During March, the personal planets will travel through air, water and fire signs and we may experience a bit of an emotional rollercoaster.  There is a likelihood of overreaction in relationship dynamics which simply reflect where we may still have spiritual work or emotional processing to do.  A sense of humor and detachment may be very helpful all month long.

Last month, the main outer planetary irritant (a mild word for something as fierce as Pluto) was the dance with the devil as Mercury, Mar and then Venus briefly conjoined the agent of radical transformation.  There may have been numerous personal skirmishes or people behaving out of character.  Jealousy and dysfunctional attachment styles may have emerged.   Aquarius energy is unpredictable, exciting or potentially traumatizing as it attempts to break people free from entrenched thinking and patterns.  

As we reached the end of the month, we were in a more indulgent mindset and arguing with Jupiter - how much is too much?  Perhaps we had to lick our emotional wounds with a little retail or restaurant therapy.
This month the main protagonists are Saturn and Neptune, both in the watery realm of Pisces.   These two outer planets are opposites of each other with Saturn creating limits and boundaries (and depression) and Neptune dissolving and confusing any sense of solid reality, leading, in some cases, to delusional thinking.

But as we approach the spring equinox, our motivation and inspiration will have returned with the fiery arrival of Aries season.  On the 25th, we will experience a lunar eclipse in Aries/Libra that may have us looking back to where we were in 2011 and seeing how far we've come from major changes back then.

Mars and Venus conjunct in Aquarius
static electricity

The planets of love and sex have been in a loose conjunction since late last month and we enter March with the lovers in a static dance and/or standoff.

Normally, when Mars (planet of sex) and Venus (siren of love) are conjoined there is a merging of souls or at least of bodies.  Unfortunately, this is less so when these two lovebirds are meeting in the shock and awe sign of Aquarius. This is not the most comfy association and while it may be exciting or unconventional, it is destabilizing for many people.  

First off, we don't quite know if someone likes us or not or is attracted to us or not.  There can be advances and retreats, all in a matter of hours or days. The relationship planets in the untraditional sign of Aquarius may oftentimes describe same sex relationships, friendship or polyamory.  In fact, a common astrological expression of Aquarian partnerships is "friends are lovers, lovers are friends"

As Aquarius is also the sign connected with the internet and social media, many encounters could begin or take place virtually rather than in real 3-d life.  And sure if you want to dance with an alien, this is your moment!  Of course, if you are an Aquarian, you will find yourself attracting many potential partners at this time.

Mars/Venus conjunctions also invoke creative expression including pregnancy, although in this particular instance, medical intervention may be required.   In the sign of Aquarius and the future, there can be great inspiration regarding science and technology or alternative types of art and music.  

If aware of the astrology, one can oftentimes chose how they will experience the transit.  Once can focus more on accessing one's inner spark and bring forth new ideas that can transcend the limits we're used to.

So if you have not already encountered this conjunction via a personal or intimate situation, you may open your mind to new concepts instead.

If utilized properly, where might you discover your genius?

ARIES -  in creating an online community

TAURUS -  in proposing novel or technological solutions for your company

GEMINI - in your ability to teach others, bringing diverse groups together

CANCER - in the bedroom, possibly exploring esoteric sexual practices

LEO - in managing relationships, bringing friends together for a project

VIRGO - in a unique healing modality

LIBRA - with an art project or sexual liaison

SCORPIO - in decorating or maintaining your home base

SAGITTARIUS - in your writing ability, including a new website

CAPRICORN - in amassing capital, particularly in the realm of scientific breakthroughs

AQUARIUS - just be yourself, you are now an attraction magnet

PISCES - in creative visioning, dream analysis

Venus and Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus 
cerebral focus vs sensual indulgence

At the same time, as you may be struck with unusual inspiration or drama in relationships courtesy of the personal planets in Aquarius, you may also be enticed by an energy of indulgence due to Jupiter in Taurus squaring the Aquarian energy since late February.

Aquarius can be somewhat cerebral and analytical, even in its creative ability while Jupiter in Taurus is all about the excesses of the the body and the material plane.  So you may be called away from your ideas by the lure of a sensual pleasure (and/or overspending).

Where could you be pulled into two different directions early in the month?

ARIES - wanting to be with friends vs focusing on developing your talents

TAURUS - putting energy into work or into your personal care

GEMINI - deciding whether to travel literally or figuratively, be in public or alone in your room

CANCER - exploring a new and different partner vs hanging with your friends

LEO - having brainstorms with your partner vs putting the time in with the boss

VIRGO - should you explore alternative therapies or alternative theories?

LIBRA - focusing on your children (or art) vs an alluring partner

SCORPIO - getting your house in order or spending indulgent time with a loved one

SAGITTARIUS - expanding your mental world vs. taking care of everyday business

CAPRICORN - your money or your art

AQUARIUS - a need for independence or the comfort of home and family

PISCES - dreaming up new ideas or meeting up with the old gang

Sun/Saturn in Pisces alone or lonely
Neptune conjunct Sun March 18th at 27 degrees
surrendering to the moment

While the Aquarius energy can oftentimes include lots of other people in a variety of relationships, the essence of Sun/Saturn is that of feeling apart and alone.  This sense of necessary endings occurred already late last month and continues into the first week in March.

Perhaps a dream has died (or has been realized to be too much of a unrealistic fantasy)? Alternatively, you may feel that you must approach your life and work from a more mature and serious perspective.  As mentioned last month, the sun conjoins Saturn once a year so this is not the most unfamiliar transit.  And while we may feel sad if this transit is activating a sensitive point in your chart, it is simply a reset around how we structure our world.

Because as we approach mid-month, the Pisces Sun will link up to Neptune to begin a new dream.  This energy of Saturn and Neptune in Pisces (structure vs dissolution) will presage a major conjunction of Saturn and Neptune in 2025.  These types of powerful linkages to outer planets will realign global sentiments and values.  By this time, we will all be aware we are in a different reality construct.

But for now, notice how letting go of one idea or relationship in this area of life leaves room for a new perhaps as yet unknown path forward:

ARIES - your awareness of how your karmic lineage has impacted your life

TAURUS - old friendships give way to a new social group

GEMINI - previous career goals are finished and what is the next step forward professionally?

CANCER - your spiritual or religious convictions may not be adequate to explain the complexity of the world, what new paths can you follow?

LEO - your partner may have heavy financial commitments and they will need support in redesigning your future goals

VIRGO - your relationship has come to the end on the line in one way but can you conjure up a new type of partnership?

LIBRA - you may investigate new health or working regimes to replace the old ones that have run their course

SCORPIO - sadly a romance or project has come to an end, what new visions can you develop for the next chapter

SAGITTARIUS - your home or apartment may have become restrictive and it is time to consider a new residence

CAPRICORN - relations with certain friends have come to an end but there are new communities and peers to discover

AQUARIUS - the old way of doing finance and salary may no longer be adequate to your needs, what new ways of making money can you imagine into being?

PISCES - you feel a sense of ennui and stagnation so allow the necessary endings (to self identity) and leave space for a new vision to appear

Mercury in Aries Mar 11th, Sun into Aries March 21st spring equinox
it's a new day

After the mental chaos of Aquarius and the slightly depressive energy of Pisces, Aries will bring a welcome burst of energy where one believes anything is possible.  Mercury on the world axis on March 11th can bring some important forward thinking news while the equinox marks the beginning of a new growth cycle.

After dusting off yourself and carrying a lighter load, what excites you into action?

ARIES - you are re-emerging with a new feeling of vitality and fighting spirit

TAURUS - you have sifted through the cobwebs and now take aim and discovering your hidden karmic/dharmic gifts

GEMINI - you are ready to join forces with like-minded and active people online or at large events

CANCER - after reassessing your views of the world, you have discovered a new focus and professional direction

LEO - you may have an urge to travel mentally or spiritually or take on a new course of study

VIRGO - after some relationships disappointments, you feel ready to go out there and meet new people (especially intimate partners)

LIBRA - you have reset your expectations about other people and can take a chance with a new crowd or individual who has a devil may care air

SCORPIO - you have the energy to explore new work or health options

SAGITTARIUS -  this may be a time of romance or artistic inspiration

CAPRICORN - you'd like to put more effort into your home life

AQUARIUS -  your social life lights up and you take part in new community activities

PISCES - after closing down some aspects of your work, you are excited by new business prospects

March 25th lunar eclipse in Libra 5 degrees
relationship update

The eclipses in Aries/Libra focus on the balance between self and relationships.  With the North Node in Aries, the balance comes if we are both provided enough independence to pursue our own goals and healing.

The lunar eclipse on the 25th reveals how well -  or not - we've been able to achieve a more healthy approach to our partnerships.  As mentioned above, if relevant, you may be reflecting back on changes you made in 2011 and where you are now in your personal evolution.

The eclipse will point to where the challenges would take place:

ARIES - can you be in a relationship with a co-dependent person?

TAURUS - how well can you balance work with personal development?

GEMINI - does your personal life allow for a social life outside of your main partner?

CANCER - can you build your career while still maintain the home?

LEO - do you focus on long-term goals or are you encumbered by everyday demands?

VIRGO - are you too entangled in your partner's finances or vice-versa?

LIBRA - are you able to let your partner be themselves and spend time with others?

SCORPIO - do you overwork because you don't want to face your fears and past disappointments?

SAGITTARIUS - how much do other people's opinions of your work determine what you pursue?

CAPRICORN - can you achieve a proper work/life balance? is it easier to work than deal with personal conflicts at home?

AQUARIUS - are you developing your own opinions or just going along with the crowd?

PISCES - does your partner's conventional attitude toward money stop you from pursuing more exciting career options?

In general, this month is more taken up with personal dramas and issues rather than pivotal global events.  With some distance and perspicacity, we can acknowledge where we still need a bit more perspective and detachment from personal repetitive stories.  We are all learning, growing and evolving, perhaps at different rates and in different ways.  Yet we will attract to ourselves the situations and persons most perfectly synchronized to activate further growth and alignment with our true selves. Notice where you get thrown off track and integrate the new awareness.  Once we get to May, the outer planetary energies are strong and we are all back on the collective wave, wherever it may take us.