around end of August and end of January.  So last month, we were released from an oppressive or dying situation and/or catapulted into a new direction.

Uranus demands we change or else deal with sudden breaks/accidents/shocks that will force us to look at the world in a new way. It is likely that for good or ill, more people are aware of climate change (however it is being perpetrated), advances in technology, AI and the monetary system.  If anything, it is a time to update your views on all of these topics and decide where to focus one's attention and energy. What do you value?  That is made evident by what you spend your time and money on.

The house where Uranus is travelling is the one where we might be experiencing the most upheaval (which will ultimately lead to liberation in the end).

Where have the changes been most pronounced for you these past 5 years:

ARIES - in the realm of your talents, money and self-esteem

TAURUS - in your personal outward presentation or definition of self

GEMINI  - in your internal dialogue with creator

CANCER - in your social circles

LEO - in your professional choices

VIRGO  - in your philosophical or political views

LIBRA - in your intimate relationships

SCORPIO - in your partnerships and attraction to new people

SAGITTARIUS - in your health or work life

CAPRICORN - in  your romantic or creative endeavors

AQUARIUS - in your home environment

PISCES - in your mental constructs

So as we approach some major astrology in March, the entrance of Saturn into Pisces and more importantly, Pluto in Aquarius, allow the energy of Uranus to remove unnecessary baggage and past tense attachments.

This is an evolutionary time for all of humanity.  We will need to travel lightly into an ever evolving future and those who can radically adapt to changing circumstances are the most likely to succeed in the new world.

January 2023 Horoscopes



When the month and year begins, we will still be experiencing three disconcerting retrogrades - Mars retro in Gemini, Mercury retro in Capricorn and Uranus retro in Taurus.  We are in something of a holding pattern until mid month when these bodies successively turn direct.

Hence, we will be engaged in a short final review of our past before we launch into new territory.  When the two titans of business and politics, Saturn and Pluto move into new signs in March, a new historical period will be initiated.   Pluto will begin its 20 year journey into Aquarius on March 24th while Saturn will traverse Pisces for 2 1/2 years starting on March 8th. Prepare for some global shockwaves to further upend the fragile status quo.

Meanwhile, Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus have been disintegrating our old ideas of what the world was supposed to be.  Uranus in Taurus (2018 - 2026) is forcing us to look at money, the environment, nature, consumerism through new eyes.  Saturn in Aquarius has given us a preview of what Pluto in Aquarius will bring - the negative affects of technological overreach.  The past two years were a test run and humanity as a whole failed terribly - asking for more safety and restrictions in the face of terror propaganda.

Do we want to exist in a perennial technological police state or do we want to thrive and express our full humanity and individuality with courage and grace?

The Nodes will move from Taurus/Scorpio into Aries/Libra in July and focus will turn away from financial and security matters to relationship and conflict, including war.  Jupiter will continue to travel through Aries until May, providing us with a bit of spunk and chutzpah and allowing us to create more material plane security the second half of the year when it enters the sign of Taurus.

Among the regular Mercury retrogrades, we will also have a Venus retrograde July 28 - September 3 in the sign of Leo, potentially resurrecting stories from 2017 - 2018 and/or also revealing a changing of the guard when it comes to power and celebrities.

Time and history move on, as exemplified by astrology, and we cannot stand still lest we atrophy.  So face forward with courage as we gird ourselves for the battle of our lifetimes - the overthrow of transhumanist fantasies and the securing of our natural humanity and independence.

Saturn in Aquarius inconjunct Neptune in Pisces Jan 6th
the pitfalls and illusions surrounding technology

While appearing in different planetary combinations later in the year, the Aquarius/Pisces archetype will be in full flower because of Pluto's and Saturn's ingress into these signs.

Jan 6th provides a brief example of what will be a general inconjunct sign aspect by sign between the two business and worldly planets (Saturn and Pluto) for the next two years.

How will the thrust for more mechanization affect our spiritual or creative bodies?  What dreams will be enhanced or desecrated with the introduction of technology?  

Virtual reality is one such arena and while we can say the designer will determine the beauty or ugliness of the product, how free are we within the confines of technology and social media?  Do we not already self correct, self-censor?

Or can we provide a container for our visions once we've understood the protocols and can that liberate us?

It depends on our consciousness as to whether the results will be inspired or conscripted to a larger agenda.

Where might technological imperatives clash with our more holy or channeled ideas?

ARIES - our awareness of social acceptance or rejection/censorship may inhibit the full expression of our dreams

TAURUS  - concern for one's professional standing may prevent one from speaking one's mind on social media

GEMINI - the religion of the group (and this could be adherence to "the science") may stymie one's career ambitions

CANCER - a partner's beliefs may impinge upon your seeking greater knowledge or visibility

LEO - partner's mental or financial situation may affect your long-term goals

VIRGO - your physical or mental health could put a damper on your primary relationship

LIBRA - self expression on social media could stop you from doing your right work

SCORPIO - the desire for security and privacy prevents you from sharing your work with others

SAGITTARIUS  - you feel the negative effects of social media (or technology/EMF's) and your fantasy home is circumscribed

CAPRICORN  - the brevity of texting and the like conflicts with your desire for real old fashioned conversations

AQUARIUS - financial fears about the future may have you curtail your more creative talents

PISCES - you feel the overarching presence of surveillance and electromagnetism and may keep your most novel ideas to yourself

Mars direct in Gemini Jan 12th
uncrossed signals

Much of the confusion and misunderstandings that we experienced since last Oct can be due to Mars retrograde in the sign of communication.  This was an opportunity for someone to tell their side of the story, albeit one that seemed at odds with our interpretation.  Exes, competitors, gossip mongers could have also shown up at this time.

How do we handle opposition to our ideas or perceptions?  Do we listen, rage or talk it out?  These "coping" mechanisms would have been learned in childhood.  If we recognize the patterns, we can now change them.

It is likely that you heard the worst of the story and now that Mars turns direct, you may be able to sort the situation out with more maturity and clarity.  Can we accept that others see things differently?  It doesn't mean we have to accept their version, just acknowledge it.

Should we need to stand up for ourselves, now with Mars direct, we will have more ballast and perspective.  

Where did the Mars retrograde unearth so old familiar stories?

ARIES - while dealing with siblings

TAURUS - while discussing financial issues

GEMINI  - when attacked for being you

CANCER - while worrying about the future

LEO - when having to speak up in a group or online

VIRGO - when communicating with bosses or father

LIBRA - when attempting to expand your circle or spiritual awareness

SCORPIO - when dealing with sex and money issues

SAGITTARIUS - when arguing with your significant other

CAPRICORN  - when addressing health and lifestyle issues

AQUARIUS - when dithering on a creative project or how to raise your own children

PISCES - when talking with mother or family of origin

As I have mentioned several times, the Mars retrograde in Gemini transit was more annoying than life-changing.  Yet, missed signals tend to create a lot of time-wasting angst.  We don't really have to revisit these topics again so integrate the knowledge/perspective you received and move on to more pressing matters.

Mercury direct in Capricorn Jan 18th
writing your own story

Whose authority am I listening to?  Those in positions of power or our inner voice? Capricorn represents the status quo and societal obligations and when we find ourselves controlled by these ideas, we are giving our power away to outside forces.  Yet, we do have an inner figure of structure and responsibility and he/she/they are whom we might begin to pay attention to.

We are in a short Mercury retrograde period of Dec 29th - Jan 18th where we get to revisit the "shoulds' once more.  But hopefully, because we experienced a similar retrograde (with Venus) last December 2021 - Jan 2022, perhaps the same questions have arisen again, but with a hopefully more masterful or adult perspective.

And even if you questioned the situation, we would hope that you follow your own guidance and not that of some expert or parental figure.

Where can you recapture your power and self-direction?

ARIES - in your professional identity

TAURUS - in determining your own view of the world

GEMINI  - when establishing intimate partnerships

CANCER - when negotiating with a significant partner

LEO - when taking charge of your own health

VIRGO - in deciding what brings you joy

LIBRA  - in creating the home life you desire

SCORPIO  - in communicating with peers

SAGITTARIUS - in deciding your pay scale

CAPRICORN - in promoting your image

AQUARIUS - in knowing where true power lies (in the unmanifest void)

PISCES - in your social media interactions

Uranus direct in Taurus 14 degrees Jan 23rd
time to break free

The last big blast off to the New Year happens when Uranus turns direct on Jan 23rd.  There is likely a bookend story that occurred in late August 2022 whereby you felt you needed to be free.  You may have wavered in that decision, particularly because of Mars retrograde in Gemini, which may have had you question your views.

But, if the decision to part involved a long-standing relationship, when Uranus turns direct, it is likely that you will want to pursue the "divorce" and move on.  If you are dealing with a more recent association and ran into some shoals, it might not be time to quit but rather to regroup again and move forward with a fresh start.

If we don't let go willingly to situations that have outlived their value or time, it is possible that these things/people/places will be taken from you.

Uranus is the planet connected to freedom and liberation and in the sign of Taurus, we may find that we no longer value or appreciate the same things. Hence, when values change, it is likely that relationships become mismatched as two or more people no longer share the same goals.

While Uranus is suggesting we all revise our notions of worth, those most deeply affected and impelled to change their lives include all of the fixed signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.

Where have you felt the need to liberate yourself from past assumptions and beliefs?

ARIES - in how you value your talents - and how you charge for them

TAURUS - in how you perceive yourself and your worth

GEMINI  - in how you deal with fear and conflict

CANCER - in who you think your friends are

LEO - in how you view your professional goals

VIRGO  - in where you think freedom lies

LIBRA - in how you deal with joint financial matters

SCORPIO - in whom you are attracted to

SAGITTARIUS  - in how you have changed your lifestyle

CAPRICORN - in where you find joy

AQUARIUS  - in how your home life has changed

PISCES - in how you communicate with friends and family

Uranus can also appear as someone else making these changes - such as a partner leaving or a new love interest arriving - but they are simply reflections of what your chart is craving.  So, as with all of the astrology we are living through, it is best to let go rather than cling desperately to something that has already died or run its course.

The New Year really energetically starts in February after these retrogrades and you will have the next three months to try many new things.  The events in March will also signal a larger paradigm shift in society and how this will impact us over the coming decades.

Basically, Saturn will ask us to walk away from disillusioning situations while Pluto will thrust us into a pivotal moment of life reevaluation.

The main lesson of the last 16 years of Pluto in Capricorn was to withdraw our attachment or fascination to power and experts and to bring that focus back home to ourselves.  

Events of 2023 will reveal that those in power do not know what they do or are not capable of honest leadership. The current system is not commensurate with supporting human potential and development and it must fall in order for a new more multipolar world governance - i.e. more local governance truly by the people, not the technocrats.

All hands will be needed on deck to steer the ship to peaceful waters. Use this month to clear up the detritus from the past as you ready yourself for one of the most dramatic and transformative periods in human history.



As this dramatic year comes to an end, Americans are faced with the prospects of a permanently fractured nation. Both political parties could point to the other as the source of this problem.

Much of the upheaval is due to the fact that the United states is experiencing its first Pluto return (last exact hit on Dec 28th). Most empires last two Pluto cycles or 500 years. That is not likely to be the case for our country (and probably most western nations). We are in a period of change or die.

Our empire of "democracy building" or capitalist hegemony has lost its way and we have become the tyrants on the world stage. Forget propaganda that insists we are the good guys as we have invaded innumerable nations in the last 50 years. And Americans, instead of fighting against governmental overreach, are falling into compliance and even support of totalitarian measures here and abroad.

Part of the problem is that we are no longer a functioning democracy but rather an oligarchy - strong terms but Mussolini's definition of fascism is the collusion of corporations and government. And these are the Plutonian abusers behind the scenes, poisoning the well of enlightenment thinking.

Politics serves to keep us divided and focused on our neighbor rather than those pulling the strings.

Who does it benefit to have a country at war with itself? Some easy answers come to mind - globalists, multinationals and transnationals who already operate outside of sovereign borders. The military-medical-agri-business-industrial-media-political-academic complex is steering this ship off a cliff.

And getting back to the narrative, for sure, Trump so disemboweled the Republican party that it is a rancid shell of its former self. This has pushed people into the party of functional fascism, the Democrats. (Perhaps Trump is a Russian/Chinese/globalist asset after all?)

I am being facetious, but why do I say this? As a life-long liberal, I am horrified by the depths to which the Democratic party has sunk in terms of defying their own traditional ideals. Once the party of the working man, it is now the party of the corporate elites. While lip service is given to equal rights and economic issues, the actions are similar to the old school Republican party - pro-war, pro-development, pro-big industry, pro government censorship, anti-labor (the current railroad strike is a case in point).

And, sure, when red bait issues of abortion and gun rights are on the ballot as opposed to accountability for mandates and lockdowns, the "my body my choice" crowd comes out, not realizing they are supporting the party that took away their medical and sometimes financial freedom.

And, of course, if practiced with true intention and purity of heart, the original progressive leftist agenda of equality, sustainability, fairness, and acceptance is a laudable one. Those in power knew the tides were turning toward more socially conscious ethics, so they hijacked the naive aspirations of the younger more impressionable populace.

But the truth is probably far darker than that as the wolf (of fascism, transhumanism, domination, slavery) is dressed in compassionate sheep's clothing.

So, where to go from here? The U.S, Pluto return speaks to a new story of courage and freedom, one that incorporates the need for individualism with rational social responsibilities. We cannot be one man for himself but we also cannot be a faceless dot in the Borg.

The freedoms the GOP are touting - right to own guns, and the freedom the left is spouting - identity politics - are both out of date and out of tune or totally irrelevant to the crises at hand- environmental, medical, technological, spiritual.

We must unite and wake up to the fact that the only battle is that of the corporatists/globalist/transhumanist agenda versus a human one.

We must raise our consciousness and vision to include the paradox of individuality within a shared (and widely and openly discussed) collective identity.

And some of the golden rules - loyalty, personal discipline, love of family, respect for others- that would have been the foundation of healthy conservatism - still apply.

More local governance, more honest accountability (not political scapegoating), less intervention in global affairs. Let's be honest - we're only fighting for the military, surveillance, biotech or fossil fuel contractors), not for anyone's freedom.

One's Pluto transits may decimate any and all structures in one's life that are out of integrity or corrupted. The same should/could hold true for a nation's Pluto return.

What will rise out of the ashes of the current dysfunctional system? Right now, there seems to be only two avenues that are being presented to us, both of them abhorrent. One, the technocratic, "chip in every brain" AI world or the decimated climate catastrophized globe.

For now, the crafting of a potentially new narrative for the U.S. Pluto in Capricorn would incorporate the original intention of individual liberty, responsibility to future generations, tolerance (this applies to both sides who are woefully hypocritical in this regard) and updated to include new challenges (surveillance, biosecurity, bodily integrity, environmental) that our forefathers never even considered.

Capricorn is the wise adult, the wise woman, the medicine woman. Can we turn this nation around to move away from infantile and destructive behaviors/pleasures and toward building a fair and resilient future?

And most of all, Capricorn is grounded, not virtual. If we can find our way back to simple exercises and connection with nature and our bodies, we could feel our way to a better future. The dissociation that happens with technology, entertainment, video games, pharmaceuticals, GMOs takes us away from our true selves as biological and spiritual beings.

Commitment to and appreciation of our existence as divinity cloaked in biology can help us bridge the artificial divides of politics and ideologies and lead to a more unified whole.

Venus in Sagittarius opposing Mars in Gemini
whose idea will win out?

At the beginning of the month, Venus is Sag opposes Mars in Gemini leading to some disputes regarding love and desire. It's all in what people say and unfortunately, much of it may not be true.

We already dealt with Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces mid November when confusion, gossip, nefariousness reigned.

It's not because anyone is lying intentionally, but what they want may be out of reach in the current moment. And we may battle with ourselves over movement or stasis.

Where might you want to advance ahead only to talk yourself out of doing so?

ARIES - you'd love to travel but family is worried for you

TAURUS - you're interested in expanding your business but question about your abilities to make more money

GEMINI - there is a person interested in you but you may be second-guessing their intention

CANCER - there's an opportunity to make lifestyle changes but you are wavering out of fear or despondency

LEO - there is interest in a new creative endeavor but friends may talk you out of it

VIRGO - could you buy a home or move abroad - what will your boss or parents say

LIBRA- you are exploring new ideas but feel restrained by previous education

SCORPIO - there's a willingness to develop a new skill set but your partner (as your projection) doubts your commitment

SAGITTARIUS - you are ready to expand your knowledge base and identity but partners or others seem to disapprove or want you to stay the same

CAPRICORN - there's a inner knowing and desire for a new quest but you are allowing current busywork to derail this sense of potential

AQUARIUS - should you seek out a new tribe, your current paramour may want to talk you out of changing

PISCES - a new career path is calling but it seems like family obligations can get in the way

Neptune direct in Pisces Dec 4th
waking up to reality

Neptune, the planet correlated with dreams and illusions, turns direct on December 4th. While this is a regular annual occurrence, its influence is more pronounced by being in the sign of its rulership, Pisces, for the last 10 years. We have three more years to go in discerning its effects on our consciousness and society at large.

As a mundane and generally lower consciousness representation, planets will more likely represent the negative archetype of the sign and with Pisces - deception, disillusionment, poisoning and enervation are the main expressions.

We are swimming in a sea of lies and propaganda, - and these are primarily propagated through social media and legacy corporate media. False dichotomies are presented to us so that we remain confused as to what is happening in reality.

Even the word "reality" has now been fragmented to include a multitude of personal feelings and truth at the expense of a defining common vision of morality.

When nothing matters, truth is up for grabs and the rampant levels of depression, addiction, despair and retreat into fantasies result from a lack of boundaries and centeredness.

Yet, at the same time, controlled narratives abound that include massive amounts of fear, titillation, catastrophizing or conversely infantile and false utopian ideas.

The last time Neptune was in Pisces was during the Civil War and our country was fractured and required a course correction. Now, along with Pluto in Capricorn, our country must reestablish its center and universal ideals.

And we have moments of clarity in the midst of confusion and Neptune turning direct in Pisces on December 4th, provides some light on the shadows.

In our personal lives, many old concepts have dissolved or been revealed to have been corrupted or simply a distraction.

We can become a bit more centered and re-energize to our true mission in the days ahead. And in ordinary terms, we may wake up from our false perceptions here:

ARIES - noticing your fears are oftentimes imaginary

TAURUS - realizing that social media is not reality

GEMINI -understanding the motives of a superior

CANCER - growing into a deeper and mature vision of the world

LEO - understanding your partner's financial situation

VIRGO - accepting that your partner is a bit lost right now

LIBRA - discovering what really ails you and how to feel better

SCORPIO - awakening from the illusion of a relationship

SAGITTARIUS - understanding the temporalness of home

CAPRICORN - seeing the world in more clear terms, snapping out of depression

AQUARIUS - realizing that you have very marketable skills

PISCES - coming to accept yourself and your natural intuition

And while this transit will still exist for the next few years, it is imperative upon us to not fall for false prophets, easy solutions and/or give up in the face of actual difficulties. We are here at this time in history to usher in a new society but it comes from discerning the truth of our situation rather than a false narrative of hope and/or constant victimization. Courage is needed to cut through the fog and faith in the larger destiny of man to bring awareness to all.

Jupiter back into Aries Dec 24th
renewed and inspired action

Our motivation may have been stymied when Jupiter moved back into Pisces. While a transcendent influence, it is also dematerialized and the benefits are more spiritual in nature. With Jupiter, the planet of growth, back into Aries, our fierceness and courage will return. While we are still working through Mars retro in Gemini, we can begin to recapture our sense of self and possible future which be released and can be acted upon once Mars turns direct Jan 12th.

You may find a renewed sense of purpose and opportunity here:

ARIES - your confidence in self returns

TAURUS - you are less likely to succumb to fears and have more faith in the universe

GEMINI - you may want to "get back into the game" when it comes to social media, also fun for the holidays is encouraged

CANCER - after a period of doubt and reflection, you feel ready to slay at work and take on projects which challenge you

LEO - when fire loses faith, its a depressing sight. Your trust in the benevolence of the universe returns, time to make travel plans

VIRGO - a desire to purpose relationships is evident once again, or you may also become an object of pursuit

LIBRA - things are looking up for your partner

SCORPIO - you feel encouraged to put energy into work after a period of feeling "what's the point"?

SAGITTARIUS - an interest in new creative projects returns

CAPRICORN - happiness returns at home

AQUARIUS - you feel more confident to let your voice be heard

PISCES - those money-making ideas once again seem feasible

Mercury retro in Capricorn 12/29/ - 1/18/23
a matrix redux

Last December 2021 into Jan 2022, we experienced a Venus retrograde in Capricorn which had us question old forms of status, values and tradition. Were we doing things from our authentic inner sense or were we chasing things that the matrix approved of?

More than likely it was a temporary questioning of one's previous choices and if one were honest with oneself, one realized that the consensus perks were not really relevant or desirable to their lives.

At the end of this month, Mercury will retrograde in a similar fashion in Capricorn, giving voice or one last review of whether we should have done what was expected or chosen our own path.

In some practical ways, an issue you were dealing with at this time last year may return for a final reevaluation. But note that most of the important energy will be moving in Aquarius - the future, the innovative, the revolutionary - and this is the direction which would serve us well, provided we include some form fo universal love or acceptance.

Where might we encounter one last review of the status quo and it's place in our lives?

ARIES - your career path or relation to authority

TAURUS - your spiritual life or view of global affairs

GEMINI - your financial or sexual arrangements

CANCER - your view of relationship dynamics

LEO - the nature of your work

VIRGO - your creative output

LIBRA - your relationship to home and mother

SCORPIO - your early childhood and how it shaped your mind

SAGITTARIUS - your money-making abilities

CAPRICORN - your inner sense of authorship

AQUARIUS - your connection to a larger purpose

PISCES - how you deal with political or social pressure

It has been stated endless times that we are all here for a reason and have incarnated at this chosen time in history. Surely our lives are not gifted to us to simply be wasted away on endless pursuit of personal pleasure or material accumulation or conversely, endless struggle.

The scary sense that the world is about to end is the underlying awareness that our existences cannot continue as is. We must face the oncoming train and figure out how to not only avoid catastrophe - environmental, financial, spiritual - but to also discover a new vision for ourselves and the world. Our hearts know the answer so find the time to listen.



As the month begins, we are overrun with the clamoring brouhaha of election season. Ostensibly once again, it is the THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF OUR TIME. Where have we heard this before - and before that?

Granted, voting in local elections can generate positive results but the belief that big elections matter - or that the candidates are decidedly different -- is naive. Pluto in Capricorn has been waking us up to the dysfunction of the elites and the ruling class and there should be no doubt that candidates are selected by the powers that be, not by the people.

As we are in the throes of the U. S. Pluto return, exact next month, we are indeed in a transition point regarding the future of our nation. But it is not simply the result of the last four or six years, but decades in the making. And in more recent times, Citizen's United (2010) and earlier pharmaceutical immunity, (1986) signed into law by entrenched Republicans and Democrats alike (think about all the 30 year plus veterans of congress) allowing corporations to have a voice, rang the death knell of a democratically elected congress.

Fascism exists on both sides, one more of a dangerous caricature, the other the smooth talking salesman. Do you prefer to get stabbed in the face or in the back? Either way is deadly.

What to do now? First off, realize the charade and withdraw one's fascination with the political playoffs and get busy in crafting your own destiny and supporting leaders with courage and integrity. While the specter of a globalist one world government is very near (and began with the League of Nations and amplified during the American decline in the 1970's), it does not have to become a foregone conclusion.

But understand that the possibility of a lost America is there as Pluto will destroy one paradigm to build another - and it doesn't have to be a better one. We can lose the last vestige of what we think is representative democracy and simply become one ailing entity as part of a bureaucratic AI controlled world.

Going back to election day, Venus will be in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. Scorpio reveals the cost or dependency in any relationship - or the deal that one makes to preserve emotional or financial security. Uranus in Taurus is saying let go of all those old ideas and set out in a new direction. This might include the notion that any one leader or party will save us.

Venus also gets caught in the ongoing square of Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius - change in money and values vs. the egregious nature of a technocracy. Does social media determine our values? You betcha and perhaps a divorce from the constant flow of limited targeted information would do your mental health and soul some good.

Mid-month we experience a Taurus/Scorpio lunar eclipse which shakes out a lot of the misaligned unions/relationships that we have been tolerating. Much of these situations had already been shattered in 2018 and 2019 with a serious of earlier eclipses in Leo/Aquarius (And to those people asking will Trump be thrown in jail, it is possible as these span his rising sign partnership house and his time in the White House).

If we realize that the arrangement no longer works, time to let it go as there will be new opportunities for merging next spring.

What helps us to see the bigger picture in all this emotional tumult? The personal planets moving into Sag help us to gain some perspective and ideally, wisdom from the proceedings. Sagittarius follows Scorpio in the zodiac and one we've gone through the depths of psychological pain and purging, Sag discovers the bigger purpose. Sag is also party time and we can get an early start this season as so many looming global events threaten to break the holiday spirit.

Another part of our healing involves Chiron in a challenging aspect to the North node all month long and into December. There is a need to finally be free to be oneself and use the headaches and the rage to further a new goal and sense of self.

Jupiter also provides a healing balm when he turns direct on November 23rd in the tail end of Pisces. We can revisit our dreams, perhaps tempered now by reality and set them in motion in the New Year.

Venus in Scorpio in aspect to Saturn and Uranus
dancing with the devil and our desires

As we venture trepidatiously into Scorpio season, many of the difficult emotions and conflicts we encountered in October are still being processed. Pluto is the natural ruler of Scorpio and when confronting this energy, we are dealing with a form of emotional nuclear power.

The magnetism as well as the repulsion of the archetype are also on full display in our attraction to dark personalities and real life horror stories. This is our shadow side and this period between The Day of the Dead and Thanksgiving, we can work to understand why we drawn to the most bedeviled amongst us.

For much of the month, Venus, the planet connected to love and values will be in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus (dramatic upheaval of stability). Scorpio reveals the cost or dependency in any relationship - or the unwritten pact that one makes to preserve emotional or financial security. Uranus in Taurus is saying let go of all those entrenched ideas and set out in a new direction.

Venus also triggers the ongoing square of Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius - how will our values change in light of a technocratic future?

How does social media impact our thoughts and beliefs? Perhaps a divorce from the constant flow of limited targeted information would do your mental health and soul some good.

It may be that our societal restrictions are so strong that the need for a chthonic destruction allows us to clear the decks of our crowded and repressed psyches.

This month take note of where early childhood imprints are brushing up against new ideas and old restrictions. Which will take precedence?

Where do the deepest emotional changes want to take place? And what are the impediments to this renewal?

ARIES - you are seeking greater depth in your intimate relationships but may also feel that money or social approval still hold unnecessary sway

TAURUS - you may desire greater equality in your significant relationship but it's hard to see yourself as worthy, particularly as a result of your history with your father

GEMINI - There is a thrust toward finding your right work but you may question your abilities or hearken back to old fears

CANCER - While you would love to to access your creative potential, you are still codependently attached to what your friends or partner may think

LEO - you have your own vision for home and family but you worry about public approval or partner's support

VIRGO - you feel a strong need to connect to your local community but are uncertain as to what you can contribute or lack faith in your abilities

LIBRA - you'd like to receive greater appreciation (and money) for your talent but somehow feel those closest to you are motivated by scarcity and supportive only of the status quo

SCORPIO - it's a time to generate deeper self-love but you may still be looking through the distorted lens of a partner or your mother,

SAGITTARIUS - there is a desire to venture into the unknown but you are plagued with a sense of weakness or inability to verbalize your thoughts

CAPRICORN - you would love to create a more expansive view of the future but concerns about financial security and your children may get in the way
AQUARIUS - there is a strong impulse to step into your professional power but you are at times undermined by your family history or childhood difficulties

PISCES - you are craving the opportunity to express your spiritual vision but may be hampered by earlier failures or ancient fears

Notice the desires of your Venus and utilize this potent astrological square to cleanse and alchemize old pain into future promise. This is clearly where lead turns into emotional gold.

Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces mid-month
wishful thinking against all odds

To add to the confusion of personal or political narratives Mars retrograding in Gemini will square Neptune in Pisces (the source of deception, wishful thinking, naive untested faith). As we will all be reconnecting with old partners, nemeses, siblings in real life or via social media, we will realize that our stories about "what happened" don't match. We can also see how we deluded ourselves by wanting to see something - in relationships the biggest one being "potential"- that might not have really been there.

Yes, childhood notions come into play as well as our own ambivalence. But we can also be unnecessarily distracted and, in the best case scenario, choose the larger meta dream over the minor drama in front of us.

Meaning, if you have a vision for your perfect relationship, your vision is not wrong but perhaps you've attached the wrong person to this ideal. In this case, hold onto the ideal, ditch the person until you encounter someone more capable of fulfilling that desire.

In every day reconstructions, whose story is to be believed and what is fiction/imagination/lying?

What is the small obstacle in front of me that is preventing me from achieving my dream? These question may arise:

ARIES - should we pursue the small story or concern ourselves with the supraconscious

TAURUS - is it worth fighting over money rather than advancing a new vision for the world

GEMINI - do I get in my own way and create confusion in my work

CANCER - could niggling fears be dissipated with a more spiritual view of life

LEO - is it worth spending time online vs. developing a one on one relationship

VIRGO - does your partner understand your work or obscures your efforts

LIBRA - is your fatigue due to lack of faith in the universe

SCORPIO - what holds greater value for you in the current moment - sex or creativity?

SAGITTARIUS - conflict in partnerships may compel you to isolate

CAPRICORN - are you a workaholic to runaway from uncomfortable feelings?

AQUARIUS - arguments with loved ones may push you to focus on work instead

PISCES - step back from chaos and consider your next chapter

Taurus lunar eclipse Nov 16th at 16 Taurus
emotional versus financial security

Lunar eclipses always reveal what has come to pass based on our previous actions at the solar eclipse cycle. We have been marinating in the Taurus/Scorpio axis of security and desire - with financial and emotional security being of primary concern for the last year 1/2 and even farther back to 2017/2018 when the Leo/Aquarius eclipses squared these degrees. (To simplify, right now you may be dealing with the fallout/consequences/opportunities that arose from decisions and situations percolating four or five years ago).

And yet, with Uranus in Taurus, what used to make us feel comfortable or safe is no longer, either through outer forces or inner changes. Hence, we must seek a new value system and means to fulfillment and equanamity.

How can we reconcile the need for emotional security and financial stability?

ARIES - the greater my self worth or ability to take care of myself, the more likely my romantic relationships will thrive

TAURUS - once I see myself in a new light, I will no longer tolerate emotionally abusive relationships

GEMINI - getting clear on my connection to source helps ameliorate my worries about performance and success

CANCER - letting go of old friends allows me to open up to new forms of creative expression

LEO - achieving mastery in my field brings greater comfort at home

VIRGO - developing my own personal views lessens my dependency on expedient friendships

LIBRA - greater emotional intimacy helps me see my worth

SCORPIO - a new type of partner allows me a new sense of self

SAGITTARIUS - taking care of my heath allays my fears of the unknown

CAPRICORN - opening up to another allows me to see a more promising future

AQUARIUS - newfound happiness at home leads to greater success at work

PISCES - trusting my own voice allows me to question the so-called experts

Mercury, Venus and Sun into Sag Nov 18th, Nov 17th and Nov 23rd
seeing the bigger picture

After we process some of our emotional distress, we are gifted with a sense of perspective and appreciation for what we went through.

Sagittarius allows us to develop a more mature and multi-faceted philosophy that helps us deal with adversity and disagreements.

Yet, dark side Sagittarius can imply dogmatic thinking (and this does not have to mean religious beliefs, but fanatical devotion to politics, cultural tribalism or science as well).

What role does religion and/or cultural beliefs play in your decision making? Is it truly objective or dogmatic? coming from an adult or child place?

If we take a step back and learn to live with paradox (i.e. holding two apparently disparate views and finding a common denominator), we are better able to grapple with a complex world). Black and white thinking is childish and easily manipulated.

In the best use of Sag energy, where can we use spiritual intelligence to move our lives forward:

ARIES - in reestablishing/reworking our view of the world

TAURUS - in positively managing emotional and sexual entanglements

GEMINI -in dealing with prominent partners

CANCER - in finding purpose in our work

LEO - in accessing our inner creativity

VIRGO - in expanding our view of family

LIBRA - in connecting to our local community, to see brotherhood and sisterhood in everyone

SCORPIO - in presenting our talents

SAGITTARIUS - in expressing our vision

CAPRICORN - in overcoming hubris

AQUARIUS - in reaching a larger crowd

PISCES - an alighting on our life purpose

Chiron at 13 degrees in Aries inconjunct North Node 13 degrees all month + December
becoming a sovereign full spectrum being

Chiron is about halfway through its 4 year transit through Aries so we should be becoming familiar with its purpose and expression. Chiron in Aries is associated with the wound of not being seen for whom one truly was. Of course, this usually goes back to childhood where a parent would have disregarded your thoughts and feelings and told you "who you were".

Aries is about the WILL TO BE and wounding here can cripple a person in finding their independence and voice. Healing comes from allowing oneself the full spectrum of feelings and expressions and coming to one's own with a fierce passion.

My healing comes from understanding and resolving the following:

ARIES - my self esteem improves when I realize that from a very early age my natural essence was rejected by others

TAURUS - I am more comfortable in my skin now and realize I was plagued with others' unnecessary worries that are not mine

GEMINI - I have determined that many of my friends did not see me clearly and I can gain solace in solitude and with god

CANCER - I feel more able to express myself in large groups or online once I let go of needing my father's approval

LEO - I can take on a leadership role once I've discarded irrelevant and distorted world views

VIRGO - my world and possibilities open up when I release the need to please my partner

LIBRA - - I delve into deeper intimacy after the realization that I had an erroneous preconceived notion of relationship

SCORPIO - if I am willing to take better care of myself, my relationships improve, it is not anyone else's job to make be feel worthy

SAGITTARIUS - my health and enthusiasm for life returns with the understanding that creativity takes many forms

CAPRICORN - I am more able to love once I've tossed out my mother's fears and prejudices

AQUARIUS - I realize I can have the home life I desire that does not have to replicate family of origin patterns

PISCES - I am able to communicate more easily once I let go of the false self image forged in childhood

Jupiter direct in Pisces Nov 23rd
dream on

In mid April 2022, we were blessed with a Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces, a new cycle around dream building. And once Jupiter moved into Aries in May, we may have felt more energy and desire to set this vision into motion, only possibly to have lost steam once Jupiter retrograded in July. We had to tread through Pisces a few more months to capture and/or release unrealistic fantasies. The ideas may have undergone a cleansing and reconsideration and now we can move forward again with renewed hope on Nov 23rd. At end of year, Jupiter will step back into Aries and its all cylinders go in the new year.

What recalibration of your beliefs or vision occurred in the past few months?

ARIES - the sense that your dream must relieve suffering

TAURUS - your goals must serve a higher purpose

GEMINI - you are gifted with a mission that will help humanity

CANCER - you may assist in inspiring humanity to more loving interactions

LEO - the work of two or more is greater than one

VIRGO - finding the right partner is key to achieving your mission

LIBRA - the need to take care of oneself first takes precedence

SCORPIO - opening your heart is the only way

SAGITTARIUS - finding your rightful home provides the foundation for the next stage of your life

CAPRICORN - discovering like-minded souls is absolutely necessary to the implementation of your vision

AQUARIUS - it is essential that you trust yourself with your ideas, they have been gifted to you for a reason

PISCES - you must trust that you are a vessel for positive change

While forward thinking and a decided letting go of the past are encouraged, these last months of 2022 will force us to look back and review the earliest imprints. Unfortunately, when not addressed, the past bleeds into the present and creates a future that we potentially don't want. So during this Scorpionic month, we are urged to do emotional deep dives. It is not for punishment, but rather for reappraisal and the ability to write and lean into a new story.

And we may even discover how our beliefs about the future were naive or ill-informed (as to our ability to craft the future or our abdication of responsibility which allows the vacuum to be filled by others, often nefarious in intent).

This dark future potential will be staring us in the face come next spring and we will have to decide if we are willing to get on board with an agenda that is not ours. Clearing out old patterns of obedience and deference to authority are a place to start and this winter, going back to the source of our disempowerment via parents, teachers, peers, authority figures, religious leaders, will perhaps leave us gagging at our lack of self-respect. (But we must have compassion because for millennia we have been conditioned to defer to so-called experts and the powerful and sacrifice ourselves and our needs in the process). But we can say "NO MORE"!

Part of the journey of awakening is realizing our intrinsic power and divinity so clearing the lens of false illusions will bring greater light to ourselves and future generations. Democracy dies in darkness, but it also dies in lack of courage and ability to face the truth.



October will be a dynamic and fated month with several planetary stations, including the yearly stations direct of Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Aquarius. As Pluto and Saturn relate to events that are happening on a global level, they impact business and the economy on a grand scale.

For those who have followed this column for the past decade, I have railed about Pluto in Capricorn representing the deconstruction of the patriarchy and the current reality paradigm. We are in the last leg of this journey (Pluto will dip into Aquarius for a short while in 2023 and retro back to the last degree of Capricorn in a final flourish). What have we learned as individuals and societies about the nature of power and its use and abuse?

Capricorn is the sign of tradition, small c conservatism, structure and hierarchy. The death of Queen Elizabeth, the world's longest ruling monarch sent a signal that a certain era of history is over. We can revere her sense of duty, obligation and responsibility while not necessarily concurring with what empire represented to many populations outside of the main royal circle. She was born into the role and followed the manmade rules perfectly.

Yet, these are not universal laws, no matter the pomp and circumstance surrounding a mere mortal presented as a divine ruler. Since the inception and adoption of enlightenment ideals (whether expressed properly or not), the dismantling of the divine right of kings has progressively ensued.

Here in the modern western world, in the absence of satisfying cultural archetypes, we must project our concept of the mother onto the queen. For many, she was a cipher for the divine feminine. Perhaps going forward, we can instead look to those (as in more ancient times) who were truly the wise women - the medicine women of every community. (A dark side note is that in order for the masculine enlightenment ideas to take hold, they had to suppress the feminine, mystical, spiritual energies by declaring women to be witches, killing off centuries of earth-based knowledge).

As we reflect on the last 15 years, consider where you have confronted the inner and outer abuser and where hopefully you have accessed your own power once again.

As we dance with a transhumanist future that perhaps only a few sociopaths actually want, we are faced with a different battle and that is one of human vs. cyborg. This will be the terrain under which we exercise our free will in the coming two decades. Saturn in Aquarius, while not directly connected to this, has been giving us a preview of the challenges of a technological world view, the belief that science and technology can save us from everything - climate change, pandemics, educating our children - and its attendant shortfall.

Saturn has been in Aquarius since March 2020, the early part of the pandemic and will remain in the sign until March of 2023. Aquarius has a collectivist vibe and here will will also encounter the positives and negatives. Who are your tribe? How has social media affected our lives? Have opportunities opened up or become more limited? What better boundaries can be created (by ourselves, not governmental bodies)?

As Pluto and Saturn are connected to business endeavors, the proverbial stock market crash may be around the corner (altho I think its eventuality will be artificially suppressed until after the mid-terms). For those of us initiating a new business or moving to the next level, the forward motion of both planets is very supportive for structural and financial growth. If we're in the wrong field (in the current economy) or our profession has run its course, Pluto and Saturn will impel us to shut it down. (This will not be an out of the blue surprise as the writing will have been on the wall for some time, probably at least since 2020, when Pluto and Saturn conjoined in a paradigm shifting aspect).

We will also be experiencing other planetary direction changes, these less profound, but noticeable nonetheless. As the month begins, we will witness Mercury turning direct, this time in Virgo, so whatever snafus occurred during the short retrograde period can right themselves, as long as we pay attention to details and functional procedures. Jupiter is still retrograding but will step back into Pisces from Aries for a two month last hurrah. We may simply be dipping back into our creative imagination one more time before declaring our new mission or plan come early 2023.

Lastly, in what I dub the most annoying transit, is Mars turning retrograde in Gemini. This is the classic "men acting crazy" scenario where normally placid individuals become combative whilest the gaslighter/abuser becomes surprisingly decent for once. These personality splits are only temporary so you cannot believe anything you hear as people are working out their shadow sides. Everything turns back to "normal" i.e. the nice guy returns and the asshole also comes back into his body once Mars turns direct on Jan 12, 2023. We are just playing with the idea that the story could have been different so notice the interesting reversals that occur at this time.

We also have a few more eclipses in the axis of Taurus and Scorpio this fall and the first solar beginning one occurs on Oct 25th at 2 degrees Scorpio. This degree was active during 2017 and 2018 and similarly stifled at the beginning of Jan 2021. Scorpio is about emotional and sexual bonding, financial arrangements and deep psychological work. Wherever this eclipse lands in your chart, you can experience a deep renewal and potential return to faith in your intuitive responses.

There's a complexity and depth to this month that can transform us deeply if we are willing to let go and allow the more chthonic changes to take place.

Mercury direct in Virgo oct 2nd
figuring out a better way

This recent Mercury retrograde was very noticeable regarding the classic mix-ups with communication, contracts, technology. When it started in Libra on Sept 13th, we may have been able to smooth talk our way through things only to find ourselves having to deal with the tiny underlying problems. If we have addressed these, we can move forward with our plans.

Mercury direct asks us to place mental focus here:

ARIES - in maintaining our health

TAURUS - in cultivating a creative idea

GEMINI - in organizing our home

CANCER - in communicating with family members

LEO - in making the best use of our talents for financial gain

VIRGO - to present our most honest self, even if he/she/they are somewhat particular

LIBRA - in recognizing our desire to control situations

SCORPIO - in how we communicate online

SAGITTARIUS - in our professional goals

CAPRICORN - in honing in on our particular beliefs

AQUARIUS - in sharing resources

PISCES - in dealing with our significant other

Pluto direct in Capricorn Oct 8th
destroying the projection

It is likely that our relation to authority has changed dramatically over the past 15 years, thanks to the intense manifestations of Pluto in Capricorn. Certainly our societal and organizational structures have changed, including our identities and methods of engagement. Whether the replacement of traditional values is better is yet to be determined, but in the realm of power dynamics, we are hopefully seeing that the emperor has no clothes.

And part of that projection of greatness is only made possible by our false acceptance of our weakness or insignificance. We must seize, as many are, the narrative and speak through our authentic voices rather than those tempered or controlled by "the man".

As the United States chart has Pluto in Capricorn, we are experiencing our nation's first Pluto return (exact in December 2022). Whatever our political persuasion, we all sense that our country is changing irrevocably.

In our personal lives, those whom we might have respected (parents, bosses, presidents, doctors, preachers) have likely fallen from grace. We are not meant to replace this vacuum with a blind allegiance to a different authority (as painfully evident in the extremist sides of both parties) but rather to remain an informed and conscientious individual who takes their time to arrive at well considered opinions and actions. (One of the The perils of Pluto in Aquarius, starting March 0f 2023 through 2044, is the negative manifestation of collectivism). So hopefully we have grown in wisdom and inner strength to craft a world where individuality will still exist in concert with doing well by others.

Where have you taken back your power in recent years?

ARIES - in defining your professional role

TAURUS - in how you interpret world events

GEMINI - in how you engage in intimate relationships

CANCER - in how you deal with significant others

LEO - in how you manage your everyday life

VIRGO - in how you channel your creative impulses

LIBRA - in how you handle your parents

SCORPIO - in how you communicate with others

SAGITTARIUS - in how you developed your talents

CAPRICORN - in becoming the true boss

AQUARIUS - in dealing with guilt and shame as perpetuated by religion and society

PISCES - in selecting your friends and colleagues

Saturn direct in Aquarius 18 degrees Oct 23rd
forging your gifts

Meanwhile, in addition to learning to access our own inner power, we are also determining where our unique genius lies. Saturn pushes us to discover and/or develop innate gifts, ones where we tend to show above average skill. Granted, society wants to place us in categories and flatten the ratio, but the world does need leaders now who can continue to remain independent and stalwart in their mission.

For us, Saturn is prompting us to claim our just rewards in this areas of life:

ARIES - in the realm of groups and organizations, group events

TAURUS - in our professional achievements

GEMINI - in our expanding international network

CANCER - in our financial endeavors

LEO - in our deepening personal relationships

VIRGO - in our specialty and mission

LIBRA - in our artistic pursuits

SCORPIO - in creating our home and family

SAGITTARIUS - in recording our thoughts and words

CAPRICORN - in cultivating our best traits

AQUARIUS - in being a visionary

PISCES - in acceptance of your "forecasting" abilities

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio Oct 25th
the power of your emotions

The first of two fall eclipses happens at the end of the month in the early degrees of Scorpio. We have the opportunity to deepen important relationships including financial and collaborative ones as well as "look under the hood" of life. Scorpio is horror film time or contemplation of death. But death is followed by birth and since we have already had to let go of a person, place, thing or philosophy in our Scorpio house, we now get the chance to begin anew, purged of old patterns and ideologies.

Where can the regenerative energy of emotional power manifest in your life?

ARIES - in your sexual life

TAURUS - in your personal relationships

GEMINI - with your health

CANCER - in creativity or love affairs, with your children

LEO - in your home and immediate family

VIRGO - with new friends

LIBRA - with your finances

SCORPIO - you are reborn anew

SAGITTARIUS - in releasing dark thoughts and fears, or becoming "friends" with them

CAPRICORN - in your social group

AQUARIUS - in your professional life

PISCES - in your spiritual practice

Jupiter retrograde back into Pisces Oct 29th
revisiting/resurrecting the inspired idea

While Jupiter moved into Aries mid May, it retrograded July 28th and is travelling back into Pisces for the remainder of the year. He'll turn direct in November and then arrive back in Aries right before New Year's Day.

Jupiter in Pisces is amplifying the Neptune in Pisces energy which has engulfed us since 2011. Neptune in Pisces is the age of visualization, illusion, spiritualization as well as gaslighting, deception and poisoning. Many are becoming keenly aware of the negative affect of pharmaceuticals which take the place of natural healing, giving the illusion of help while creating more problems.

We're sinking back into Pisces to try to capture the positives of this energy however, which include compassion, universal understanding, sacrifice and willingness to serve others.

In what way can we remove the veils of self and outer deception and choose a path of proper sacrifice over enervating victimhood and victimization?

Where might we express the power of love and forgiveness to better our world?

ARIES - by supporting the idea of universal brotherhood

TAURUS - through our philanthropy or volunteerism

GEMINI - in how we treat our fellow co-workers

CANCER - in how we deal with foreigners and migrants

LEO - in providing financial assistance to others

VIRGO - in supporting the dreams of our partners

LIBRA - by donating time or energy to a worthy cause

SCORPIO - in being kind to children

SAGITTARIUS - accepting our parents and their flaws

CAPRICORN - helping our closest friends and communities

AQUARIUS - by allowing oneself to express one's unique talents

PISCES - through releasing judgement of self

Mars retrograde in Gemini 25 degrees Oct 30th
let the verbal games begin

The aspect that gets the award for being most annoying - Mars retrograde in Gemini - begins on Oct 30th and last through January 12th. Expect many conflicts, aggressive posting, family arguments, competition w peers and all around gossip mongering at this time.

The main theme will be trying to determine who is telling the truth and who is fabulizing.

Mars retrograde (in any sign) is also notorious for men and/or lovers coming back from the past or, in general, masculine oriented people acting "crazy". Whatever is said at this time is not likely to be the full truth or even a real representation of the what the person is actually thinking.

With Gemini, there can be at least two or three different sides to a story and this will play out in interpersonal relationships, the media and politics. (Perfect for mid-term season, not)!

Mars in Gemini is the use of language as either a weapon or a wand and it is likely that we will be experiencing the first negative manifestation over the second. (There will thankfully be some clarity after Mars turns direct in January).

Where are you likely to encounter communication difficulties over the next few months:

ARIES - with friends, siblings and neighbors

TAURUS - regarding money issues

GEMINI - you will be perceived as the crazy or angry one, whether justified or not

CANCER - you may feel more paranoid than usual

LEO - online or at gatherings

VIRGO - at work, particularly with your boss

LIBRA - regarding your political or philosophical beliefs

SCORPIO - with your lover or financial partner

SAGITTARIUS - with your significant other or clients

CAPRICORN - amongst co-workers

AQUARIUS - with your children or collaborators

PISCES - with parents or at home

In an age of increased sensitivity and online harassment or aggression, this can be an explosive few months. If we can utilize the positive side of Gemini, it is to be aware that there are many different ways to look at any situation and to try to be open-minded. Most everyone who is adamant about a topic will be reversing their position anyway, so it is not necessary to get caught up directly in any fight. Just note where words can be twisted - and in this Orwellian time, propaganda is rampant - and try to step back and see the bigger picture. Much will become clear in mid January so try weathering the holidays with as much detachment as possible.

In closing, the fall season is one of harvests and later, of witnessing the fading away of life. We will definitely reap what we sow this season due to the relentless transformative energy of Pluto (which is also connected to dying and rebirth). Additionally, we will be working through some minor inconveniences and miscommunications thanks, in particular, to Mars retrograde in Gemini, in order to clear the decks for 2023.

On a practical note, the Uranian energy of desiring to break free in August is still undergirding everything and while we may in the moment feel definite that something is over, the Mars retrograde will probably bring it back for one last contemplation. We will most likely not cut the cord totally until mid January when Mars and then Uranus turn direct.

Hence, for some situations that are still in their newish phase, try to be as dispassionate an observer as possible. While there is still a doubt or a question or a hope, the story is not yet over. The point of the Mars in Gemini retrograde will be to see if the stories (and hopes and fears) match up and continue to do so in January.

And, speaking of tall tales, the United States political elte held a theory of Manifest Destiny which falsely and cruelly guided them to enslave and colonize indigenous people on our westward expansion. This type of manifest destiny is once again patriarchal abuse and manmade law. Yet, we all have a spiritual manifest destiny and that is gifted through our respective birth charts. It's in following this inner guidance that we fulfill our live purposes. This is a serious time to get to work on aligning oneself with one's best and truest inner self and in that way, a brighter future for all is possible.

So perhaps a bit of a dramatic month and fall/winter as we continue to weed out the unnecessary or the dead while cultivating the seeding of a new future for yourself and the world. Happy Halloween!