Most months host a major planetary station and December brings the station direct of Neptune in Pisces on December 6th.  This is in no way a new transit as Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011.  What is new is the accelerating rate of more sophisticated means of brainwashing and dividing people.  We are all aware how we've become a "civil war" state and how locales and demographics become more entrenched in their positions, definitely weaponized by mainstream and social media outlets.

Neptune was also in Pisces during our Civil War and perhaps some of the same issues are up for grabs.  What does freedom mean and who has it?  We claim to have rooted out racism, but it still unfortunately exists and we haven't really successfully tackled classicism. 

The unfortunate reality is that that war was orchestrated behind the scenes by financial interests and many of the real reasons were economic.  What wars internally and externally are we fighting now that are boosting up a sagging bottom line?

Neptune in Pisces is about confusion and a blurring of the lines concerning the truth.

What delusions are we suffering under in our current society (promulgated by media)?  That only the right wing are fascists as opposed to the "woke" left wing, that pharmaceuticals are curative instead of disabling, that weather warfare is not happening and would help the planet, that our economy is thriving rather than in a death spiral, that our leaders are competent rather than mentally or spiritually challenged.

In our own lives, how do we dissemble?  That we have it all together, that we are the good people and others are bad, that we would "do the right thing" when times are tough.  Many of those delusions we held were decimated during the covid war period.

Neptune in Pisces distorts and denies but it can also help us to heal and grow in compassion for self and others.  And what do we need more than anything else on the planet at this time but massive healing?

Lastly, and probably most relevant to the current moment is the aspect of Neptune that relates to victims and victimization.  It is appalling that western nations cannot condemn the ongoing genocide in Palestine.  One could conjecture that as imperialist nations themselves, they don't feel they have a leg to stand on (it is probably too generous to offer this excuse anyway).  But even if that were a point of contention, times do change and there is human progress and what was acceptable 250 or 150 years ago is not tolerated at this moment in time.  Hence the natural, common response of many citizens to demand a ceasefire and ending of the violence (to this degree).  None of this implies that Israelis have not been victimized by this conflict as well and if anyone is to be deemed the victimizer, it is the respective governments of these two groups.

We've got two more years of Neptune travelling through the sign of healers, martyrs, victims, dreamers and the faithful.

If we are to act in the spirit of the holidays, it would be to not only be there for others, but to be there for ourselves and our authentic natures, not false personas and profiles.  Because Neptune in Pisces is also the dream of a more beautiful world and if we actually recognized our true natures as divine beings, much of the static and entrapment of modern life would fall away.

If we are still enough we will hear the voice of our inner knowing and as Jupiter will turn direct on December 31st, with our newfound knowledge we can build a more solid and stable future (even in the midst of controlled, intentional chaos).

Mars in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces (end November through early December)
managing the heat

While the square of Mars and Saturn was exact on Nov 25th,  the effects of this restriction of energy are still reverberating as the month begins. Additionally, as Mars will be in Sagittarius throughout December into early January 2024, the world will be lit up for some time.

Mars in Sagittarius is highly motivated, optimistic, bullish, or alternatively rash, reckless and intolerant.  Depending on how you express this energy and where it's happening, you may find its square with Saturn to have been a wet blanket on your parade.

Mars is also war and violence and with Sagittarius, there is a cultural or religious tinge to how or why one fights.  Of course, with the tinderbox in the Middle East, this energy can be incendiary.

Saturn will either slow down the proceedings or frustrate attempts at justice (Sag).  In either case, rather than exploding, it would be better to take a step back and assess the situation.

Saturn in Pisces is pointing out that there are victims and/or if Saturn represents the authority figure, that they are inept and lacking in true power.

Both Pisces and Sagittarius energies have a spiritual bent and if one is centered and also aware of their shadow, the presence of these signs could bring wisdom to the situation at hand.  Likewise, Sag has an ecumenical, catholic and multicultural flavor while Pisces can describe the sense of awe and wonder with the beauty of creation.

The planets of Mars and Saturn were traditionally considered malefics - the bad guys of the zodiac - and oftentimes referred to masculine characters.

We can certainly encounter the real life versions of Mars in Sag in rambunctious salesmen or state propagandists while Saturn in Pisces may be represented in disingenuous clergymen or incompetent medical practitioners.

But it is likely that we are none of these examples and as Mars will be very strong over the next five weeks, how can we use the energy to best advantage?

Where is the combustion likely to take place and who/what seems to be stopping you? Once you've integrated or transmuted the doubt, you can move forward with gusto.

ARIES you feel strongly about your political beliefs and yet have some guilt or sense of futility in expressing them
are you on target? if so, push past the fear and express your views

TAURUS - your partner may have some optimistic (or unrealistic) financial goals and  your friends will reflexively advise caution
after some consideration or research, you can potentially get on board with your partner's plans

GEMINI  - you may be interested in travelling or connecting with new people but your work and boss imply you are not serious about the job
are your superior's concerns real or based on their own sense of limitation or conventionality?

CANCER -  you may want to consider alternative therapies for a physical condition, but does your matrix mindset question their validity?

health practices should be based on research and observation, not religious or family conditioning

LEO -  you have some new creative ideas but your partner is not interested in hearing them
unless you are a gambler, your significant other may likely be in a fearful state and your reassurance will probably bring them around

VIRGO - you'd love to make some changes in the home, but your significant other is dragging their feet
determine the source of their concern and it is likely that they will be open to your suggestions in the end

LIBRA - you feel like joining up with a community group who shares your enthusiasm, make sure it doesn't interfere with your work

does this truly interest you or are you just bored with your job?

SCORPIO - you're more interested in making money now rather than art, is this based on real security concerns or "inherited ones"?
you may be having a temporary dry spell but it's likely that you will once again be able to make money from your art

SAGITTARIUS - you've got the travel or education bug but how will this impact your ability to pay the rent?
you may be able to work it out with a bit of practical money management

CAPRICORN - you've got a gnawing itch to break free and explore new ideas but your peers are afraid you won't hold down the fort

this is more based on their seeing you as a father figure than about what you need

AQUARIUS - social media is awash with the latest cause and you wonder if there's something wrong with you for not feeling it

consider if this is really relevant to you or if your energy is better spent elsewhere

PISCES - the news of the day seems to pervade the atmosphere and like Aquarius, you don't seem to be on board

you are redefining yourself now so think bigger picture for yourself rather than fixating on the latest issue

In closing, while we may have to deal with a short delay first, we can get moving on with our plans and visions, particularly if they are a true expression of our beliefs.

Neptune direct in Pisces on Dec 6th
the fog lifts

We are about 3/4 of the way through the Neptune in Pisces transit which began in 2011 and will complete in 2026.  Throughout this time, which seems like an eternity, we have experienced many false prophets fall from grace.  The Neptune in Pisces figure would be a charismatic leader who promises salvation to his followers.  While certainly Trump comes to mind, we have also noted the downfall of previously lauded individuals like the Dalai Lama, Jacinda Arden, Justin Trudeau.

Additionally, environmental, psychic and mental pollution seem to engulf us more and more. (Neptune and Pisces relates to poisoning).  This includes pesticides, nano particles and pharmaceuticals.

On the creative and technology front, we do see more advances in virtual reality, animation and the attempts at an alternate world via the metaverse or it's precursor, Second Life.

While none of these are inherently bad, if not grounded, a person can lose their sense of self and escape from the vagaries of everyday life.

Neptune will usually deliver way less than it promises - it is a chimera.  Yet, it may speak to a desire for transcendence, even in its insufficient form.

On a higher note, Neptune in Pisces compels us to remove boundaries and obstructions and melt into the whole.  Underneath much searching, there is the desire for god and connection to spirit.  All of the outward seeking, when disappointing, will turn us back onto our selves.  

By focusing on the opposite sign, Virgo, we can 'purge" ourselves of unhealthy thoughts, actions and relationships and ground ourselves in the eternal truth of our divine beings.

Neptune stations twice a year, in mid June and early December.  It is a time to dispel illusions and reveal secrets.

What will you gain clarity on in the coming days:

ARIES -  many of your fears were unfounded

TAURUS -some of your friends are not who they seem

GEMINI - realizing your boss has no power (or a substance abuse problem),  your career is disappearing

CANCER - the old religious beliefs cannot explain current reality

LEO - your partner may not have the money you think

VIRGO - a significant other comes clean

LIBRA - you gain some answers re: nagging health concerns

SCORPIO - your creative inspiration will return

SAGITTARIUS - you get a better idea of where you want to live

CAPRICORN -you snap out of a recent depression

AQUARIUS - you figure out ways to make money from your creativity

PISCES - you understand and have compassion for yourself and your journey

Venus in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces 1 degree Dec 6th
Venus opposing Jupiter in Taurus Dec 10th 6 degrees

The personal planets of Mars and Venus are meeting up with their senior counterparts - Saturn and Jupiter - to solidify commitments or amplify desires.

Venus in Scorpio exudes passion and intrigue and when matched with Saturn in Pisces on December 6th can make dreams come true (if in alignment).

Venus shortly afterwards opposes Jupiter in Taurus and this can either amplify feelings or lead to overdoing.

Greed and covetousness can be attributed to Venus in Scorpio so these two parentifying planets will either provide the proper restraint or encourage bad behavior.  Saturn in Pisces may appear as the weak but compassionate authority figure while Jupiter in Taurus encourages "going for it" or "it's yours for the taking".

As always, the level of conscious of the individual will determine whether the energies happening will be positively or negatively experienced.

ARIES - is what I want really good for me or am I just needing a  self-esteem boost?

TAURUS - will my relationship be part of my social life or will they be my own private pleasure
GEMINI - you know you can attract what you want professionally but is this out of a sense of desire or lack?
CANCER -  your creative abilities are high and can lead to a more conscious life provided you are not only out to impress friends on social media
LEO - you are feeling much more secure in your relationship but will this lead to overconfidence at work?
VIRGO -  your words are very compelling right now and you can cement your relationship or rock it with grand pronouncements
LIBRA - you have the Midas touch right now so should you focus on the job at hand or on investments?
SCORPIO - everybody wants to be with you, is it because of your talents or access to powerful people?
SAGITTARIUS - you don't see yourself as a sexpot yet you are quietly confident, don't misuse the moment and overdo it behavior-wise
CAPRICORN - you have a great allure right now online and this can translate into real-world relationships or illusory flirtations
AQUARIUS - people are singing your praises so might be time to solidify work contracts while not overspending at home

PISCES - you have an ethereal glamour that is drawing people to you right now, let it happen without boasting or overpromising

Mercury retrograde into Capricorn Dec 13th - Jan 2nd
Capricorn winter solstice Dec 23rd
speaking like an adult

For the last several years, we have encountered a Mercury retrograde in Capricorn during the holiday season.  Capricorn has an air of propriety about it and we can consider times when things worked according to societal expectations.  

Alas, for good or ill, that is no longer the case.  Those who have been in positions of authority have either misused their influence or failed to change with the times.

The vestige of Capricorn that exists within us is also looking at the way "things should be".  This might even include dismissing one's individuals needs and passions to fulfill the prescribed roles.

When Mercury comes along again and retrogrades in the sign of hierarchy and "shoulds", we might also backtrack and regret or consider plans and actions that are in line with a supposedly normal adult life.  Growing up, this may have meant getting a traditional education, landing a corporate job or marrying a person our parents would approve of.

So at the beginning of the retrograde we may feel the need to "buck up" and get sober about life which might mean eliminating risk and passion and freedom.  But once Mercury dances back into Sag on Dec 24th, we will realize this is somebody else's idea of what we SHOULD do.  

Mercury in Capricorn is asking us to get in touch with our own inner authority voice and it may not look or sound like what was a previous indication of success.

Where does your authority lie?  Or do your lack integrity with an “end justifies the means” mindset. Is this helpful to anyone, even including yourself?

Ideally, even if you backtrack initially into "respectable" thinking, it is likely that you will ultimately redefine a healthy adulthood on your own terms.  Where can this evolution of thought occur?

ARIES - in reconsidering your professional outcomes/successes

TAURUS -  in standing your spiritual integrity

GEMINI - in your ability to work with others

CANCER - in your capacity to manage relationships

LEO - in your mastery of your work

VIRGO -  in your expression of the heart

LIBRA - in your creating a solid home base

SCORPIO - in how you tell your personal story

SAGITTARIUS - in your offering your talents to the world

CAPRICORN - in centering in yourself

AQUARIUS - in your acknowledgement of deeper organizing forces

PISCES - in your alignment with groups

Mars in Sag square Neptune in Pisces exact Dec 28th 24 degrees through into Jan 1st  (continued obfuscation of the truth)  search for justice stymied

Mars is quite active this month.  Early on, we are dealing with the frustrating square to Saturn in Pisces.  At month's end, Mars will square Neptune in Pisces and all of the confidence we gained mid-season may dissipate.  Mars in Sag (impetuous action) could all of a sudden question their motives.  This is a worthwhile, if enervating, pause as we must believe in what we are fighting for.

We may at month's end find our fervor has diminished and we wonder, is anything worth it?  Will my actions lead to any meaningful result?  

They may or may not based on how rigid/righteous one is in their assessment of the situation.  If the impetus comes from political or dogmatic rhetoric as opposed to refined and considered appraisal of a situation, it may not be grounded in truth.  If the action is taken in service to a greater spiritual mission (we can certainly deceive ourselves here - all failed progressive regimes have this in common), it has a better chance of succeeding in the long run (dharmically).

In everyday life, and in consideration of the passing holiday season, we may simply run out of steam and fall into a sense of nostalgia and loss for past years of innocence in the "before times".

It is okay to contemplate and honor the past but it likewise was a chimera of reality if we were not awake to what was really going on.

The last three years have been especially difficult and mournful in recognizing the baleful dysfunction of how governments and people operated in times of trouble. The "before times", pre-covid 2020, are no longer and we will have to heal and repair the breach of trust and security (literal and figurative) that many global citizens lived through.

So, if there is a moment of melancholy it could ultimately be regarding the end of our innocence.

As always, these transits have a meta and a very mundane expression.  In your personal lives, Mars square Neptune may simply provide a pause to see if our dreams and actions match up.

What might be causing some disappointment and/or consternation?

ARIES - the beliefs you've been espousing may not really line up with your true self

TAURUS -are your new personal or business interests supportive of your long-term goals?

GEMINI - will newfound friendships compete with or work against your professional interests?

CANCER - does the work you do really matter in the long run?

LEO - you're wondering if this new romantic or creative interest will disappoint just like the rest

VIRGO - you're gung ho about moving and travelling, will it help or hinder your steady relationship?

LIBRA - new political allegiances may find disfavor at work

SCORPIO -  you are focused on yourself now, is this because of inspiration or concealed disappointment?

SAGITTARIUS - you're back in your body and yet the home situation is murky, will it ever improve?

CAPRICORN - you're sensing new openings to your spirit but it seems those closest to you don't care

AQUARIUS - there's lots of activity on social media now but how will this help your bottom line?

PISCES - there's a renewed interest in your work, but is this even right for you now?

Jupiter direct in Taurus Dec 31st 5 degrees 
best New Year's present of all

While we might be wallowing in the Mars square Neptune aspect at month's end, the universe proffers up a fantastic New Year's gift of Jupiter turning direct in Taurus on the 31st.

Early January then will be a very fortunate time to move forward on generating prosperity or stability.  We may be eager to get back to work right away and take advantage of this supportive energy.

Jupiter in the sign of Taurus is one of it's most useful placements in terms of manifestation and money.  It can also provide the patience to do the necessary work for long-term security.

Where will you feel raring to go as the New Year begins?

ARIES - you've got some new projects to pitch that may lead to more solid financial success

TAURUS  -  you feel like a new person and draw opportunities to you

GEMINI - as everything material starts in the spiritual realm, this will be your lucky card behind the scenes, Jupiter will be in your sign May 2024

CANCER - you'll have more enthusiasm and staying power re: your social media posting

LEO - you may be the first person back to the office on Jan 2nd

VIRGO -you may be booking travel plans as the year begins, the travel bug bites you, alternatively it may be time to write that book

LIBRA - you are more willing to put time into your intimate life - and it will pay off

SCORPIO - if you're looking for more permanence in your relationships, you will find that you and partner are ready to settle down

SAGITTARIUS -your health is improving and you may actually stick with your New Year's exercise regime

CAPRICORN - who says you're not creative?  This is the area you're ready to explore and manifest in

AQUARIUS - you will be approaching home improvement projects with zest and glee

PISCES - if you're gonna write that book or join that board, now is the time to get moving on it

Part of becoming an adult is the ability to face reality and enjoy the independence to take considered actions.  Maturity is also waking up to our self-delusions and fantasies so that we can accurately respond to the environment.  It is understandable to want to escape if all you see of the world are the nightmares presented on the news.  

As mentioned earlier, the means of manipulating our minds and emotions are now highly effective and hence we must remove our attention from the matrix from time to time to simply get a sense of what is intrinsically true.  Truth, goodness and beauty are the way to our transcendence of the limited, fear-based simulacrum that passes for ordinary life.

The reason I solely use nature photos for my newsletters are that this a a true face of god.  Most manmade images will reflect the author's point of view and outside of the great masters, reveal a limited slice of life.  Trees stand strong and in silent dignity as they witness the tragedies and follies of humankind.  A walk in the forest or climb up a mountain, while also personal, will unlock an appreciation of the beauty, complexity and interdependent workings of the divine force.  Astrology is metaphysics in action and we are part of this magnificent universe and can likewise bring love, joy and beauty to those around us by using this tool to its its highest form.

Happy Holidays and best wishes for moving clear-eyed and heart centered into the New Year!