As the month begins, we are still in the timeline of April's Jupiter/Uranus conjunction of lucky manifestation opportunities. If something did not show up for you yet, please note that the energy will be in effect for months to come.  

This month we experience the second retrograde of the 20-year Pluto in Aquarius cycle.  It will slowly dawn on us that the structures of old - literal, institutional and moral - no longer hold power and that a new focus of influence will be that of the technocratic realm.  If we don't want to merge with machines, we will have to strengthen our resolve to heal ourselves and our society so that we offer a better alternative future for humanity.  

The personal planets of Mars in Aries and Venus in Taurus will bring more vitality and pleasure into our everyday lives and we may have the motivation to forge a new path.  This is a small bulwark against larger cycles of inevitable decline as we begin to see the seeds of promise in the debris of the old world.

Jupiter moves into Gemini and the speed and range of communications will increase.  This is a very social transit and will inspire us to speak our minds.

Neptune is beginning it's move out of Pisces and will remain at the last degrees now through next summer.  This means we are wrapping up the long Neptune in Pisces cycle that began in 2010.  What dreams have gone by the wayside?  What illusions have cleared up?  How has your spirituality deepened?

In 2025, Saturn will move into Aries and Uranus into Gemini.  They will be joined by the aforementioned Neptune moving into Aries for 14 years and the trajectory of humankind will be changed forever.

Mars in Aries WA May 1st
breakaway action

After a slow and slightly depressing winter, spring and a wave of Aries energy arrived in April, lighting up the sky and our inner sense of possibility and enthusiasm. A powerful solar eclipse would have swept away vestiges of the past and ignited a new chapter in the house it affected.  We've also just exited Mercury retro in Aries and hopefully have come to some courageous and initiatory conclusions.

Our resolve will be greatly strengthened by Mars moving into Aries straight away on May 1st.

This "warlike" energy coming on the heels of the Pluto retrograde station May 2nd, could lead to some incendiary events on the world stage.  Pick the country that you think will go up in flames.

In our personal lives, it is preferable that we are more focused on moving forward rather than exacting revenge.  Exorcise the demons from your past as this is a period of rapid advancement should you take the bull by the horns.

Where might you be filled with a sense of urgency and adventure?

ARIES - you have fully stepped into your personal power and are not shy in expressing yourself

TAURUS - you have acknowledged your hidden resentments and can fully apply yourself to greater spiritual development

GEMINI - you are clear with your words and ideals and may feel compelled to spread them on social media

CANCER - you or your boss are actively invested in a new project

LEO -  you've got the travel bug so make a literal or figurative getaway

VIRGO - you feel like taking a risk financially or emotionally, go for it

LIBRA - a partner is pushing the relationship to the next level or a new person has entered the arena

SCORPIO - there's no better time than now to start a new fitness routine

SAGITTARIUS - take a chance on the creative idea now or be open to a little new flirtation

CAPRICORN - you're wiling to put in some elbow grease into upgrading your home base

AQUARIUS - you may bring the old gang together for a grand new adventure or cause

PISCES - ask for the raise, increase your fees, you are definitely worth it!

Pluto retrograde May 2nd 2 degrees Aquarius
who is the tyrant?

We're very early into the 20-year Pluto in Aquarius transit so it will take a while for us to totally cognize what this energy will be about.  However, it is obvious that the merger of technology and humans will become either a point of contention or a consideration on ethical or moral reasons.

In this age of post modernism and science replacing faith (or rather, becoming just another faith), we are told that all meaning is relative and subjective (except for THE SCIENCE).  

In its best iteration, science assists humans to live better lives. At its worst, it seeks to negate natural human or biological life and replace it with manmade constructions.

The push for transhumanism will be front and center in the coming years with AI potentially having the greatest role in "replacing" humanity.

Where are we going to see technology intruding in on our lives in a possibly nefarious (transformative) way"

ARIES - in social media and virtual interactions

TAURUS - in our work space

GEMINI - as a substitute for a spiritual life

CANCER - in the bedroom

LEO - separating us from our partner and others

VIRGO - in our health practices

LIBRA - in our creative space

SCORPIO - in our home, (Alexa, robots, etc), replacing the family

SAGITTARIUS - in our daily interactions and studies
CAPRICORN - in how we make money

AQUARIUS - in either embracing or limiting the effects on our identity

PISCES - in our meditation and thoughts

Mercury direct on degree of Eclipse May 5th and 6th
news of adventure and a new life

We're living in dynamic times where one system is crashing and giving way to a new construct.  We may not know what that is yet, but we are clear that going backwards is not an option.  Mercury retrograde may have had us recoup or reconsider some old entrepreneurial ideas or ways to become more independent.  

What is the freedom that we now so clearly crave?

ARIES - the need to speak your mind

TAURUS - the desire to be fearless

GEMINI - the excitement of a new crowd or tribe

CANCER - your own business

LEO - the ability to form your own opinions, let go of programmed religion or politics

VIRGO - financial independence

LIBRA  - space in a relationship

SCORPIO - more flexible work hours

SAGITTARIUS - time to pursue creative interests

CAPRICORN - living on your own terms

AQUARIUS - new broad minded friendships

PISCES - to receive full compensation for your work

Venus in Taurus conjunction Uranus in Taurus May 18th + 19th
Venus in Taurus conjunction with Jupiter May 23rd
magic and glamour

Hopefully many of us were able to receive the benefits of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on April 20th.  If nothing has yet come your way, do not worry as the aspect will be in effect much of the remaining year.

For those who did notice what possibilities are presented to you, pleasant contacts of Venus to the lucky planets will bring more treasure your way.

And while in our materialist world, money is always useful or desired, we may also attract greater security, connection, beautiful surroundings as well.

Where can the bling of Taurean luck show up for you?

ARIES - a greater feeling of confidence, most likely helped along by a salary increase

TAURUS - the ability to receive appreciation and opportunities from others - all eyes are on you

GEMINI - a chance to feel more secure and connected to spirit, a potential benefactor behind the scenes

CANCER - with invitations to more social gatherings

LEO - a promotion or greater recognition at work

VIRGO - potential opportunities abroad or through a foreigner

LIBRA - financial gain through a partner

SCORPIO - your partner is turning out to be a gem (even if together for some time)

SAGITTARIUS - greater health, better office conditions

CAPRICORN - a creative or romantic project that will yield long term results
AQUARIUS - a sense of peace and calm at home, some new furniture

PISCES - new friendships that have heart and soul

Jupiter into Gemini May 24th
words come easily

While Jupiter in Taurus has been a very luscious transit, especially combined with Uranus this past month, the planet of expansion is always moving forward into a new sign each year. Next up will be the foray into Gemini, starting on May 24th.

Jupiter is comfortable here in the realm of words and communications.  We will all be more social in the coming months and feel the urge to speak our minds.  

For the writers in the room, this is an excellent transit for finally putting pen to paper, fingers to keyboard.

As Gemini is also about local travel, we may be more apt to take short-term trips, visit to local sites or frequent our neighborhood restaurants and galleries.

Now, Jupiter is generally lucky but depending on the sign, we can also note a potential downside.  With Jupiter in Gemini, there could be a greater explosion of lies and misinformation.  Jupiter in Gemini can indicate a person who is two-faced or a liar.  So while tall tales are fine in a party setting, we may want to vet the person who goes overboard trying to convince us of the truth.

Jupiter in Gemini is a mini precursor to the entrance of Uranus into Gemini in 2025 and this will herald entirely new forms of communications, technology etc.  The previous Uranus in to Gemini cycle in 1941 - 9149 saw the early developments of television, radiowaves, radar etc.  What is in store in the coming decade?

But in ordinary everyday life, let your curiosity have free reign because that a great use for the expansion of the mind (and gossip) that Jupiter in Gemini will inspire.

Where might you feel the need to communicate or document your thoughts in the coming year?

ARIES - in a local publication, book club, with friends and young people

TAURUS -  in delineating your skill set

GEMINI - in letting caution to the wind and being the flirt that you naturally are

CANCER - in accessing the inner dialogue of your childhood

LEO - in making more connections online

VIRGO - in speaking up more in company meetings or sharing ideas with your boss

LIBRA - in potential literary form or through higher education

SCORPIO - in being more playful with a lover

SAGITTARIUS - in handling relationships in a light and breezy way

CAPRICORN - you are open to ideas from your co-workers or subordinates

AQUARIUS - in expressing romantic feelings to another

PISCES - in finding and talking about your new home

So while in the ensuing year, the world may light up like the Tower of Babel, follow your mind and heart to a place of compassion, understanding and connection where we are all brothers and sisters in spirit.

Neptune in Pisces 29 degrees mid May through early Sept 2025
dissolving of the old reality, what new dreams?

While Pluto is dancing back and forth on the edge of Capricorn and Aquarius, Neptune is lingering at the last degree of Pisces from mid-day to early Sept 2025.

Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011 and we have swum in the soup of fantasy, illusion, confusion, poison and spiritual inspiration.  Yes, it is a hodgepodge of different energies but they all share a sense of a disconnect (positive or negative) from reality.

And sometimes this is good if we can vision a new world, community, hope for mankind.  But usually we first off have to become disillusioned with the old escapes and obfuscations.

It will be a wild period now until next fall and of course this coincides with an important election cycle as well as national and international narratives that are being questioned more and more.

The entire scrim can come down in the end like Jim Carey's world in The Truman Show which is a Hollywood metaphor of the "simulation" we are living in.

Where are you ready to face the self-delusions and escape mechanisms that have kept you stuck and not facing reality?

ARIES - your spiritual track

TAURUS - goals not spiritually aligned

GEMINI - putting a lot of faith in career success

CANCER - believing in the "wrong" god

LEO - seeking financial security instead of emotional security

VIRGO - being afraid of relationship, thinking you can go it alone

LIBRA  - not having a sense of direction in life 

SCORPIO - possibly stuck in a false romantic situation

SAGITTARIUS - not knowing where you belong

CAPRICORN - realizing that communication is more than using the right acceptable words

AQUARIUS - not giving yourself enough credit regarding your skills

PISCES - seeing yourself as weak and ineffectual

When Neptune moves into Aries in 2025 for a long stretch, the victimization/victim stories that have been the hallmark of Neptune in Pisces will not longer be appealing.  Our new "savior" will be the individualist and the fighter.  So erase the false constructs out of your life - mourn them if necessary - and allow space for some clean sharp "realistic" goals in the coming years.