January 2023 Horoscopes



When the month and year begins, we will still be experiencing three disconcerting retrogrades - Mars retro in Gemini, Mercury retro in Capricorn and Uranus retro in Taurus.  We are in something of a holding pattern until mid month when these bodies successively turn direct.

Hence, we will be engaged in a short final review of our past before we launch into new territory.  When the two titans of business and politics, Saturn and Pluto move into new signs in March, a new historical period will be initiated.   Pluto will begin its 20 year journey into Aquarius on March 24th while Saturn will traverse Pisces for 2 1/2 years starting on March 8th. Prepare for some global shockwaves to further upend the fragile status quo.

Meanwhile, Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus have been disintegrating our old ideas of what the world was supposed to be.  Uranus in Taurus (2018 - 2026) is forcing us to look at money, the environment, nature, consumerism through new eyes.  Saturn in Aquarius has given us a preview of what Pluto in Aquarius will bring - the negative affects of technological overreach.  The past two years were a test run and humanity as a whole failed terribly - asking for more safety and restrictions in the face of terror propaganda.

Do we want to exist in a perennial technological police state or do we want to thrive and express our full humanity and individuality with courage and grace?

The Nodes will move from Taurus/Scorpio into Aries/Libra in July and focus will turn away from financial and security matters to relationship and conflict, including war.  Jupiter will continue to travel through Aries until May, providing us with a bit of spunk and chutzpah and allowing us to create more material plane security the second half of the year when it enters the sign of Taurus.

Among the regular Mercury retrogrades, we will also have a Venus retrograde July 28 - September 3 in the sign of Leo, potentially resurrecting stories from 2017 - 2018 and/or also revealing a changing of the guard when it comes to power and celebrities.

Time and history move on, as exemplified by astrology, and we cannot stand still lest we atrophy.  So face forward with courage as we gird ourselves for the battle of our lifetimes - the overthrow of transhumanist fantasies and the securing of our natural humanity and independence.

Saturn in Aquarius inconjunct Neptune in Pisces Jan 6th
the pitfalls and illusions surrounding technology

While appearing in different planetary combinations later in the year, the Aquarius/Pisces archetype will be in full flower because of Pluto's and Saturn's ingress into these signs.

Jan 6th provides a brief example of what will be a general inconjunct sign aspect by sign between the two business and worldly planets (Saturn and Pluto) for the next two years.

How will the thrust for more mechanization affect our spiritual or creative bodies?  What dreams will be enhanced or desecrated with the introduction of technology?  

Virtual reality is one such arena and while we can say the designer will determine the beauty or ugliness of the product, how free are we within the confines of technology and social media?  Do we not already self correct, self-censor?

Or can we provide a container for our visions once we've understood the protocols and can that liberate us?

It depends on our consciousness as to whether the results will be inspired or conscripted to a larger agenda.

Where might technological imperatives clash with our more holy or channeled ideas?

ARIES - our awareness of social acceptance or rejection/censorship may inhibit the full expression of our dreams

TAURUS  - concern for one's professional standing may prevent one from speaking one's mind on social media

GEMINI - the religion of the group (and this could be adherence to "the science") may stymie one's career ambitions

CANCER - a partner's beliefs may impinge upon your seeking greater knowledge or visibility

LEO - partner's mental or financial situation may affect your long-term goals

VIRGO - your physical or mental health could put a damper on your primary relationship

LIBRA - self expression on social media could stop you from doing your right work

SCORPIO - the desire for security and privacy prevents you from sharing your work with others

SAGITTARIUS  - you feel the negative effects of social media (or technology/EMF's) and your fantasy home is circumscribed

CAPRICORN  - the brevity of texting and the like conflicts with your desire for real old fashioned conversations

AQUARIUS - financial fears about the future may have you curtail your more creative talents

PISCES - you feel the overarching presence of surveillance and electromagnetism and may keep your most novel ideas to yourself

Mars direct in Gemini Jan 12th
uncrossed signals

Much of the confusion and misunderstandings that we experienced since last Oct can be due to Mars retrograde in the sign of communication.  This was an opportunity for someone to tell their side of the story, albeit one that seemed at odds with our interpretation.  Exes, competitors, gossip mongers could have also shown up at this time.

How do we handle opposition to our ideas or perceptions?  Do we listen, rage or talk it out?  These "coping" mechanisms would have been learned in childhood.  If we recognize the patterns, we can now change them.

It is likely that you heard the worst of the story and now that Mars turns direct, you may be able to sort the situation out with more maturity and clarity.  Can we accept that others see things differently?  It doesn't mean we have to accept their version, just acknowledge it.

Should we need to stand up for ourselves, now with Mars direct, we will have more ballast and perspective.  

Where did the Mars retrograde unearth so old familiar stories?

ARIES - while dealing with siblings

TAURUS - while discussing financial issues

GEMINI  - when attacked for being you

CANCER - while worrying about the future

LEO - when having to speak up in a group or online

VIRGO - when communicating with bosses or father

LIBRA - when attempting to expand your circle or spiritual awareness

SCORPIO - when dealing with sex and money issues

SAGITTARIUS - when arguing with your significant other

CAPRICORN  - when addressing health and lifestyle issues

AQUARIUS - when dithering on a creative project or how to raise your own children

PISCES - when talking with mother or family of origin

As I have mentioned several times, the Mars retrograde in Gemini transit was more annoying than life-changing.  Yet, missed signals tend to create a lot of time-wasting angst.  We don't really have to revisit these topics again so integrate the knowledge/perspective you received and move on to more pressing matters.

Mercury direct in Capricorn Jan 18th
writing your own story

Whose authority am I listening to?  Those in positions of power or our inner voice? Capricorn represents the status quo and societal obligations and when we find ourselves controlled by these ideas, we are giving our power away to outside forces.  Yet, we do have an inner figure of structure and responsibility and he/she/they are whom we might begin to pay attention to.

We are in a short Mercury retrograde period of Dec 29th - Jan 18th where we get to revisit the "shoulds' once more.  But hopefully, because we experienced a similar retrograde (with Venus) last December 2021 - Jan 2022, perhaps the same questions have arisen again, but with a hopefully more masterful or adult perspective.

And even if you questioned the situation, we would hope that you follow your own guidance and not that of some expert or parental figure.

Where can you recapture your power and self-direction?

ARIES - in your professional identity

TAURUS - in determining your own view of the world

GEMINI  - when establishing intimate partnerships

CANCER - when negotiating with a significant partner

LEO - when taking charge of your own health

VIRGO - in deciding what brings you joy

LIBRA  - in creating the home life you desire

SCORPIO  - in communicating with peers

SAGITTARIUS - in deciding your pay scale

CAPRICORN - in promoting your image

AQUARIUS - in knowing where true power lies (in the unmanifest void)

PISCES - in your social media interactions

Uranus direct in Taurus 14 degrees Jan 23rd
time to break free

The last big blast off to the New Year happens when Uranus turns direct on Jan 23rd.  There is likely a bookend story that occurred in late August 2022 whereby you felt you needed to be free.  You may have wavered in that decision, particularly because of Mars retrograde in Gemini, which may have had you question your views.

But, if the decision to part involved a long-standing relationship, when Uranus turns direct, it is likely that you will want to pursue the "divorce" and move on.  If you are dealing with a more recent association and ran into some shoals, it might not be time to quit but rather to regroup again and move forward with a fresh start.

If we don't let go willingly to situations that have outlived their value or time, it is possible that these things/people/places will be taken from you.

Uranus is the planet connected to freedom and liberation and in the sign of Taurus, we may find that we no longer value or appreciate the same things. Hence, when values change, it is likely that relationships become mismatched as two or more people no longer share the same goals.

While Uranus is suggesting we all revise our notions of worth, those most deeply affected and impelled to change their lives include all of the fixed signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.

Where have you felt the need to liberate yourself from past assumptions and beliefs?

ARIES - in how you value your talents - and how you charge for them

TAURUS - in how you perceive yourself and your worth

GEMINI  - in how you deal with fear and conflict

CANCER - in who you think your friends are

LEO - in how you view your professional goals

VIRGO  - in where you think freedom lies

LIBRA - in how you deal with joint financial matters

SCORPIO - in whom you are attracted to

SAGITTARIUS  - in how you have changed your lifestyle

CAPRICORN - in where you find joy

AQUARIUS  - in how your home life has changed

PISCES - in how you communicate with friends and family

Uranus can also appear as someone else making these changes - such as a partner leaving or a new love interest arriving - but they are simply reflections of what your chart is craving.  So, as with all of the astrology we are living through, it is best to let go rather than cling desperately to something that has already died or run its course.

The New Year really energetically starts in February after these retrogrades and you will have the next three months to try many new things.  The events in March will also signal a larger paradigm shift in society and how this will impact us over the coming decades.

Basically, Saturn will ask us to walk away from disillusioning situations while Pluto will thrust us into a pivotal moment of life reevaluation.

The main lesson of the last 16 years of Pluto in Capricorn was to withdraw our attachment or fascination to power and experts and to bring that focus back home to ourselves.  

Events of 2023 will reveal that those in power do not know what they do or are not capable of honest leadership. The current system is not commensurate with supporting human potential and development and it must fall in order for a new more multipolar world governance - i.e. more local governance truly by the people, not the technocrats.

All hands will be needed on deck to steer the ship to peaceful waters. Use this month to clear up the detritus from the past as you ready yourself for one of the most dramatic and transformative periods in human history.