April is possibly the most dynamic and important month of the year astrology-wise.  Not only we will experience a powerful solar eclipse on the 9th in the initiatory sign of Aries but also be blessed with a materially beneficial opportunity courtesy of the somewhat rare Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus on the 21st.

As the month opens we are adjusting to the possibly destabilizing and/or depressing lunar eclipse of March 25th.  Lunar eclipses tend to be more sorrowful as they usually indicate endings, especially when the moon is attached to the south node of letting go.  While we may mourn the passing of a phase, we must also understand that this period/person/situation has outworn it's purpose and we are meant to move on to new cycles of development.  We are reprocessing and composting issues in our lives that began in 2011.

The solar eclipse on April 8th/9th is a powerhouse moon in Aries that will advance our lives forward in unforeseen (but) fated ways.  Solar eclipses tend to be "easier" in that they propel us from one stage of life to another, sometimes seemingly overnight.  This is more likely to be the case if the eclipse degree contacts an important planet or angle in your chart. Those most affected by this April's supermoon will have points at 17 - 21 Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn.

Eclipses not only have effect during the two weeks surrounding their appearance, but can also be the trigger for events ensuing over the next two years.

As of the first,  we are thrust into a Mercury retrograde in the sign of Aries, which will continue through April 25th.  Mercury retrograde is always about revisiting, reconsidering, reorganizing, re-legislation previous ideas or situations.  In Aries, there will be an impetus to speak up for oneself forcefully if necessary and/or to speak truth to power.  The needs of the individual - primarily oneself - will be the primary focus.  As it should be with the astrological beginning of the year (March 23rd).

The Solar Eclipse on the 8th will also amplify the need to move forward untethered into new territory even as Venus and Mars are still quagmired in Pisces along with Saturn and Neptune. The water energy will be the only impediment to moving forward where will have to pay attention to our emotions or decide to heal them once and for all to move forward.

The main event of the month - the Jupiter Uranus conjunction is quite powerful and can bring unexpected wealth and opportunities in the house it is transiting while the following day the Sun square Pluto will make this option more karmic and transformative.

In May, we experience the second retrograde of Pluto in Aquarius, setting the stage for the next 20 years of our lives.

Mercury retro in Aries April 1 - 25th
finding your voice

This month is a moment to reassert oneself, especially in light of several months of indecision and depression.  While it is still a retrograde, Mercury in the sign of individuality  and freedom supports speaking your mind, particularly in situations where you may have been dismissed before.  Now, keep in mind that everyone will be experiencing this retrograde, so tempers could flare but they are not scheming or sociopathically oriented, but simply because we all need to be heard.

During this period, we will also experience the widely touted solar eclipse in Aries, also intimating new beginnings in whatever area of life it touches.  

Where is it time to be courageous and stand up for yourself or others?

ARIES - speaking your truth

TAURUS - addressing old fears and programs
GEMINI - readdressing old statements on line or in groups

CANCER - approaching the boss about how to gain gain more influence at work

LEO - in declaring your views on politics or religion

VIRGO - in clarifying your investments

LIBRA - in asking for what you need in a relationship, or alternatively your partner will be asking for what they need

SCORPIO - in gaining knowledge about your health or a working situation

SAGITTARIUS - in reenergizing a creative project

CAPRICORN - in facing rage around your mother

AQUARIUS - in reaching out to siblings

PISCES - in charging appropriately for your services

Venus in Pisces conjoin Neptune in Pisces April 1st - 3rd
Mars conjoins Neptune at 28 degrees April 29th and 30th
contemplation of sorrow or delusion

And despite the feisty nature of the Aries energy, there are still a few of the personal planets lagging in Pisces, which tends to bring the energy down or less focused. While in the sign, Venus will conjoin Neptune in the first few days of the month and at month's end, Mars will dance with Neptune for a couple of days.  The love and sex planets connecting to the planet of dreams and illusions can play out in wonderful or disillusioning ways.  If we are ready to place our trust in the universe and give love a chance, the Pisces conjunctions will work wonders.  On the other hand, if we need a wakeup call about a particular person or project, these bookend days may carry us further into our imaginations or make us feel like a victim.

While almost everything about relationships concerns projections, with love and sex being obfuscated or idolized, what we may be engaging with is a good or bad shadow of ourselves.

Either way, if we can touch the essence of love without necessarily attaching it to a person, we will receive the benefits of this energy.

Where will you experience a fantasy or a nightmare over the next few weeks:

ARIES - in how your perceive your relationship karma - do you expect the best or the worst?

TAURUS - in relating to people online, are they real or imaginary

GEMINI - in your aspirations for your career - are you on track or simply deluding yourself

CANCER - the fascination with the other, is the difference a help or a hindrance

LEO - are your finances in order, can you trust your partner or have faith in your investments

VIRGO - is the person I'm interested in who they say they are?

LIBRA - will this work/project inspire me or drain me of energy?

SCORPIO - is this true love or am I deceiving myself?

SAGITTARIUS - is this where I belong, will it bring luck or confusion?

CAPRICORN - you're feeling much more romantic lately - is this foolishness or an opening of the heart?

AQUARIUS - can I really make a living at this?

PISCES - can I truly attract what I want?  or it is my shadow?

Solar eclipse in Aries April 8th at 19 degrees
a more empowered self

One of the most powerful eclipses of the year (we have four) is the solar beginning eclipse in Aries on April 9th.  In the sign of the individualist, this event will energize us to become more authentic and steepen in our power.  It is a very inspiring and initiatory period where we may make an entirely new course correction in our lives.

Chiron in Aries will also be aligned in this conjunction of Sun and Moon, and this speaks to healing the parts of our selves that were rejected by self and others.  We deserve  to step into our power should it be aligned with universal forces and this period will give us the courage to go, do and be MORE!

Aries is also about freedom and sovereignty and the greatest liberation we can have is to determine our own fate and value.  All that we need and have is within and this focus back to the essential self can allow us to light the flame of our destinies in rapid and exciting ways.

Where will we experience a chance to be truly ourselves and start all over?

ARIES  - in determining our own identity and value

TAURUS - in becoming attuned to our inner guidance system
GEMINI - in creating a new public identity, particularly online and in groups

CANCER - we may be able to step into a role of leadership at work

LEO - our lust for travel and knowledge is ignited, a new course of study may be in order

VIRGO - you and your partner may fire up the relationship in new ways, you may also focus on new investments

LIBRA - this is a chance for a breathe of fresh air in relationships, either with a current partner or a new one

SCORPIO - you may find yourself called to different work or investigating a new healing modality

SAGITTARIUS - your creative fires are lit up and romance could also be in the air

CAPRICORN - a new home or home life is in store

AQUARIUS - you are attracting a new friend group or intellectual pursuit

PISCES - here is a chance to discover a new talent and/or attract more money

Mars Saturn conjunction in Pisces April 10th and 11th
getting serious

Once again, amidst all the more powerful exuberance that the fire energy brings, we are still hesitant to move forward thanks to the conjunction of Mars and Saturn on the  10th and 11th. If discouraged, do not be as the linkage is temporary.  If you need a pause before making a commitment, this might be useful as long as it is not just procrastination.  As always, the way the energy shows up for you is based on your level on consciousness and how willing you are to own your stuff.

Where might we take a moment of contemplation before plunging head forward?

ARIES - meditate on it, allay your fears, they are most likely unfounded

TAURUS - consider what you post online, will it bring the response you desire

GEMINI - if not sure how to approach your superior, take a moment before saying something impetuously

CANCER - does this action align with my belief system?

LEO - is this financially savvy?

VIRGO - consider if your action will this help or hinder your relationship

LIBRA -  if slightly fatigued, rest rather than force yourself to move ahead

SCORPIO - don't necessary fall into doubt regarding a relationship, wait it out before acting or speaking

SAGITTARIUS - spend some downtime at home before doing anything

CAPRICORN - perhaps ask your friends and siblings before moving ahead

AQUARIUS  - you may question the validity of your idea, it is probably good but you can afford to wait a moment

PISCES - don't give into minor depression, this is a blip on a screen

Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus April 21st
the lucky break

The most exciting aspect of 2024 - the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction - occurs on April 21st. Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions happen fairly rarely, approximately once every 14 years or so - and all in different sign combinations.  The last several conjunctions occurred in 2011 in Pisces, in 1997 in the sign of Aquarius and in 1983 in the sign of Sagittarius.

The previous Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions in the current sign of Taurus happened in 1941 in the midst of WW2 and earlier in 1858 when Darwin wrote Origin of the Species.  Certainly world views changed at those pivotal moments and the same can be projected to occur this year as well.

Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions involve dramatic changes in one's life or purpose, beliefs or goals.  Ideally, these are breakthroughs to a higher level of consciousness.  Think back to events during the previous linkages and see how your life changed at that time.  You would have been most affected if the previous conjunctions aspected significant points in your chart.

In the current iteration, when the planet of abundance and luck merges with the planet of material manifestation, we can expect to see solid growth in the house that it is transiting. While it is most welcomed as a financial boon, it may also show up in more surprising and for some people, unsettling ways. Because Uranus is about breaking us free from conditioned thoughts and behaviors, if we are not ready to let go of something that has outworn its purpose, we could be separated from it, such as a dead-end career or unproductive relationship.  But it does not have to be this way because we have all been dealing with Uranus in Taurus in some capacity since 2018 and should be more accustomed to its impetus to update our perspectives on money and materialism, focusing more on energetic exchanges and relationships rather than cold hard cash.

As always, the level of consciousness will determine whether we find this energy positive or negative, but its real purpose would be for us to become less attached to the material realm and more free to be ourselves.

This change in values - toward a more solid sense of self, our bodies, our earth - is a welcome step forward and away from the worship of wealth and extraneous possessions.

Depending on your sign, you will experience the 
lucky aspects of this conjunction here:

ARIES - this IS a money opportunity for you - and it is based on your courage and vision

TAURUS - you may receive unexpected praise and support - just for being you or you chose to pursue a new personal path

GEMINI - here's a chance to allay fears of poverty or lack, that is an old story, there may be support from previously unknown sources

CANCER - you may receive assistance from those in your social or media circles, you are inspired to build a new future

LEO - you shine bright at work and are potentially given an opportunity of a lifetime

VIRGO - if you travel, this could be a very fortunate time for you, otherwise you will perhaps meet a great teacher or spiritual mentor

LIBRA - like Aries, this is a financial opportunity for you or your partner, business or personal

SCORPIO - if single, you may meet an important individual, if coupled up, your partner could receive some material gains

SAGITTARIUS - you could find your health improves dramatically or work is also more positive for you

CAPRICORN - if creative, here is an unusual opportunity to show your work, otherwise, romance may be in the air

AQUARIUS  - you will have luck around real estate or in decorating or improving your home, you may choose to move to a totally new area

PISCES - you may meet a new and intriguing friend who will open your eyes to new ideas,  if you've got a book idea, it's time to channel it now

I am focusing here on personal growth and opportunities but this conjunction will also impact society, governments, financial institutions and the environment.  Certainly as the US was on its way to becoming the ascendant world power in 1941, solidified by Bretton Woods in 1944, we may witness a shift away from global hegemony and a thrust towards greater self-sufficiency and even protectionism here in the U.S.  

But on the meta scale, this astrological event could herald in a greater respect for the physical body as not just a container for spirit - but a vessel infused with spirit.  The body/mind split has been in existence for centuries and in recent times, the perception of the body as a machine has led to deleterious effects and a removal of the divine energy in our everyday lives. Instead of letting "science" dictate the parameters of physical health, let us invoke our own body's ability to heal itself.  Falling in love with our miraculous physical forms and the abundance and beauty of nature will bring greater progress and harmony to the world than yet another invention or "diplomatic" solution.  The awareness that god lives within would be the reality check that would transform the world.

Pluto in Aquarius square Sun in Taurus April 22nd
what will endure

Right on the heels of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is a solid branding of the energy courtesy of Pluto in Aquarius squaring the Sun in Taurus.  This will be an annual event for the next 20 years so we may want to learn how to handle this energy, which revolves around power and flexibility.  

Taurus is notoriously stubborn and can hold their own but with Pluto squaring the sun, we can find a clash of motives or energies.  We may have to temporarily back down as Pluto is generally more in control for good or ill.

On a more meta level, we may look at Taurus as natural human nature and Pluto in Aquarius as technological control.  So we may want to observe how Pluto is attempting to squelch our natural selves and while we may not be able to fight this directly, we can at the very least learn how to avert the worst of the transhumanist agenda (definitely evidenced as Pluto in Ajuarius).  

Where might we find some overreaching of technology into our lives and how to hold our memories of what it is to be truly human?

ARIES - our very analog personal skills may be overshadowed by technological conformity - 

TAURUS - it's clear you're a new person, the powers that be, including the boss or father, may not yet see that and try to put you back into a box

GEMINI - you have a natural affinity to earth and plant medicine, but your health insurance doesn't recognize these healing modalities 

CANCER - you want to connect to people in real time and in the flesh but sometimes you have to meet people online instead

LEO - you are truly a individual with a big and generous heart but your manager/significant other thinks you're too nice and wants you to be more dispassionate

VIRGO - you are very connected to goddess energy but those in your everyday life are addicted to technology and can't relate

LIBRA - you would much prefer in person encounters but sometimes have to connect to people virtually

SCORPIO - your partner may be more old school and you would like to make your entire house a virtual technological oasis

SAGITTARIUS - there is the conflict between working in a more analog way but everyone wants you to work online

CAPRICORN - not everything, especially your creativity, can be commodified

AQUARIUS - you would like to upgrade your home but there is a sentimentality about more simple ways of living

PISCES - you like and revere the old ways but you can also imagine a different future that may or may not be dystopian

During the next few weeks, we will be in an accelerated timeline of events and actions. Where you will be at the beginning of April - literally, emotionally, materially, metaphorically - will be very different than at the end.  

And while no doubt many of us will engage in ordinary pursuit such as travel, dating or buying or selling a home , the underlying energy is one of renewal and rebirth.  Ride the eclipse with trust and abandon and pay attention to what novel opportunities appear that are worth cultivating for the long haul.

2025 and 2026 are going to be VERY different and pivotal years of transition in society and the synchronicities that are showing up now are preparing us for the next human evolution in consciousness.  And it will be an evolution/revolution even if it means the destruction/implosion of the world as we know it.  So take advantage of the courageous and encouraging energy of April and allow it to propel you to your next spiritual adventure!