The second half of June was heavily laden with Neptunian stories.  The implosion of the Titan submersible, the devastating sinking of the migrant ship off the coast of Greece and even Madonna's bacterial infection, all speak of the negative power of Neptune. While it is unlikely most of us did not experience the Neptune station in such an intense manner, perhaps we were visited by emotional or spiritual storms.  Once the tides turned (June 30th), the skies clear and we can move forward.

The absence of major planetary stations will hopefully make July a more tranquil month.  Instead, we may be focused on more personal matters and for many, an opportunity for romantic or financial connections, courtesy of Venus retrograde in Leo. Of course, these may include power struggles but that is an ongoing theme in our political culture that is pushing the story of the collective good over the "selfish" intentions of individual choices.    My only caution would be to consider who is pushing that narrative and does it truly benefit mankind or just the powers that be?

But these questions will abound for the next two decades.  In the meantime, for everything there is a season and when it comes to summer, it's the moment to relax and enjoy natural and/or homey experiences.  

Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus July 2nd
flickers of intrigue or conflict

Romantic or financial fireworks arrive with the square of Venus in Leo with Uranus in Taurus over the holiday weekend.   We've already been dealing with challenges to our egos via Pluto in Aquarius opposing both Venus (love and values) and Mars (desire and ambition) the last two months.  In comparison, Uranus sparking Venus may simply awaken a desire for new experiences or even a new flirtation (with a person or idea).

If our views of the world are evolving (almost guaranteed in our Taurus houses) then it is likely our interests are transforming as well.

This can be a delightful rather than painful energy.  Uranian energy is great when we are willing to see and act differently than our standard beliefs.  And even if a temporary separation occurs, it is may be loosening a codependent, identity=based bond.

Where might we enjoy a bit of creative or romantic excitement?  If there is frcition with a loved one, what might that entail?

ARIES -  you're less likely to demand as much from partner as you feel more capable yourself, hence you can be open to a new type of person

TAURUS  - now that you feel more special (and secure)deep down, you can let go of a limiting self image

GEMINI - your ability to communicate your needs may allow you to separate from old fears of abandonment

CANCER - a realization of your self-worth may conflict with how you've presented yourself before to others, relax, there are new people who will take their place

LEO - a newfound sense of self may have you revolt against the restrictions of the job/role

VIRGO  - connecting to the divine may bring on the realization that traditional religious views no longer hold water

LIBRA - finding new friends makes you less dependent on your intimate partner

SCORPIO - career success may reveal cracks in your relationship or conversely that your partner has come on board with your goals 

SAGITTARIUS  - a new spiritual path may cause you to break with your normal routines

CAPRICORN - financial changes may affect a romantic relationship 

AQUARIUS - are you able to give space for your partner to flourish?

PISCES  - better health/routine may bring in different friendships

Compared to major planetary stations, this is a minor astrology transit.  However, because the Leo archetype has been more emphasized these past few months and will continue with Venus retro in Leo, the issues brought up may be worth paying attention to.  And likewise, the real changes are due to the reevaluation of your beliefs and life purpose so the superficial conflicts or flirtations may belie more permanent transitions in the years ahead.

Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces July 15th 22 degrees
dreams of comfort and acceptance/family

It's been a rough year and we could all use some downtime to recuperate and
reset our lives.  Thankfully, the water planets in a fortuitous trine aspect may oblige.

The Sun in Cancer brings out our nurturing side while Neptune in Pisces allows us to see the best in others.  Let's absorb this energy mid-month and do what vacations allow - a chance to step out of the rat race and connect with our human emotional side.

Where might you most benefit from this positive emotional boost?

ARIES  - thinking about your family brings gratitude for their resilience and sacrifices

TAURUS - touching base with childhood friends renews your sense of possibility and community

GEMINI - you realize that generosity of spirit is good for business

CANCER - taking care of yourself also benefits the whole

LEO  - considering the far past bring greater appreciation to your current bonds

VIRGO - when you and your partner are on the same page of re: the future, it's a very comforting feeling

LIBRA -  your diplomacy skills are appreciated even more in the current workplace

SCORPIO - having a compassionate mind allows for greater creative expression

SAGITTARIUS  - caring for a partner may dissipate childhood wounds

CAPRICORN - giving the benefit of the doubt brings peace to your everyday surroundings

AQUARIUS  - taking care of your health improves your creativity and bottom line

PISCES  - it's easy to give to others, it's also helpful to receive love in kind

Nodes into Aries/Libra July 17th
self development vs. socially accepted norms

A recurring but spiritually significant astrological transit is that of the Nodes of karma and dharma moving through a particular sign pair.  The North Node reveals new connections and awakenings while South Node is correlated with letting go of contacts and attachments.  During the Taurus/Scorpio polarity of     the last 18 months, we would have been dealing with issues concerning finance, business connections, sexual alliances and security on the emotional and sexual planes.

Beginning on July 17th, the sign polarity shifts into Aries/Libra and we will now be contending with issues of independence and codependence, freedom vs. collaboration. The South Node in Libra will cleanse us of unproductive or completed relationships while The North node in Aries will inspire us to go our own way or take a risk on a new adventure.

And like every nodal transit, these follow an approximate 19 year cycle so we were last here in the years 2005 - 2006.

Another interesting fact about the nodal axis is that is also closely correlates with eclipse cycles as well and this fall, with the exception of one straggling Scorpio eclipse,  we will experience a new series of eclipses in Aries/Libra.

We all have Aries and Libra houses so this is where the energy will play out based on your sun or rising sign:

ARIES - the focus should now be on self development, independent identity
while it's time to release superficial or stagnant relationships/friendships

TAURUS - you may benefit from doing a spiritual deep dive into your past
while letting go of perfectionism and overly strict behaviors

GEMINI - consider engaging  with new social groups
while releasing  the tendency to baby/enable intimate partners

CANCER - more time and energy should be directed with career
while you worry less about what your family thinks

LEO -  opening to new cultural or political ideas is recommended
while it's time to stop following the consensus reality narrative

VIRGO - it's time to open up to more exciting romantic encounters
and put away  limiting beliefs about self

LIBRA - try  engaging with new and different people  
and don't be so stubborn about exact reciprocity

SCORPIO - it's time to begin  exploring new lifestyle choices 
while letting go of continued skepticism, trust issues

SAGITTARIUS - romantic or creative endeavors are encouraged
while you should  concern yourself less about what others think

CAPRICORN -  initiate a new chapter in your home life and
let go of attachments to professional acceptance or the status quo

AQUARIUS - open up  your thinking process and release rigid ideologies  

PISCES - focus on your potential rather than that of others

A brilliant and expansive solar eclipse in Aries on April 29th heralded the coming of this more intensive learning curve.  So if you were impelled to make a decision in favor of the new, you may be able to move forward or see the fruits of your labor to date.  

In the coming 18 months, those people or situations that allow more personal freedom of expression are those who are worthy of your attention while the complacent tried and true associations may need to move on.

Venus retrograde in Leo July 23rd - Sept 4th
connecting with the inner and outer queen

The Venus in retrograde transit this summer will present many opportunities for romance, drama, excitement as well as bruised egos or the release of an old self image.

Do people see us clearly?  Do we attract what we currently value or what we used to think was important?

As Leo relates to our ego presentation, are we accurately revealing our true persona or an orchestrated one?

If we are seeking an equal who is honest and true, we must likewise operate in our integrity.  Venus retrograde will provide the opportunity to set the record straight.

AS retrogrades bring people and situations back into our lives, it is an important time to take stock of what we have attracted in the past or what can we change to draw in the appropriate attention and consideration?

On a positive note, This period is a perfect time to reach out or hear from potential partners, clients, business associates or creative/artistic types, particularly if these people are "stars" in their respective field.  Those in the entertainment business can truly attract the clients of their dreams at this time, if both parties are in alignment.

Where might you attract your own star?

ARIES - a lover of a high caliber

TAURUS - while spending time with family (a family friend)

GEMINI - while hanging out in the neighbor, or through a relative
CANCER - while taking care of business, plying your trade

LEO - while enjoying your birthday month

VIRGO - while on a spiritual retreat or quiet spot

LIBRA - through social media or like-minded groups

SCORPIO - at work, impressing those with your professional skills

SAGITTARIUS - while travelling or taking a course

CAPRICORN - a few lovers may vie for your attention

AQUARIUS - your partner is intent on pleasing you

PISCES - you can meet someone on your daily rounds or at the gym

Yes, when it comes to Venus, the house location it is transitting (similar to its house placement in your birth chart) may suggest where and when (transits) you may connect with a love interest, creative collaborator or financial assistance.  But regardless of these timelines, in all cases, extending love to ourselves is the most effective way to eventually call in the right match.  So as always, it's an inside job and if we do the work, the universe will respond in kind.